Take off

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I looked in front, whistling while cracking my neck.

A gorgeous space ship was staring back at me. I ran my fingers across the slick and pearly white skin of my space ship and gazed at the golden words 'Ozias' sprayed in bold by me. All of these space ship was designed and built by yours truly. Designing things, anything actually, had always been been my hobby and it was just a decade ago that I found my passion in designing and constructing space ships. This gorgeous space ship was my final product and I had spent five years painstakingly searching for materials and engines.

Most of them were from my planet with some traded with other planets, my space ship's was thin yet so durable that a small meteor could graze upon it and leave it unscathed. It was at the same time an insulator that keeps either hot or cold temperature steady within its walls. This material took me three days to negotiate with the ruler of a planet and a trading of one of my prized artifacts to get a hand on this.

The internal mechanism were all hot wired by my close friend and I, with all the wires diligently connected. The sound system and A.I system was programmed by my uncle who happened to be an expert in this area and I installed that into my space ship. The booster of this space ship that would be responsible for the hyper space jump was traded with another planet who was well known for producing amazing fuel and machines with yet another one of my prized possessions. The pain of letting go those was certainly there, but the dream of constructing my own space ship made it all better. The interior which comprises of the seats, tables, sofas, beds and all the other necessities were designed by my mother's friend and I.

The weapons that I had installed were all nuclear powered with some mild ones that were mere gunfire or lazer beams.

Re modifying and changing the specs of it whenever a test run of the space ship was deemed a failure or not up to standard. It was a case of trial and error, perseverance and patience. I smiled softly as I pat my space ship, all my hard work would be paid off today.

"Stop staring at that damn spaceship and drool like a pervert son, just get into it already. My legs are aching." my father said impatiently. That broke my little happy trance and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah Yeah."

"Son, are you worried?" my father asked, breaking the silence, when we finally settled in our seats.

"About?" I replied, eyes looking at the switches, making sure nothing is on or off at the wrong timing.

"The visiting to Planet Earth."

"Oh. Well... I'm not really scared, but I'm just worried about they treating us as hostile creatures due to my oh-so-sexy spaceship with built in missiles and shit." I shrugged while answering.

My dad chuckled, "Language son." I laughed, "Oh please father, you swear more than me! And all I say is a Shit" That sentence made my father burst out laughing, "True story son, so true."

I chuckled, shaking my head. I pressed the red button and a green screen projected in front of me. I cracked my knuckles, time to get this baby started.

Identification please.

I pulled the screen nearer with my index finger curled up and a light came out and scanned my eye.

Welcome Luxius Hardt.

I nodded slightly. "Preparation for launch." I ordered.

Preparation In Process.

My dad stood up and stretched, "Well son, I'm gonna get some manly sleep before the meeting. I trust you to take care of this spaceship and us." Not waiting for my reply, he walked off to another room.

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