Andrea, the tour guide.

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My dream of relaxing on the bed and chilling with some dramas were thrown out of the window. I scowled at my reflection in the mirror, fully clothed with a simple baby pink blouse, accompanied with my favorite white denim jacket, a pair of ripped jeans and my trusty Superga shoes.

I put on my black cap and made sure my hair was in place. Last but not least, I put on my lucky charm bracelet given by my best friend as a birthday gift, whom I sadly couldn't contact her except for a message saying that I'm really busy this few days and that I was really sorry.

She replied with a wink face and that it was okay as long as I have some sexy fun time with the new hot alien guy. I face palmed myself when I read that message. She will definitely get a smack from me, on the head.

The alarm from my phone hinted that I should be leaving the house. I grumbled, taking my bag, the small gift, that I was demanded to prepare, and my car keys. I looked at my mother who was lounging on the couch and watching her shows. How I wished I was in that position too! I bid farewell to her and locked the door behind me.

I threw my bag to my backseat and put down the gift even though I had been scowling at it ever since the day I bought the gift. I inserted my keys into the keyhole and heard my car engines purr at the ignition. I grinned and patted my wheel. That's my baby.

My car was a simple and sturdy Mercedes car in my favorite shade of blue and it had been with me for three years. I adored it like my newborn baby.

Glancing at my display clock, I realized I was almost behind my schedule, I carefully swerved my car all the way to my destination without getting any speeding ticket. Lucky me.


I was just on time when I came to the hotel's entrance lounge and saw him already sitting on the couch, listening to music and nodding his head along with its rhythm. I scowled at the back of his head, but I manage to make a smile magically appear on my face.

I stood behind him, he wore a silver blue collar shirt, with a pair of black skinny jeans with a brown belt to match with it and his shoes were a normal converse shoes. He was wearing a white flat cap and a pair of sunglasses. His hair slicked back expertly. In summary, he was smoking hot, and that I couldn't deny. 

He turned around, just in time to catch me staring at me, "Am I that hot?" he waggled his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes, "No, you aren't."

He gave me a pout but his eyes were narrowed. I chuckled under my breath.

"So miss tour guide, where are we going today?"Luxius asked. I shrugged, "Bring you to some famous landscapes and architectures around here, try some local delights and buy some souvenirs."

He nodded, tapping his chin lightly. "Cool, is there any sexy ladies around here in Amrica?"

I took in a deep breath and gave him a deadpan look, "Firstly it's not Amrica, it's America and you are in a highly secured-"

"Hotel which is located in I-have-no-idea, I am constantly being watched and blablabla" Luxius interrupted, "I get it miss tour guide, calm down, I'm just fooling around."

"Ha.Ha.Ha" I laughed dryly, "I'm so entirely amused by your jokes."

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, "Glad I can make you be amused" his voice dripping with the same or perhaps even more sarcasm than mine. I flinched away from his touch, "please keep your hands to yourself."

Luxius grinned at my uncomfortable stance, "Oh how you broke my heart Miss tour guide!"

I rolled my eyes again, "Knock it off and stop calling me miss tour guide! I have a name and it's Andrea."

He just waved it off, "I'm the tourist, you're the tour guide, I can call you anything I want, miss tour guide" punctuating the words miss tour guide purposely.

I sighed in frustration and decided to use another tactic. I looked him straight in the eye as I shyly fluttered my eyelashes, "Oh I'm so sorry, you can call me anything you want, mister alien."

Luxius' eyes widened slightly at my sudden change of attitude and his eyes flashed a streak of dark blue. I blinked, did it have any meaning or significance? I would want to know about this cool trick of changing one's eye color. I noted quietly, would probe more when we were not arguing with one another.

I snickered, apparently my flirtations work. Typical guys and there was I thinking that the males in Ozias would be a little different. 

"Let's go mister alien, it's almost 11 am, and I'm guessing you must be hungry by now." I said, while walking to the car park, not bothering to check if he was following me or not.

Luxius did a quick jog till he was by my side and slowed down to a walking pace to match mine. "Oh miss tour guide, you seem to have a caring heart! I'm so deeply touched." I turned my head to look at him, "Seriously, what's your problem?" while opening the car door.

"You~" he sang as he closed the door, making himself comfortable in the seat. I growled under my breath and slammed the door, banging my head onto my wheel, not bothering that I was currently making a fool out of myself in front of Luxius at that very moment. I snapped my head up and blowing my fringe out of my eyes and reverse my car out of the parking lot.

He was clearly amused by my reactions. "Stop grinning to yourself." I hissed.

"Nope, I'm grinning at you."

"Argh!" I banged my head onto my wheel again which made me press onto the horn and the sound blasted into the silence, I squealed in surprise and looked at my front in bewilderment.

Luxius finally couldn't endure and burst out laughing, slapping his hands onto his thighs, "Oh god, your expression hahaha, earlier on, hahahahahahaha."

I turned my wheel to the left, heading the direction to a nice cosy restaurant, where I will make sure he get choked. My murderous thoughts were drowned by Luxius' never ending roaring laughter, which echoed relentlessly around my car.

Welcome to the torture chambers Andrea, and it is just day one.


Newly edited version of this chapter, did some adding and removal. Not much changes except for the names.

If you ever chance upon 'Cole' after the newly edited version, please do tell me so I can change! Sometimes, I can't pick out all the words from the sea of words LOL.

Comments and criticisms are always welcomed~

Angelique C.S

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