Part 20

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Betty pov

[10 months later]

J-"Come on baby, just take a break. You're stressing too much about this."

That I've been listening to for the past ten minutes now, B-"Jug, I'm just trying to get this gone so I can go to bed. We both know Jake will be up early tomorrow, I can assure you he knows It's his birthday even though he can't talk or understand words like that yet." I tell him and whip the last counter down before moving to the dining table with the presents I placed there earlier.

J-"I know, but love you need to lean back and take a break, you've been going non stop since he fell asleep. I know you want it to be perfect because It's his first birthday, but calm down, okay? please just agree with me for once." He said as I've started wrapping the presents.

I look at him seeing him with raised eyebrows looking at me. B-Jug.. S'fine I'm not stressed out, but if it'll calm your nerves, then grab a coke for me and yourself and sit in the living room I'll join as soon as I finish wrapping these up." He sighs as I tell him but eventually kisses my forehead and disappears into the kitchen.

I did as promised and joined him on the couch as soon as I hid away the now wrapped up present, for our birthday boy tomorrow. J-"here you go, be glad that I support you with your soda addiction." I chuckled at him and grabbed the can he offered me

B-"thank you," I thanked him and kissed his cheek quickly twice leaning back into the couch and throwing my feet up on the coffee table before me.

A heavy arm came around me and pulled me slightly closer. I leaned into his side and sighed, maybe he was a bit right that it was time to relax and not worry so much about it. I just want to make it special for Jake seeing he's already turning one.

B-"Can you believe that tomorrow is a year ago we were sitting where we are now and Jake came only a few hours later?" J-"yeah it's crazy... wouldn't want it any other way through." He smirked down at me, B-" me neither," I leaned up to him and kissed him for it to be cut short by cries from upstairs. J-"I swear to god he's a wizard," Jug murmurs before kissing me quickly and disappearing up the stairs.

A few minutes later he returned with our son in his arms staring up at him. J-"why is it that you're bright awake now mate, your mommy and I were about to have a great time."  I giggled at him as he mumbled to the baby and sat down next to me again. B-"you changed his diaper?" I looked down at Jake as his eyes changed mine instead of staring at Jug.

He giggled as I smiled at him, J-"yes, now take your baby, you're his favorite anyways." Jug complained and I reached down to take him into my arms instead. B-"hi baby boy," I kissed his forehead. B-"you're supposed to be asleep at this hour," I whipsere my lips not leaving his forehead as I kissed him again.

J-" my turn!" He spoke up besides me causing me to look at him. I laughed at him before pecking his lips. J-"That's all i get?" He continued to complain. B-"yes, I don't think it seems fitting to make out with you when I'm holding your son, do you, hm?" I asked looking at him with a rather cold look,

J-"loosen up cranky," he chuckled to himself, B-"oh shut it." 'I rolled my eyes at his comment, he leans forward and kisses my lips quickly and cheek afterward. B-"I'm gonna put him back to sleep." I tell him as I stand up from the couch and move carefully up the stairs.

I push our bedroom door open slightly with my foot and put Jake in his crib besides the bed. B-"you'll have to have your own room soon little man, you're already turning one. You're a big boy." I forced myself not to tear up and pulled the blanket to cover his little body.

I stay a few minutes crashing his forehead softly with my thumb sending into a fast sleep within minutes. I stand up and move to the door, I leave it open slightly before going down the stairs again and into the living room where I was sitting with Jug before.

J-"he's asleep?" He asked as I found my place under his arm again. B-"mhmm" I hum, his head leaning onto my head and we both stare at the television placing in front of us. J-"wanna head to bed?" He asked after twenty minutes had passed by, B-"yeah," I yawn as if it was just on time.

[The next day]

The morning passed awfully fast, Jake got half of his present while we all were eating our breakfast. The rest of them were saved for later when our family is coming over. J-"Betty!" Jug called from downstair, B-"just a minute!" I answered, pulling Jake's socks on as I finished changing and dressing him.

B-"what's up?" I ask Jug as I enter the kitchen. J-"oh nothing, I was just getting really impatient and wanted to ask about the cupcakes you backed yesterday." B-"I would hit you if i wasn't holding Jake right now."

He smiled innocently at me and I shook my head. The doorbell rang and stopped me from starting to rant on Jug. J-"I'll get it," I nodded and sat Jake down on his playmat in the living room before going to set up some things in the kitchen.

Je-" hi bean!" I heard jelly's clear voice in the living room making me peck in to see what was going on. She was sitting beside Jake on his playmat playing with him. B-"hi Jelly," I smiled as her eyes caught mine. Je-"hi Betty," she replied and turned her attention to Jake again. Soon enough Gladys appreded into the kitchen demanding to help me out,before I even got the chance to greet her.

I thanked her as we carried on getting everything ready. Fp and Jughead returned to the kitchen shortly, Fb gave me a quick hug and went into the living room again while Jug stole a quick kiss first. The rest of the guests soon arrived as well.

The rest of the afternoon went on smoothly, everyone paid attention to Jake and his giggly happy mood.

Our baby boy was happy throughout the day, and we couldn't wish for anything else.

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