Chapter 5

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"And the raining pool champion is Sweet Pea" I roll my eyes
"Don't get cockie now" I laugh
"You've got to be kidding me" I look in the direction of Fangs' gaze
"Joaquin you best have a damn good reason why you've let three Northsiders in here"
"He was jumped last night" Archie says pointing to one of the other guys he came in with
"And you think one of my Serpents did it hum?"
"We're just looking to see if he can recognise anyone and if so we don't want trouble"
"Fine. No cops I'll deal with it. Go play pool or something" I nod towards the pool table "Sweet Pea Fangs. Go help Toni with the shipment" I say getting them out of the way. I keep my eye on them until Archie moves over to a Serpent
"Woah there. You got a death wish" I say walking up to Archie
"Archie back off" Joaquin says
"What the hell is this" Mustang spits
"You like beating up teenagers"
"Archie enough" I say standing in between Archie and Mustang
"This isn't the first time one of you bulldogs come in here looking for trouble" out of no where Mustang pushes me to the side and grabs Archie and throws him in the table
"ENOUGH" I yell
"Mustang let him go" my dad says coming down the stairs "I'll take care of this" dad says waking off. I follow them
"What the hell Archie"
"What were you thinking boy?"
"We're looking for the thugs that trashed my dads equipment"
"And he thought it was one of us" I scowl at Archie
"Wait are you Serpents?"
"El go back inside. Make sure it's calm in there" I fold my arms following my dads orders
"Who was that?" Mustang comes over to me
"Dads dealing with it chill" I go over to the bar and get another drink.


I'm cleaning up the trailer while dads sat drinking. Again. The door opens with Jughead and a girl I feel is familiar
"Jughead what are you doing here?"
"Dad Ella this is Betty Cooper" ahhhh Betty. She lived opposite Archie, I remember seeing her but never really interacting with her
"Betty this is my Dad and sister Ella"
"Hi it's nice to meet you both officially" Betty shakes dads hand then mine
"And you errm. Why don't you guys sit down?" He says moving some pillows about
"I was in the middle of cleaning up"
"This isn't really a social call" Jug says
"No. I didn't think it would be after Archie showed up at the bar"
"We know the Serpents had some kind of drug thing going on with Jason Blossom" I carry on collecting glasses
"What?" Dad looks confused "where did you hear that?"
"Jason's girlfriend"
"My sister" Betty says I drop a glass on the floor
"Shit" I say under my breath as dad sighs
"Ella come"
"He needed money I don't know to get away" I say sitting down
"Clean cut kid like that no ones gonna suspect him of running so we helped him... he helped us"
"Jeez did you tell the cops"
"What do you think? I've been arrested more times than you've probably had milkshakes. I'm treading on thin ice right now so no. But if what your getting at is did I kill him? Or did dad kill him? No. We just gave him the drugs and he sold them"
"Well Pollys told the cops. If they haven't been by yet they will be"
"Damn it"
"Did you ever speak to Jason? Personally?"
"I did. He was nice, scared to do the deal. Then he disappeared, we just assumed he took off with the drugs...... he didn't deserve what happened to him" I say sighing
"Anything else you wanna ask?" Dad says raising his eyebrows
"Did you have anything to do with Jason Blossoms death?" Jughead looks at both of us
"Like I said before no" I get up off the couch and carry on cleaning up
"You really think I could do that?" Dad asks hurt
"I think it's best you both leave" I say
"I'm not a perfect farther Jughead. No getting around that. But I'm no killer" they both walk out
"Hey are you ok?" I ask dad
"Yeah. I'm just going to go to bed. Goodnight Princess"
"Goodnight dad" I watch him leave for his room continuing to clean up the trailer.

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