First sight

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The entire field was silent as everyone stared at the screen, wide eyed. I forgot about my precious Snapple juice leaking into the soil. They were walking slowly, taking their surroundings slowly, suspiciously. Their eyes were shining with awe, I bet us too. 

Inhumanly beautiful.

That's the only phrase can think to describe them. My eyes were trained on the young man who looked like he was a god incarnated. His appearance could easily make any guy weep and any girls to squeal and faint, thinking they were in heaven. Dramatic? No. He was that gorgeous. Even me who usually do not go all crazy over guys, was staring at his figure. 

I slapped myself, putting a stop in this trance. I looked at the reporters in which the majority were ladies and they too, were staring at the guy, that star struck face apparent on their faces. Even the older women were gazing at him. I shifted my gaze back to the guy and it was now that I could finally took a better look.

We look so alike. One could almost think that we came from their planet or they from ours.

He had our normal white pupil color. However, their iris were so strange yet so captivating. The base color was dark purple and has electric blue lines frizzing around the iris. The sight was truly captivating with those electric blue lines laying beautifully on the black-purple iris. Three blotches of brown were nested in the electric blue ocean.

I stared into the eyes which were on the screen. The crystal clear image was catching everyone's breath and I was pretty sure everyone was thinking why the hell are they so similiar to us.

I was entranced by the unusual color of his eyes and it matches his chiseled and well-defined cheekbones perfectly. His wavy hair was of a golden brown with streaks of navy blue and dark red. Was that his natural hair color?

His build was tall and muscular, one can see the muscles from the grey suit he was wearing. I wonder how would it feel running my hand down his toned chest and traced his chest planes..

STOP IT ANDREA. I chastised myself to stop any pervert thoughts and weird fantasizing. But how would his lips taste.......  DEFINITELY NO TASTING

Remember Andrea. We were never meant to be together. We were not even the same species.

You sure?

The little voice rang in my head and I managed to squashed it.

Please, me and that god-looking guy?

Suddenly, a cough rang in the clearing. I jumped slightly, putting a hand over my chest, my heart was pounding in fear. I snapped my head to the screen, the two person have arrived at the designated spot with the mic and speaker. The older guy was staring at the two mics with a look of amusement whereas the younger one was putting on a neutral face, no expressionless. 

Despite a stony look, his eyes were darting around, taking in the environment. Giggles and mumblings soon erupted among the crowd. The initial shock slowly waning and replacing that is undeniable excitement.

The older man took a step at the mic and gave it a quick tap when the knock was echoed throughout the field, he frowned at the black object. The younger man took a look at the mic and nudged the man beside, whispering into his ears.

I was on full alert then. Why were they whispering? What were they hiding? My hands inched towards the bow. The army too, was on alert as they stare at the 2 figures intensely, their hands positioned on the trigger, poised for attack.

The young man stared at the older man with a flustered expression. So his face's muscles can move!

He ruffled his hair, and cock his head slightly to one side, staring at the mic. 

He was slowly opening his mouth and in the corner of my eye, I saw my dad mimicking him. I chuckled at my dad who just gave me a cheeky smile in return. I turned my attention back to them and they were already at the mic stands. 

The excitement from the crowd slowly dampens when they realize that the two figures were not speaking at all, in fact, could they even speak? What if the language is different and that's why they refuse to talk? What if their first words are commands to attack? So many what ifs, so many possibilities, my hands were even closer to the bow now.

After what seem like an eternity and a couple of yawns from the crowds later, the older man decided to broke the silence by saying two magical words that replaced the awkwardness with laughter,

"Ummm... Hi?"


Edited version :) Enjoy~ 

Comments and criticisms are forever welcomed<3



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