The Vow

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I stared blankly at the huge mirror in front of me. She was wearing a tight smile, tired eyes and hands that were slightly shaking and gripping at the side of her dress.

I let out a sigh, the girl in the mirror followed my actions. I knew it was me, the worried girl in the mirror but at the same time, I no longer felt the same. In a white exquisite, brilliantly designed wedding gown by a world famous designer, the detailed design of the even the smallest embellishments, the shimmering of the diamonds at my waistline, the beautiful lace around my shoulders and arms, little crystal strings streamed down my bare back and dainty flowers notched on my carefully permed and tied hair which trickled down to just over my shoulders with a delicate white veil pinned into my hair.

I continued to stare at the new me with sparkling eye shadows, framed with long eyelashes; rosy cheeks due to the blusher and the lipstick was pink in colour.

Yes, I am getting married. Today. In the next hour, I'm going to walk down the aisle with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and the other, in my father's hand.

I was going to be Mrs Hardt, in an hour's time. That thought scares me, a wife to an alien species and to spice it up even further, an alien's race's king. I nervously touched the sapphire necklace my parents had chosen for me as a wedding gift and I could see my eyes slightly watering. Before I had a mental breakdown, my best friend Jassie came hopping into the dressing room.

She was wearing a beautiful pale pink dress designed too by the same designer as my gown. It was simply amazing and hell she squealed when she laid on her hands on the dress.

"Looking beautiful, honey" Jassie smiled. I smiled back, "Thanks! And you look wonderful sweetie."

"Thanks babe! Don't worry! You can do it! I will always always be there for you!!! Today is a memorable day. You can do it, why? 'Cause I believe in you." Jassie said, pumping out her fist into the air and the other holding onto my hand. With her words of encouragement, my fear disappeared, a little bit but it was better than nothing.

"Yeah, I will. I'm Andrea, I will never back down! But, it is just so scary, marrying someone you barely just know.. marrying someone you barely even have feelings about him and worse still, he is not from Earth." I remarked, plonking onto the seat, making sure I do not rip anything off, if not the gown's designer will rip my head off. I shivered involuntarily.

"Well, everything need a first time. I hate to say this stupid over rated word or phrase I dont even know but Y.OL.O right?" Jassie rolled her eyes laughing, and I laughed with her.

My parents came in when our laughter died off.

"Oh my, oh my god, you look simply amazing, oh my god, you look so beautiful. So beautiful, oh my god, my sweet sweet daughter." My mother exclaimed, crying after taking a look of me.

I smiled through my tears, "And you too mummy, you look beautiful too."

"Looking fabulous eh" My dad said, his eyes were shining with unshed tears. I hugged him, "And you look really macho in that Armani Suit."

My dad winked jokingly at me.

"Thank you Andrea." My dad said firmly. "For sacrificing so much. About love. About marriage.."

I patted my dad and agave a strong smile, "It will be fine, it will be."


I gulped. My hands were shaking even more now, I had to hold onto my left hand to stop it from shaking. I looked at my dad who was equally as nervous but was trying desperately to remain calm. Both of us exchanged a look and we knew that staying silent for now was a good idea for both of us.

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