Part 29

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[Servel months later]

Betty pov

The last 12 hours have been the most painful of my life, Jughead was by my side at all times. Even when I told him to fuck off when he accidentally touched my shoulder or got to close. 

The following hour I did apologize, being back to my normal self - well kind of. He brushed it off and told me how freaking (his words not mine) proud he was of me for doing so well and delivering his baby Princess. In fact the most beautiful of them all, when the exact words left my mouth, Jughead was quickly agreeing and went back to staring at her.

 Jughead isn't a man that cries that often but at childbirth. Oh boy, that's apparently his weak spot, I can't say I don't get it 'cause I do. I'm not only crying because of the pain but mostly because of the beautiful moment of bringing our child to the world, holding her for the first time, finally being able to after 9 months.

 J-"Mom is brinnig Jake now," Jughead told me quietly, leaving a lazy kiss on my cheek. 

He leans back into his chair with our daughter in his arms. B-"I can't wait for him to meet her," I told him while I pulled on a warm hoodie - being bare since I just fed our newborn. As if it was planned a short knock came on the door and it was being slowly opened by Jug's mom. Jakes head pecked into the room and caught my eye. 

Ja-" hi mommy!" He said excited, B-"hi Jakey, come over here." I told him, patting on the place next to me on the bed. 

He quickly made his way over trying not to stumble over his own feet. He sat closely and looked over at Jug to peek at the baby. Jughead leaned over and placed her in my arms so Jake could have a better look at her. 

Ja-"sister," he mumbled to himself and poked his finger to her soft cheeks. It was almost as he had to check if she was real or not. He didn't say much, just admired her as Gladys had sat in the end of the bed. B-"would you like to hold her, grandma?" I asked her, G-"oh I would love to." She chuckled with a teary smile. 

She carefully took her from my arms and settled down in a chair next to Jug. Jake followed and went over to his dad so he could sit on his lap. G-"she's so pretty, she looks a bit like you did when you were little, Jake." Gladys tells Jake, she's definitely right, they do look much alike. 

J-"I think this one is lucky as well Betty. You see that black hair." Jug spook up with a smirk while he pointed to our daughter's head in his mothers arms. I shook my head silently at his ridiculousness. I don't know what I expected honestly but it surely doesn't surprise me that they get his fluffy black hair. 

I watched my family in silence just letting the moment fill the room. No worries or fear, no screaming child or arguments, just peace and happiness. I remember one day Gladys and I were talking and waiting for Jug to show up, we were sitting at their house and we talked baby stuff. I was 4 months pregnant at the time, and filled with worries about it all. About losing the baby and mostly because of it being so new with pregnancy and everything. She told me that I shouldn't worry so much and 'enjoy it while it lasts.' At that time we didn't know we would be sitting two years later with yet another new family member.

 Later that day Fp and Jellybean came to visit as well, Jelly got to sit with her for a while and it was the sweetest to watch. 

Fp looked proud, not only of me but of Jug too. I overheard him say something about Jughead being lucky enough to have made his own perfect family.

 I was proud of him too, very proud. I knew him from way back when he was a reckless teenager, confused by the world around him and it's meaning. He was a tough guy to get through to, but in the end he was the sweetest you could ever meet. Jug and I knew each other awhile before we started dating, I remember Jug dating some girl with dark hair like his own but I don't think they lasted long. After they broke up there didn't go more than 3 months before him and I went on our first date. Now he's my husband and the father to my two children.

[Two days later]

B-"So, what do you think about Lia?" I asked Jughead, he was sitting on the couch, feet popped up on the coffee table, shitless with our daughter to his chest. His hand resting on her head, keeping her to his chest. 

J-"Well I like it," he shrugs almost as if he didn't care but of course I know he does.

 J-"what did Jake think?" He then asked, B-"he repeated the name to himself a few times and walked away smiling, so." I told him sitting beside him since I just got out of the shower so my hair was still wet, and pulled together in a low ponytail hanging down my back.

 I went to shower after I'd put Jake to bed. It was amazing to have a shower, since it was the first after I gave birth and I felt absolutely disgusting and exhausted which is understandable I guess.

 J-"Should she have a middle name? Maybe something like Lia Hope Jones'' He suggested,

 B-"I love it!" I smiled, thinking it was the perfect name for her. Jug handed Lia over so could I feed her. 

J-"Well, welcome to the family Lia, our own little princess, right love?" He looked up at him, B-"yes," I whispered and nodded slightly, being too emotional to speak up. A huge grin had spread over his lips quickly. He eventually leaned forward kissing me and whispered a quiet 'I love you.'



Hi, I just wanted to remind you to look an extra time with the time jups - they are used a lot and the next part while most likey have a big one.

Have a good day/night where ever you're in the wolrd.


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