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Jimin woke up with a start when he hears the bells clanging loudly, echoing their noise throughout the entire castle. He flings himself off the bed and patters quickly to the windows, drawing the curtains out of the way and opening the panes of glass.

He sees the soldiers coming back from the attack, successful, if the number of people they brought back was any indication. Suppressing a wiggle of excitement, Jimin ran towards the door, picking up a robe along the way.

He shoved his arms into the holes and sprinted down the hallway, taking care to avoid maids and servants who startled when he raced past them.

He tied the string around his waist just in time before he arrived at the gates. Already, there were people gathered around the returning soldiers. The council was there too, and one was talking animatedly with Jungkook.

Jimin looked around, trying to find that person that he wanted to see again so bad. He jumps and lets out a squeak when he feels large hands sneaking around his waist. Looking back, he comes eye to eye with Yoongi smirking face, tired, but still with a sparkle of mischief in him.

"Yoonie!" Jimin giggled, before proceeding to attack Yoongi's face with kisses, Yoongi's arms coming to lift Jimin up.

Resting his face into Yoongi's neck, Jimin breathed in Yoongi's scent. He didn't like it. Too much of a metallic scent, sharp and not pleasant.

"Take a shower." Jimin grumbled, Yoongi sniggering when he heard that. "What, too stinky?" Jimin shook his head and winced when the iron smell of blood entered his nose again. "You smell like blood and iron." Yoongi paused.

"Right. Fairies are weak to iron." Jimin nodded, turning his head away. Putting Jimin down, Yoongi waved to Jungkook before pointing to Jimin to signal that he was leaving. Jungkook barely was able gave him an okay sign, since he himself was full with Taehyung.

Jimin dragged Yoongi all the way up to their shared room, pushing him inside and locking the door behind them.

"Go take a shower and scrub thoroughly! I won't sleep with you tonight if you don't." Yoongi mocked saluted him and marched off into the bathroom, where Jimin could hear the clanging of his armour falling down to the ground. A moment later, he hears the slosh of water in the tub, signalling that Yoongi had entered.

Jimin slipped inside the bathroom, holding a cloth and some soap. "I'll help you scrub your hair and back." Yoongi leans forward, exposing his back where there were a couple of bruises. The iron taste isn't as strong now, but still there and still bothering Jimin.

He lathers the soap onto the piece of cloth and starts going over Yoongi's skin, being careful around the bruises. He massages knots whenever he feels one, making Yoongi sigh and tilt his head back.

"Better?" Jimin minutes and Yoongi nodded, taking a hold of Jimin's hands and dropping a gentle kiss there. Heart fluttering, Jimin resumed scrubbing Yoongi's body, now moving on to his hair. He washed the grime and blood away, and sighed in relief when the metallic taste of iron in the blood went away.

"I smell better?" Yoongi asked, chuckling slightly. Jimin nodded. "Way better."

He rinsed Yoongi off with a bucket of clean water, before helping Yoongi out of the tub. "Careful, the floors a bit slippery."

Jimin helps towel Yoongi's hair, while the latter towelled off the other parts of his body. "How were you doing while I was away?" Jimin shrugged. "Okay I guess. I was worried at first, well, really worried. But Taehyung managed to convince me to relax a little because you were in good hands."

They moved to the bedroom after Yoongi got dressed. "Rest up." Jimin says softly. "You must be tired. Do you want anything to eat? To drink?" Yoongi shakes his head and allows himself to be babied and tucked into bed.

Jimin leaves to get Yoongi some sustenance, and Yoongi snoozes off, blanket tight around him and creating a sort of cushion. He wakes when the doors creak open and Jimin slides in, balancing two trays in his arms.

He nudged the door closed and walked to where Yoongi was watching him with lidded eyes.

Jimin put the trays on the bedside table and leaned over to brush hair out of Yoongis eyes. "Wanna eat?" Yoongi nodded and sat up, lethargically due to the tiredness he felt. "What did you bring?"

Jimin just shrugged. "Just some soup and some meat with bread. Jin didn't want to give you too much because he was afraid you might sick or something. He said something about it being routine." Yoongi nodded. "If you eat too much and think of the battlefield subconsciously, you get nauseated."

Jimin made a face before giggling. "Better not puke on me." Yoongi rolled his eyes and accepting the roll Jimin offered him, chewing greedily and swallowing. "Good?" Jimin asked. "Good." Yoongi confirmed.

Jimin continued to feed Yoongi bits and pieces here and there, until Yoongi moved away. "I'm full now." Jimin put the utensils away and slipped into bed with Yoongi.

"Sleep." Jimin ordered. Yoongi wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, making Jimin snort and shove his face down. "No." Yoongi laughed and closed his eyes, breathing deeply.

Jimin looks at Yoongi, studying his face, before slipping into slumber as well.


I hope you enjoyed!

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