Part 27

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Betty pov

Jug handed me my phone that was placed on the coffee table. I went into my contacts pressing on the number with the name 'midwife aka Sofie.' It rang for a few seconds before I was greeted by her calming voice.

S-"Betty, hi! What can I do for you?" She asked cheerful, B-"hi Sofie, um I had a slight fall down the staits not too long ago and... I guess I just wanted to make sure if I should worry or not.." I speak into my phone, feeling clamer knowing that Jug is right by my side, and Sofie won't panic when something like this happens or even if it was worse.

S-"How bad was the fall? How did you land?" she asked softly, still holding her calming voice.

B-"Only a few steps, I slipped and landed on my behind." I explain,

S-"okay, that's a good start. The baby wasn't in that way hurt by any pressure from you or the floor; it may have been shaken awake but I don't see anything crazy happening when the fall weren't from longer up the stairs." She tells me, instantly making calm more down.

B-"okay that's good - that's really good. Thank you Sofie!" Jug kissed my temple, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly. Before Sofie can speak up again I beat her to it.

B-"oh and Sofie, just a quick question. I promised Jake we would go to the park today, there isn't any harm in durning so, right?" the qustion souned stupid as soon as i sadi but i wanted to be a hunrede proncet sure that everything was alright. S-"yes that's perfectly fine. Have a good day!" She said and I said a quick goodbye before ending the call.

J-"Are you sure it's a good idea to go. The baby may be fine but are you sure you didn't hurt yourself." I smiled at Jug's concern for me.

B-"yes babe, I'm sure, just a few bruises, it won't hold me back from taking Jake to the park as we promised." I tell him, secretly trying to convince him since I know Jake really wants to go.

J-"okay fine, if you say so - no running around tourgh, you just sit and show the world your beauty from a bench or something, deal?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, I chuckled lowly, B-"whatever," I smirked at him and quickly leaned in to kiss his soft kissable lips. J-"now you lean back and take a rest before Jake wakes up. We both know he will want to go to the park immediately." He said, B-"yeah you're right," I signed as I laid back on the couch getting comfortable.

I plop my feet up on Jug's lap and rest my head on the pillow. He takes my foot in his hand and rubs it softly.

J-"take a nap, I'll wake you before Jake wakes up." I hummed in responses feeling myself get more and more tired as he massages my feet.

My eyes are shit heavy when I feel him move my feet to the couch instead of his lap as he stands up.

B-"Where are you going?" I mumbled half asleep.

J-"I'm just gonna go do some laundry. I'll be back soon." He tells me and places a soft kiss on my forehead before I hear his footsteps on the wooden floors.

My heavy eyes and foggy mind, slowly pulled me into a light sleep on the grey couch.

Jughead pov

I quickly peek into the living room from where I'm standing in the laundry room, seeing Betty sleeping peacefully. I turned to the newly washed clothes again, foldning it together to perfection if you ask me, surely Betty would disagree but I think I have a pretty good grip on it.

I Finished up and turned off the light, I walked back into the living room. To my surprise I see Jake laying on top of Betty rambling to her. She has a soft smile on her face and she listens to our son.

She must have heard me making an appearance as she turns her head to look at me.

J-"Jake," My voice sounded like a warning. J-"What did I tell you about the stairs?" I asked him, he crawled off of Betty and walked over to me, reaching his arms up, giving me puppy eyes. I couldn't resist so I went to pick him up from his armpits.

Ja-"sorry daddy," he whispers with his arms squish around my neck.

J-"It's okay just don't walk down them yourself. I don't want you to fall like mommy." B-"I didn't fall, I slipped." she states, J-"right, big difference." I chuckled.

Jake let's go again and I put him down. B-"Come on baby let's get ready for the park." She tells him and takes his small hand in hers, they walk back upstairs probably to get Jake dressed into something more warm.

It started to get pretty chilly outside conserving it's the end of september. Since it's september we should be expecting our baby sometime in march which feels too long away and yet so close. We should be able to find out the gender soon which I know Jake is pretty excited about. Betty and I are too, obviously, but Jake makes sure to tell us at least twice a day how excited he is about it.

Betty comes skipping down the stairs rather slowly with Jake on her arm. Betty dressed in a sweater and black jeans. Jake having his coat on and a beanie sitting on the top of his head covering his dark hair.

B-"ready?" she asked as they walked over to me. I nodded and moved to the door to get my shoes and coats well. I get out of the house first, turning on the car to warm it up as Betty locks the door.

The drive to the park was short considering it's only 10 minutes in the car. Betty got him out of his seat and he jumped and ran up to me.

Ja-"Daddy come on!" He exclaimed while tugging on my hand to get me to move.

J-"I'm coming, I'm coming." I murmured, getting pulled along by Jake.

  J-"wanna go on the swings?" I asked him as he kept pulling me along. Ja-"yes!" I chuckled at him and lifted him, I up walked behind him to push him lighty.

I let my eyes drift to Betty there was sitting on a bench not too long away from where Jake and I are with the swings. Jake giggled as I pushed him higher into the air, but still not high enough to make Betty speak up and tell me to take it easy and go slower.

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