Part 7

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Betty pov
I stumbled out of bed trying not to wake up jug grabbing his hoodie from his closet. I slipped my phone into its pocket and walked down the stairs.
I laid down on the couch pulling a blanket over me. I took my phone and scrolled through Instagram.
My head feels heavy, and I'm feeling nausea.
I normally don't wake up this early but I guess it's different today. After twenty minutes I tried to close my eyes and get back to sleep. I was interrupted by a sleepy confused husband.
J-"baby, what are you doing down here?" He asked clearly not knowing what was going on.
B-"oh hi.. I just don't feel so well and couldn't get back to sleep." I told him, he walked over and kneeled down. He kissed my forehead, J-"what can I do?" He gently crashes my cheek with his hand. B-"you can't do anything jug, I'll be fine. Maybe you could get me a glass of water?" I slightly smiled. J-"coming right up," he chuckled dryly at himself and quickly kissed my cheek before going to the kitchen.
J-"here you go my lady." He smiled, handing me some water. B-"thank you," I sat up so he could sit besides me. J-"are you sure you're okay? You look pale," he asked looking worried at me. B-" I don't- I don't know, I'm tired but I can't sleep." I signed, J-"let's go to bed, okay. I'll make sure you fall asleep before me and then we'll see how long you can sleep and then we see if you're hungry at that point." B-"I like that idea," I smiled. He stood up and picked me up with him. I giggled and hid my head in his neck. J-"sleep well love," he kissed my cheek, holding me tight. I smiled to myself, I wouldn't survive a day with jug.

Jughead pov
She finally fell asleep, in a light sleep but It's better than nothing.  Her head on arm turned to my side, her arm lightly holding onto my bare waist. I grabbed my phone and texted Veronica telling her Betty isn't coming into work today since they work together and she can give the message to their boss. V-"is she okay?" J-"don't worry, I got her. She's not feeling well, I finally got her to sleep."  V-"okay, take care of her. If she needs anything tell me you don't have to go" J-"I will, have a good day." V-"you too, say from me when she wakes up." J-"I will." I laid my phone back down besides me on the nightstand. I slowly slipped my hand into Betty's hair, holding into me with my other arm, there wasn't under her head.
About an hour passed and all feeling in my arm was gone but that's nothing new and I didn't care anyways because I knew Betty got some sleep. B-"jug," she choked out. J-"hey, are your throat sore?" I asked since her voice was so raspy. B-"yeah," she slowly sat up and I as well. I rubbed her back while she rubbed her eyes. J-"do you feel better in any way?" I asked her. B-"I feel worse," she mumbled quietly, I saw her starting to tear up. J-"it's okay baby, are you cold?" She nodded and I got to find some sweatpants. J-"I couldn't find yours as you'll have to use mine." I slipped them onto her and made stand up. J-"I'm gonna make something hot for you to drink, come down whenever." I comforted and  kissed her forehead for a few seconds before going downstairs.
I made her favorite hot chocolate and toast for her to eat. I placed it in the living room finding another blanket in case she got cold. B-"jug," I turned to see Betty coming into the room. J-"yeah?" B-"could I be pregnant?" She asked hopeful. J-"love..." B-"no wait, I'm nauseous and my head hurts and my hormones are going crazy." She sat next to me.
J-"Betty, it could be a cold. But if it makes you feel better we can take a test later today."  She nodded, and grab the cup and the toast from the table B-"thank you," she kissed my lips lightly. She cuddled into me. J-"anything for you," I whispered.

B-"juggie.." Betty whined while walking into the kitchen. J-"what? You don't want pizza now?" I asked just as I sat it in the oven. B-"no it's not that. I just threw up," she sighed. J-"oh, are you okay." I walked up to her and brought my arm around her. She sniffles, B-"yeah, it was probably just the food from earlier there came up." J-"yeah, I hope you get better soon." I kissed her cheek. J-"do you want a coke? Coke always makes me feel better." I smirked. B-"sure," she giggled. J-"here you go," I handed it to her, kissing her lips in the meantime. B-"thanks," she smiled, J-"so you remember when the wedding is?" I asked, not knowing. B-"not sure but lastly when I walked with V she said they were playing on it to be before she gives birth. So probably the start of next year I believe." J-"okay makes sense,"  B-"is it okay I take the test before we eat." J-"if it's what you want then do for it. Just don't get your hopes up to high." B-"i know," she kissed me before walking off.
I set the table up getting dinner ready, waiting for Betty to finish.

B-"um, it was negative." she spoke as she walked into the kitchen. I stopped her before she sat down and hugged her tight. J-"maybe next time love, maybe next time." I kissed the top of her head. B-"you were right," she mumbled,J-"i know, i wish i wasn't because that baby would have the best and hottest mom ever." i said, trying to cheer her up. B-"you're sweet," she chuckled. J-"let's eat."

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