Part 25

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Jughead pov

I gather my thoughts for a few minutes and take a few breaths before I make my way back into the living room.

I sit back on the couch but closer to her than before, and this time I don't stop myself from reaching out for her.

I pull her into my side with my arm around her shoulder. Surprisingly she sinks into my touch and accepts it.

I lean my head on hers, J-"I'm sorry," I murmur into her hair, she sniffles.

J-"I'm sorry I blew off like that," I tell her once again, J-"I'm sorry, that was too harsh.. I'm sorry baby," I apologised again, feeling I have to keep doing it because I feel terrible.

J-"I want this so much for us... Jake deserves a little sister or brother too.'' I hear her sniffle once again and pull away from my shoulder.

She looks up at me. Her eyes are now slightly red but still beautiful. I cup her face with my semi shaky hands, from feeling too many emotions at once.

I dry off the leftover of tears from her cheeks with the pad of my thumbs. J-"I'm so sorry," I tell her, making sure I keep looking at her even if it hurts.

B-"I know.." she says quietly, B-"I hate this, I hate when we end up like this." She mumbled, her head leaning slightly into my right hand. J-"I do too. So much, you have no idea." I bring my lips to her forehead, keeping them there a few seconds before pulling away to look at her again.

J-"I just got so frustrated, things have been so strange lately." I tell her truthfully, B-"yeah I know, I'm sorry I yelled though, It wasn't all you Jug." She takes ahold of my hands moving them, from her cheeks pushing me down lightly on the couch.

She lays besides me dragging her leg over mine, I hug her as we lay on the couch. J-"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole." I squish her a little tighter.

B-"normally I would disagree with you, but right now I think I'll give you a tiny bit right about that."

She says giggling softly making my heart burst which is quite strange compared to the millions of times I've heard it over the years. It's probably giving the situation and being way too much in my emotions which is rare for me. But the love I have for her gives it all away, all I could ever want is to keep that smile on her lips.

J-"gee thanks m'love," the smirk just has to make its way to my lips as I looked down at her causing her to look up at me, her moving her head slightly from my chest.

I close the space between our lips by moving my head down to hers and hers move up forward to mine. I smile against her as I pull away. Things won't just go back to normal and all will be perfect now.

We had an outbreak and now we need to communicate in a more adult way about this. We both know it got the best of us and that being the reason we yelled at each other instead of comforting each other.

J-"I love you, Betty. Promise me that you'll never forget that." 

B-"you know I won't Juggie, I love you too," She says quietly and snuggles into me.

J-"Yeah I know," I smiled slightly down at her wanting to tell her over and over again how much I love her and how truly sorry I am for making her cry, even though it wasn't completely my fault. I still felt bad for acting like an idiot. Maybe things will change before we know it, whatever happens we have each other and our little guy who's sleeping soundly upstairs.

B-"We should get a dog," Betty suddenly speaks up breaking the comfortable silence. J-"um... yes, one day love." She sat up, B-"what why? Don't you like dogs anymore or something."

I shook my head as she spoke. J-"no no, it's not that. I just think we should focus on our baby making for now." A grin playing on my lips as I tell her. B-"yeah maybe you're right.." she lays down on my chest again finding comfort. B-"one day," she adds. J-"definitely," I whisper.

We laid for a couple of minutes in silence, neither of us wanting to talk about earlier once again. B-"should we go and cheek on Jake?" she asks, sitting up, J-"sure. Let's go." I agree, we both got up from the couch and skipped up the sairts.

I open the door to Jake's bedroom slowly not wanting to wake him up if he still happens to be asleep.I walked slowly to the room pecking into his crip, seeing him lying wide awake staring ahead from him.

J-"hi buddy," I spoke, making him glance at me quickly. Ja-"up!" he reached his arms into the air. I picked him up and turned to Betty.

B-"Hi Jakey," She smiles at him. Jake reached out trying to get out of my grip and into Betty's embrace. She takes him from me and walks out the door, I follow them shortly down to the living room.

B-"How about this, you play with dad for a while and then I'll go and call aunt Veronica and see if Rose can come by." I watch as Jake's face lights up by the mention of Rose's name.

Ja-"Rose!" he exclaimed, B-"yes, Rose. Now walk to daddy, little one." she tells and lifts him down from the couch, he walks quickly my way. I bend down to his head level.

Ja-"mamma says Rose!" He claps his hands together happily. J-"she does," I smile at him, J-"let's go get some cake while mamma talks to auntie." I tell, already knowing he'll blow about any second. He doesn't even react to my words before he's practically running to the kitchen.

I laugh while shaking my head, quickly looking at Betty seeing her smile at us.

I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen to our - cake eating monster - of a son.

I found some leftover cake from the other day and handed him a plate Ja-"thank you daddy!" he smiles, J-"you're welcome-" I cut myself off as he already was out the room and yelling after his mom. As I reach the living room Jake is already sitting at the couch staring at some kids show playing, while he enjoys his cake.

Betty walks up to me wrapping her arms around my torso. B-"they'll be here in an hour." she tells me, I quickly wrap my arms around her as well. J-"hmm, kay," I hum and leaned down to kiss her lips, as we stood behind Jake since he would interrupt any minute with his rambling.

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