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Is that even right?

I don't even care, you all know what I'm talking about. But before I go any further, I must make this statement: ADOPTED BY YOUTUBERS IS KINDA CLICHÉ, BUT ITS NOT THE ONES I WILL BE TALKING ABOUT. There now that I got that off my chest, I can begin.

The cliché I'm talking about is the one where the girl meets the boy, they hate each other, they get stuck in some random situation, then they fall in love...


There are so many forms of that it's not even funny. I honestly don't get how you are able to write a plot like that, no matter how over used it is! I would understand if their book had some weird twist in it, like the guy is a alien or he's actually a time traveler, but none of them are like that! I was so tempted to make a book called Clichéd and have it be every major cliché out there, but guess what? THOSE BOOKS ALREADY EXIST!


I think that we should be able to put some sort of copyright on our idead, so that the same idea isn't used billions of times. Now I understand that adopted by YouTubers is a cliché, but I tried to make it different. I tried, and it kinda worked out...

Ok, now that I'm done with that, let's talk about those weird BoyxBoy stories :D

Lol every single one of them is weird... Every single one...

Since I'm a guy, I never understood those weird fanfics, but maybe it's like some weird fetish that girls have.... Justin BieberxHarry Styles...

Ok I guess there are some guys who like stuff like that, but it's more expected from a fangirl, more then a guy... That sounds really sexist... But it's kinda true...

Back to the original point, if you are going to make a cliché fan fic, try and make it different. Please! Nothing is more annoying then a over used idea, especially if it's not well made. To be honest I don't care if it's well written or not, it's the idea is what makes me mad.

Know I know, most of you are our there like: "but DJUnicorn adopted by YouTubers is a cliché also! You're such a hypocrite!"

And to that i would say: "yes, you are right. There is a reason why I'm not making a second one. It's because after I finished the first one, I realized how over used the idea was, and I decided to stop. Sure it got me 1,000's of votes and reads, but it's not about the numbers, it's about enjoying what you do, and entertaining peeps.

That's why we are here right?

What is the answer to life?



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