Chapter 13

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Finally we are able to leave the station
"I'm freezing" I rub my arms up and down to try and keep warm. Sweet Pea pulls me in to his chest
"Your gonna get a cold being in those wet clothes"
"How fucked is that"
"Come on Princess lets get you warmed up"
"And which way are we going to do that. The exciting pleasurable way or the boring way?"
"How about we turn the boring way into the exciting way" I wrap my arms around Sweet Peas neck as he holds my waist
"I like that idea" I go on my tip toes to kiss him.

"Ok so we will go at night with the pipe bomb" Fangs tells us his plan about blowing up the registry, I'm sat at the table with Sweet Pea stood behind me leaning over to look at the plans
"Sweet Pea take care of this"
"Nice article your girlfriends mom wrote"
"I saw that" I look up from Fangs over to Jughead "Dilton Doiley said he's was stabbed and you jumped him"
"Yeah the idiot stabbed himself with his own knife didn't he Princess"
"You were there" Jughead looks at me cross "and you let her go?" He looks at Sweet Pea
"She stayed on my bike away from it all don't worry. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. Oh and you see this" Sweet Pea points at his black eye "Andrews gave it to me before his girlfriend shot a gun into the air"
"What happened?"
"And of course Northsiders get off scott free. The rest of us are hauled in by police"
"El does dad no?"
"No and he doesn't need to know either"
"It's payback time" Pea says
"What are you guys talking about? Is that a pipe boom?"
"Fogarty's cousin served in the army he's going to build us something" Sweet Pea says as Jughead looks at me disappointed
"El you can't be serious, letting them talk about this"
"Honestly Jug I'm just as sick and tired as these guys. Remember I grew up here while you were swanning it with the privileged kids"
"What about Archie, Fred and Betty?"
"Archie made his choice sticking a gun in my face. Fred I'll always be thankful for and Betty well hate to break it to you Jug but I really couldn't care"
"So what? Your just gonna blow up a building?"
"We'll do it after hours. It will shut the Riverdale Register down once and for all" Fangs says as I sigh
"And you think doing this will make things better?" Jughead yells
"It can't get any worse" I yell back
"Yes yes it can El. What would dad think?"
"Dads not here right now because the Northsiders framed him for murder then we find out a damn Northsider payed him to do a job" I yell in Jugs face
"Just let me talk to Archie figure this out" Jug sighs and I stand up
"That's your answer for everything. Talk and more talk" I get up to his face
"El don't"
"Whatever Jughead. We don't even know who you stand with" I spit
"You can't be half a Serpent. Your either with us or them. El let's go" I walk away from my brother and to Sweet Pea, he puts his arm around my shoulder and we walk over to his bike. I get on the back and wrap my arms around him.

We all end up at the Whyte Wyrm.
Sweet Pea, Fangs, Tall Boy and I are playing pool
"I think this Northsider is lost" I look over to where Sweet Pea is looking to see Jughead finally wearing his Serpent jacket while Sweet Pea has his arms around me
"I'm not. I'm over being half a Serpent" I smile at him
"Wow you'll do anything to protect your Northside buddies"
"Pea" I turn around and raise me eyebrows looking up at him
"My father was a Serpent. He led you. I wanna stand with you guys. Tall Boy and Princess were the ones who gave me this jacket, it's time I finally start wearing it"
"So, now you want to be a Serpent huh? Let's see if you survive the initiation first" we get back to our game as Jughead walks out.

"So the beast is the dog" Jughead says sat on the couch while I'm stroking Hot Dog
"Yup. I had to do it"
"And did they break into the trailer while you were sleeping?"
"No. And anyway they didn't break in, I let them in" Jug and I laugh, I know I don't always get on with my brother but there are times when we can act like a family
"Can you and Toni help me with the laws later?"
"Sure" the sound of a motorcycle is heard from outside, I look out the window to see Sweet Pea
"Catch you later Juggie" I grab my bag as I go to walk out
"Are you and Sweet Pea for real? Like do you both actually like each other? I just don't want you getting hurt"
"I'm in it for real and I think he is, he asked me to officially be his girlfriend the other day and I said yes"
"Just be carful"
"I always am" I shut the door behind me and kiss Sweet Pea before getting on the bike.

"I can't do this anymore I've told you"
"Then you'll fail English and have to redo all of the school year"
"No I'll get help somewhere else"
"Come on this is easier, for the both of us"
"Your disgusting"
"Me? Your the one sleeping with your teacher for grades" he yells at me
"Because you made me feel like I had no other choice" I yell back
"You tell anyone about this and your dead"

"El?" Toni puts her hand on my shoulder
"Huh? Sorry I just spaced out where were we?"
"Well at the same place we were before, him stressing" she says pointing to Jughead
"Do you know any?" I sigh
"A Serpent never shows cowardice. Err if a Serpent is killed of imprisoned their family is taken care of. Serpents uhh"
"Come on focus" I slightly raise my voice
"You need to take this seriously" Toni says
"I am guys I swear to god I am it's just, first the beast now these laws"
"Hey I had to do it" I lean back in my chair smiling as my phone goes off

From Sweets
Me and Fangs are going to the Whyte Wyrm you wanna join?

To Sweets
Yeah I'll walk down

"Why the change of heart anyway? Why go from conscientious objector to full fledged member?" Toni says as I stand up
"Hey I'm gonna shoot I'll see you guys later". I walk out the trailer hearing Jug groan at the laws.

"What is the fourth law?" Tall Boy shouts at my brother. I'm sat with Sweet Pea on the pool table watching it all go down
"No Serpent left for dead" Jug shouts back
"What is the Fifth law?"
"A Serpent never betrays his own"
"And what is the sixth law?"
"In unity there is strength" we all repeat back to Jughead, it goes silent
"Now it's time for the next level. Retrieve the knife" Tall Boy says as Sweet Pea and I jump off the pool table and walk over to the snake tank taking the cover off. Jug head looks scared, he looks over at me and I nod my head. He walks over and puts his hand in, the snake bites him and he winces in pain but pulls out the knife. I walk over to him with a first aid kit
"A rattlesnake El. A rattlesnake bit me and drew blood" I roll my eyes
"You'll be fine" I chuckle
"It's had it's venom gland removed. The important thing is you showed no fear" Toni puts a hand on his shoulder
"She's right Jug and you remembered all the laws. Your almost a Serpent now"

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