Chapter 53

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The next morning I'm doing my shift at Pop's. Jug, Betty, Archie and Veronica are sat in a booth catching Archie up on what's been going on in Riverdale while he's been away. The bell dings letting me know someone has walked in. I look up to see Toni, Cheryl and Sweet Pea walk in and sit behind the others. I walk over to them
"Hey guys I'm guessing you will all want your usual"
"Could I have mine with an extra cherry" Cheryl asks
"Of course. Anything else?"
"A kiss before you go?" Pea asks smirking. I smile and lean down "can I have some fries as well?"
"Sure I'll bring them over in a bit" I go to walk away but hear Veronica talking about the Serpents
"I've hired the Serpents as my full time protection" I turn to look at the 4
"And that extends to you Archie. You don't have to worry about Hiram and his goons coming after you or your dad"
"We've got guys watching you. You won't see them but they're there" Jug says
"Your important to the Jones twins so keeping you alive and safe is important to us" Pea says "Plus we have a possible lead that could diffuse this threat permanently"
"What are you on about?" Betty asks Jug who looks at me. I nod my head
"Jug will fill you in, I've got to get back to work" I smile and walk off I give the order to Pop.


My phone beeps, it's jughead telling me in secret codes to go to the bunker
"Babe" I call
"Yeah?" Sweet Pea walks out the bathroom with a towel around him
"Jug just text about Fangs. I've got to go but I'll be back later" we decided that the less people who meet up with Fangs and goes to the bunker the better. As much as Pea wants to come he knows it's best he doesn't
"Ok. Let me know how he is"
"I will don't worry" I kiss Pea and head out hopping on my motorcycle. I leave it at the edge of the woods then walk in knowing exactly where to go to get to the secret bunker.

Finally when I arrive I climb down to see Fangs and Jughead already sat down. I run up to Fangs and hug him
"Hey. How are you?" I ask
"I'm good. How are you, Sweet Pea and Ad?"
"We're good. Ad should be coming home soon. Sweet Pea misses his best friend"
"I miss him too but I should be back soon. I'm in"
"Tell me everything. What happened?" Jug asks
"The Gargoyle King. The others told me that he's impressed by my fizzle rocks sales so he wants to invite me into his inner circle. They're having a ceremony tomorrow night. He'll be there" Jughead starts smiling then claps
"Fangs this is huge"
"Where's it happing?" I ask
"A clearing in Fox Forest not to far from here. What do you guys want me to do?"
"I want you to go" Jug says
"But don't worry because you'll have back up" I say smiling "just do me a favour and don't drink any blue fresh aide. We really don't need you to almost die again" Fangs chuckles
"I won't. Besides I need to be around for your wedding. Have you decided when it will be?"
"As soon as Ad is out of hospital. Fangs can I ask you something?"
"Oh no your not gonna ask me to be a maid of honour or bridesmaid are you, I know I like boys as well as girls but I'm not into that kind of thing"
"No" I laugh "I was gonna ask if you want to officiate the wedding"
"Pea and I aren't the most traditional people are we, I mean look we have been dating what a year and a half? And we're only 17 with a baby. Most people wait until there late 20s to get married then they have the babies. So we decided we don't need a big fancy white wedding, we just want to get married to each other even if that means wearing our Serpent jackets. So please Fangs will you do this for us?"
"Of course I will, but who's going to be Sweet Peas best man? It's not going to be Jughead because Sweet Pea has only just started to kinda like him, no offence"
"None taken" Jughead leans back in his chair
"Like I said we're not very traditional. I don't think we're going to have bridesmaids, maid of honour and best man" I shrug "maybe one day in the future we will renew our vows and have more of a traditional wedding but for now this will be just fine"


The next night Sweet Pea, Jagger, Dad, Jug, myself and other Serpents head into the woods. We see some Gargoyles in their masks carrying what looks to be guns. Dad and Jug hit them on the back of the head and they fall down, we walk through the clearing, we see a fire and someone about to poke Fangs with a hot spike
"Now" Jug shouts, we all run towards the fire causing the Gargoyles to scatter
"Sweet Pea get Fangs" I shout hitting someone on the head. Jug and Dad run towards the Gargoyle King, Jug rips off his mask making us all shocked
"Tall Boy?" Dad asks confused as we all stare at the man who betrayed us. I put a bag over his head
"You know where to take him" I say looking at Sweet Pea and Fangs


"We all thought you were dead Tall boy" I say looking at him tied up to a chair with a beaten up face. I'm stood between Pea and Fangs while Jagger stands behind Tall Boy with his arms folded. Jug and dad are stood slightly in front of us
"Where you been hiding?" Dad asks taking off his jacket as Tall Boy spits blood on to the floor
"A small town called Athens but I gotta say, It's good to be back. I heard the Princess and the Pea had their baby maybe I should stop at the hospital to see the little thing" I walk up to him and slap him but it just causes him to smirk "oh and Alice Cooper was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys broke into her house and scared the crap outa her and that bitch daughter of hers. That was fun" this time is Jughead to step forward and punch Tall Boy
"Alright let's cut to the chase" I say folding my arms
"We know your working for Hiram. You've been dressing up in that little costume like his mascot so now you are gonna help us take him down" Jughead says
"You know what else was fun? Carving that symbol on Joaquin's forehead after I killed him"
"Your dead"
"You son of a bitch"
"You fucking bastard" Pea, Fangs and I yell all at the same time trying to get to Tall Boy. Dad, Jug and Jagger having a hard time keeping us back
"I'm gonna kill him" Pea shouts as Jug lets go, Dad and Jagger holding us back
"He killed Joaquin"
"Let me go Dad I'm gonna carve the same fucking symbol on his head only this time he will be alive"
"What do you think Tall Boy, huh? Should I let them tear you limb from limb" Jug says crouching while we're still trying to get to Tall Boy
"Calm down" dad yells, I rip my arm away from him and stare at Tall Boy
"So are you gonna help us get to Hiram? You have access to him"
"The man in black would never agree to meet with me not unless I have something he really wants"
"Fuck you" I yell
"El go" Jug says
"What? No no way. He killed Joaquin, he killed one of my best friends"
"He betrayed you but you still care about him. Why? He stabbed Archie, nearly killed him and you forgave him"
"We didn't forgive him I promise you that, but you know what it's like in that place. Kill or be killed he did what he had to do to survive but you.... this isn't the first time you've betrayed us. First you wanted the Serpents to join the Ghoulies, even after you knew what he did to me but you didn't give a damn. You sold drugs behind our back and now you killed one of our best friends. Your gonna pay for that one way or anther"
"Ella go please" Jug begs me again "I need you to keep the other Serpents under control while I deal with this"
"Fine but listen here Tall Boy, if you don't do what my brother asks. I will kill you and that's a promise" I push Jug out the way and slap Tall Boy one more time before walking out of the bunker.

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