Sweet Revenge

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He was still laughing when I parked the car outside my personal favorite cafe - Clinton Street Bakery. Throughout the journey, my source of music was that stupid alien's roaring laughter that echoed around my car, drowning my radio.

His laugh was really nice and pleasant to the ears for the first couple of seconds and then it morphed into plain annoying. I wished I could just throw him out of the car. Would his body be able to withstand metal? My face was blacker than coals when he exited the car. I scowled while opening the door. His roaring laughter had finally died down to an amused chuckle.

I guess I should be glad that could actually entertain him, an alien nevertheless. I heard my car locked and walked towards the cafe. Just think of my chicken and waffles and all problems shall be gone. All. Shall. Disappear. Chicken and waffles will be my comfort.

"Oh my little Miss Tour Guide, don't be so grouchy~" Luxius sang, as he chased up to me and patted my head. No! The chicken and waffles did not make him disappear! I narrowed my eyes and glared at him, hoping he would sense my growing frustration.

Luxius perhaps had finally detected my shift in mood for he immediately stopped chuckling. In fact, he looked rather surprised. I stalked in front of him, making sure my aura was scarier with every step I moved, he backed away slowly. He narrowed his eyes.

"Woah woah woah, Miss Tour Guide, chill chill" Luxius said nervously, gulping, "You know I'm joking."

I gave him a sardonic smile, "Oh really? I must have entertained you so well that you can actually laugh for a grand total of 20 minutes? Perhaps, I should become a comedian yes?" my tone was icy and it made Luxius flinched slightly. Perfect.

By now, Luxius was really worried, as he looked around for an escape, but his back hit on the car's door, while i was just half an arm length away from him.

What a funny sight I must say, normally in dramas, the girl will be cornered by a guy but this time, it's the opposite. The guy is being cornered instead. How interesting.

"Don't murder me!!" he said, trying to put on a brave front but his posture and demeanour was reflecting the direct opposite. He was playing along!

"Who says I'm going to murder you?" I smirked wickedly, "Murder is too quick for you, You see Luxius," I drawled his name, "Earthlings has an instinct to kill to survive or to protect."

Luxius looked shocked at my words, "Okay! Okay! I won't laugh at you anymore! You..You..You can laugh at me instead!!"

I raised my eyebrow, "Oh I can?"

"YES" Luxius shouted.

I snickered, "Wrong answer." Luxius seemed to be even more anxious at my reply, "Come on! Don't be like that! I will be a good boy okay? I'll be in your service for the entire day okay?! Now stop giving me that creepy look of yours."

I smiled, leaning closer until I was breathing down his neck, I felt him stiffen against the car door, I nudged my nose at his ear causing his breath to stop.

"Gotcha. Now you're my slave, just for today." I whispered seductively into his ear before smiling in front of him and dropping my crazy look. Luxius stared at me into the eyes. I straightened and looked at his eye and winked, "Payback bitch and now you have to be at my beck and call" I sang and skipped to the cafe's entrance.

"ANDREA. NIGHTINGALE!" Luxius roared from behind. I giggled, and turned back to see his fuming look and burst out laughing and I purposely poked my tongue out. Luxius was glaring daggers at me as I danced a mini victory dance, not caring if the onlookers were seeing me.

"ANDREA." He roared again after watching my tiny display of my oh-so-sweet dancing moves. I laughed even harder.

"Payback Luxius. It is my payback. You should have seen the look on your face." I shouted happily. He growled and stalked towards my direction.

I patted his head, "Aw, such a good boy to come to me so automatically. Now help me take this bag and go find us a seat."

Luxius closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before snatching my bag from my hands and stomped to the cafe. I laughed again.

Sweet revenge is sweet, indeed.

But my chicken and waffles were definitely more satisfying.


Here is a new update :D It is still a very short chapter even with the minor changes happened in this chapter! Have a wonderful weekend my lovely readers.

Comments and criticisms are forever welcomed~ <3


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