Chapter 39

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It's hot. Like really hot. I'm sat in the courtroom with all our friends next to Sweet Pea and Reggie listing to some woman talk
"Ladies and gentleman of the jury the evidence and testimony that was presented in this court tell a dark story..." she goes on about how Archie is such a violent person bringing up the gun in Pea and I's face "... he is also a cold blooded killer"
"I gotta go pee" I say sighing. I quickly and quietly get up
"Miss where are you going"
"To the toilet?" I say more as a question
"You can't get up and leave during court"
"I'm pregnant and I need a wee so I can either go in the bathroom or I can go here but either way I can't hold it"
"Babe" Pea says as if to tell me to stop before I get into trouble
"Fine but she can't come back in"
"You want me to come with you?" Pea asks
"'No you stay. I'll wait outside the doors for you" I walk out and go straight to the toilet then sit on a seat waiting for the doors to open, I go on my phone and smile at the photo of the sonogram I had a few weeks back.

Finally they start coming out and Pea goes over to get some water while Cheryl and Toni sit next to me
"So what's it looking like?"
"I don't know. Have you got any idea on how to protect him if he ends up in Shankshaw?" Toni asks
"I phoned War Baby. Serpents got his back in there" Pea walks over with a cup of water and hands it to me "thanks"
"Are you feeling ok? It's really warm in there"
"Yeah I'm fine" Pea leans down and kisses me
"So when are you guys going to tie the knot?" Cheryl asks
"Not yet. Let's get Archie's trial out of the way then the birth then we can think about it"
"You sure? I mean we could just get married now"
"Wait are you being serious?" I ask Pea
"Yeah. We could turn Sweetwater into a wedding reception, Fangs could do that online course and stuff"
"Babe I mean that's great but we don't have the money for a wedding what about the dress and tux?"
"Princess I just want to marry you. I don't care if we get married in our jackets. I just want you to be my wife" Sweet Pea cups my face but before he kisses me we're interrupted
"Hey Sweet Pea come on we're ready to start again. El are you coming or staying here?" I honestly thought Josie and I had moved on from trying to get Peas attention but since they had a fling over summer she's been all over him. Reggie comes over
"Guys come on" he says nodding towards the door. I stand up and take Sweet Peas hand. We find our seats once again and sit down
"The jury is still deliberating but I've dismissed them" the judge starts "they're sequestered and I've instructed them not to read anything about this case nor to discuss it with anyone. We will reconvene Tuesday morning after Labor Day. My advice to you young man is to spend this weekend with your family and loved ones that's all"
"What? Is this even allowed?" I ask
"Unfortunately yes if they haven't come up with a verdict" Josie says
"No matter what happens El Serpents have his back"
"I know I know it's just with the Ghoulies out for our blood and now this I..."
"Shhh you need to stay calm" Pea says rubbing my arm
"Maybe you shouldn't come Tuesday stay home and chill"
"Yeah because I'll be able to do that won't I Josie" I roll my eyes
"Hey come on now don't snap at her for trying to help you stay calm" Pea gives me a look
"Trying to keep me calm. Yeah right she just wants you all to herself can't you see that?" I stand up and walk out of the court room annoyed
"Look I know this summer has been hard for you but..."
"You have no idea Pea. I passed out Pea, taken to hospital. Found out I have preeclampsia, I could loose this baby at any point Pea and I hate myself for that. While I was dealing with this you broke up with me because you thought it would help me when in fact it made it 10x worse for me, but to top it all off you were kissing and having sex with Josie to, as you say take your mind off me, and now you say you've broke it off but she just wants to be around you all the time, she wants to get you on your own and you don't see that" I stop my rant and feel lightheaded. I put my hand to my head and stumble back a bit
"Woah Princess" Pea catches me and sits me down on a chair "I'm sorry I've put you through all that and I promise you it's you and only you. Josie meant nothing, she's just a friend and if she ever over steps her boundaries I will tell her. If you ever feel uncomfortable tell me. I love you Ella" I hug Peas waist "come on let's go home" I nod and stand up
"I'm sorry for snapping"
"It's ok. Hey Josie, Reg I'm taking Ella home"
"Bye guys" Reggie says. I wave bye. Pea and I get in his truck
"I'm such a bitch"
"No your not. Your a pregnant woman who's fiancé is an idiot sometimes" I chuckle.

We get back to Sweetwater where we're currently sleeping. Thankfully a couple trailers survived riot night and we were able to bring them here which I'm very grateful for, I don't think I would manage sleeping in a tent while pregnant. Once we arrive we get out the truck and Pea takes off the shirt he was wearing earlier. We get into our trailer and I take a nap while Sweet Pea goes to talk to Jughead about what to do about the whole Ghoulie situation. After my nap I go and find the boys in a tent
"Hey" I say
"Hey sis. Sweet Pea told us what happened earlier are you ok?"
"Yeah just need to chill the fuck out" I laugh "so what's the plan?"
"El you don't need to..."
"Jug I may not be the leader but Im second in command so I deserve to know especially when it effects me"
"Your right" the boys get out the tent and we start walking over to the others
"We know Hiram took over the Southside 'cause he's colluding with the Ghoulies, but I need to know what he's up to exactly"
"Fangs is one of the best to find out information. I say send him to find where the Ghoulies are" I say. Jug sighs thinking
"Alright. Fangs your up I need you to find the Ghoulies new lair ok? If you see them don't engage with them this is just a recon mission. Can't risk another gang war. Ella for now your not being left alone. I don't want Malachai to catch wind that your even more vulnerable that you already were. Pea if you have to I want you take take Ella away"
"But it's not going to come to that, at least not yet" I say. We walk over to see dad giving Archie his Serpent tattoo
"Hey come have a look" I go over to see his work of art
"Might just be your best one yet dad. So Arch you going to do the dance?" I raise my eyebrows
"The what?"
"The Serpent dance" I wink at him "it's not everyday a Serpent is allowed in without doing the trails" I fold my arms leaning on Pea
"He's got enough to deal with" Jug chuckles
"I'm hungry let's go get some grub" I say "Archie if you end up... ya know. Stick with War Baby k?"
"Yes boss" I smile, Pea, Fangs and I walk off to get some food.

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