Evil Forces

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"Where did this idiot drag you off to?" Jin asked when Jimin returned with Namjoon in tow. Namjoon growled at Jin teasingly and Jin just laughed, patting his cheek before forcing him down.

"Ah, Namjoon just wanted to check in and see my progress with my wings." Jimin replied easily. He'll reveal what he and Namjoon found out one by one. All at once might be too messy.

Later that night, when Jimin was lying in bed, he played with the light, turning it on and off, and trying to see if he could do anything else with it. He hovered the light over a scratch he had gotten from their resident stray cat and watched as the skin fused.

Bean hopped towards his hands, eyeing the soft pink glow in interest before curling into a ball in Jimin's hands. Jimin giggled. "Seems you like it a lot Bean." The only response he got was a quiet huff.

The door opened and Jimin quickly turned the glow off. It was Yoongi, who had come back from a meeting with his dad to talk about, "kingdom things".

"Did you wash up already?" Yoongi asked, approaching him to try and kiss him. Jimin poked his forehead, stopping his lips from coming in contact. "Wash up first, then you can kiss me all you want." Yoongi rolled his eyes but smiled.

"You're gonna be like that Huh?" Yoongi smacked Jimin's ass lightly, making the fairy giggle and wiggle away. "Go on go on, I'll be waiting~," Yoongi snorted before heading towards the bathroom and closing the door.


A dark figure hurried up the steps, a scroll clutched in its sweaty hands as it made its way up ruined cobblestone steps. They turned a corner and pushed a door open, running in before collapsing into a deep bow and holding the scroll in front of him.

"My lord, the information you requested." A long pale hand, devoid of any signs of blood reached out from the shadows, curling around the scroll before taking it.

A few moments passed as the figure in the shadows read the scrolls, a long finger stroking what appeared to be a grotesque mix between a snake and a bat. Finally the figure moved, a chuckle escaping his lips as he leaned foreword, and tossed what seemed to be a small vial towards the figure crouching at the ground. They caught it, which revealed a young woman, with white hair and a beautiful face, but an ugly smirk.

"Excellent Valencia." The figure murmured, a wide grinned crossing their face which revealed a set of ugly teeth. "Perfect. Tell our dear Alyssa that we need her to make a quick trip tomorrow."

Valencia lifts her head up. "Apologies my lord, but Alyssa refuses to go back to her previous home. Says she wishes to stay in her room for a few days." The man's face twists into an unpleasant grimace. "Tell her there will be consequences. I trust you, Valencia, that you know what to do." The woman nodded, an evil smile flitting across her face. "Of course my lord."

Valencia is dismissed with a flick of the mans hand and she scurries away. She runs along the empty courtyard, going up another set of cobblestone steps to a hallway with an array of room.

All of them were occupied people with various purposes in store for them.

Stopping at a door marked with a 3, Valencia rapped sharply on the door with her knuckles. A shuffling and a yelp could be heard, before the door creaked open and Alyssa peered out wearily. Valencia kicked the door open, making the girl stumble back.

"The lord is disappointed in you, ya know?" Valencia sneered, and Alyssa froze before she begun to tremble. "He heard you refused to help at all even though you were so graciously provided shelter and food. You should be more grateful." When Alyssa didn't answer, she strode over to stomp on his hand. Reeling back, Alyssa sobbed and cradled her hand to her chest.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She cried. "I'm sorry I disappointed the lord, I'll do anything to make him happy!" Valencia smirked. "That's more like it." Alyssa shifted uneasily with Valencia's beady black eyes stared at her.

She tossed a piece of paper to Alyssa, who caught it with her uninjured hand. "Read it." Unravelling it, Alyssa looked at the contents before her eyes widened. "This-," Valencia cut her off. "No questions. I expect you to be back in three days."

Without any objections, Valencia sweeped out of the room, leaving the trembling figure behind her.


Jimin isn't sure what possessed him to take a walk at night, but he left Yoongi sleeping quietly on their bed to slip on his robe and leave the room.

He'd be back soon enough anyways.

He slipped quietly out of the castle, nodding at the guards to tell them he's fine. He wouldn't like them tailing the entire time he took his walk.

He came upon the pond that was in a small secluded area, someplace Jimin liked to go when he couldn't sleep. Sitting down on one of the rocks, he watched as ducks and their duckling frolicked in the water, shaking their plumage or diving down to the bottom of the pond.

It was peaceful, serene with the moon out and clear less skies. It was peaceful, until suddenly, it wasn't.

He heard a snap, and almost immediately, the ducks fled, frantic flapping as they dove into the bushes. Jimin himself shot straight up, watching the plants around him wearily as he shifted from one foot to another. After a few minutes of nothing happening, Jimin's heart slowed down.

Maybe it was an animal?

He wound his robe around him even tighter and prepared to head back, but before he could, he heard another snap, this time closer.

Jimin barely has time to react before he feels something sharp stab into his neck. Immediately, he starts to feel lightheaded, and the last thing he sees before he passes out, is Alyssa.



Just curious, since this book is approaching the end, what kind of tropes would you like to see me explore next?

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to like and comment! ❤️

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