Journey to Ozias

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"Are you okay?" my father asked me for the nth time. I stopped counting after the first fifteen minutes. It was as if my parents were rotating to ask me the same question.

I nodded my head weakly, staring at the huge majestic spaceship in front of him. My mother was sniffling at the side and Jassie was silent at the back.

It has been a week since I was married to Luxius, a week of my new identity, "Mrs Hardt". Newspapers and magazine from all over the world published about this once in a lifetime wedding ceremony. All the articles were basically the same, "The star cross lovers have said their vows while looking deeply into each other's eyes with pure adoration." or "The young, beautiful Miss Nightingale and sexy, young alien Mr Luxius Meda Hardt had married! Will we be expecting a baby?"

That last sentence made me snort and Luxius to smirk and wink, "Let's make some babies?" I smacked him in the head, hard. "Awwwww wifey, dont be like that."

I just kicked him in the leg, "Don't wifey me, it's annoying."

"But you're my wifey!" he protested, pouting in the progress, knowing all too well how the pouting made an impact on me. I rolled my eyes, and went on to fiddling with my luggage.

Our honeymoon was to be at Ozias, oh boy. Honeymoon, that was just a nice word to put it. To say it more bluntly it was for them to meet their new queen.

The term Queen had me going almost crazy for the past one week. The citizens from Ozias knew that I was coming but to them, I was just another species , an unknown alien to me and I knew secretly that they will not appreciate my presence.

The past one week were incredibly busy for Luxius, his dad and me. They had to settle the accommodations and arrangements back at their home planet; whereas I was busy with packing my luggage. It was not a holiday. It was almost like a business meeting. Across the galaxy. Away from Milky Way. Light years away.

My parents were fussing over me consistently for the past week too. I did not blame them, I knew they were worried, hell, who aren't?

Jassie, on the other hand, was being all squeakily as usual, and jumping around my room, "Ohmygod, you're going to another planet! I betcha there's more hot guys!!!" she ended that with a lick and bite of her own lips.

I looked at her deadpanned, "Wanna take my place then?"

"Nope" she shook her head quickly, "Not yet! Now it is supposedly to be your honeymoon and also a chance for the people in Terra to meet their new future Queen."

Queen. I groaned at the term. It would be such a huge responsibility that I had never dreamt of becoming one.

Jassie must have noticed my silence, for she suddenly hugged me. "It will be alright my bestie! You have me and your family! If you need any help, feel free to give us a hyperspace video call and we will be here. Show them that the people from Earth are all fantastic people, amazing species who know their roots, who have intellectual capabilities. Prove to them that despite of you not being on the same planet with them, that you could still be an admirable queen."

This calm and mature side of Jassie was something I loved the most about her. She could turn from crazy and wild girl to a demure, mature woman in just a snap of fingers. Nevertheless, I deeply appreciated her.

I smiled and hugged her back, letting the comfort and silence enveloped around us.


"Are you okay?" my dad asked me the yet again. I smiled, "Yes daddy, I am really fine. Nervous and scared but I am fine." My dad nodded, the look on his face still didn't think I was okay.

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