Part 16

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Jughead pov

I released the breath I didn't know was holding, when our little boy was placed onto Betty's bare chest.

I quickly wiped the tears away from the corner of my eyes, not really wanting to cry my eyes out even with something this special, while the room is filled with nurses and doctors.

Or maybe not filled but you get the idea, I look down at them, finally seeing our little human we've been waiting for, for more than just 9 months but for almost 2 years.

I cracked into the biggest smile ever from this incredible moment and sat down on the chair right next to the bed Betty is laying in holding him up. He's wrapped in white blanket, his cheeks and face squished against her breaths.

He looks so peaceful clinging to his mothers chest, it's one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life. We're finally parents like for real, he's actually freaking here.

I lean over closer to kiss Betty's cheek, my arm slung over her head, crashing her shoulder softly. B-"he's beautiful." Betty speaks as her crying is silenced with just tears streaming down her heated cheeks of happiness. J-"he is," I say with my voice breaking slightly.

Betty looked up at me and I didn't think a second before leaning down to connecting my lips with hers. It feels like hours since I've kissed her, it maybe is, who knows. It's still my favorite thing to do.

I love kissing her even after all this time of being married and dating a long time before that, it's kinda my way of showing her my emotions, and how I feel because i'm really bad at it. Betty always tells me it's okay and not everyone is an open book. I do talk to her about the stuff that can be going on in my mind, but only her though. I trust her more than anything in the world.

I was lost in her and our son after she pulled away to look down at him again. I pulled my phone out to quickly snap a photo of them. I wanna save this moment and I wanna save it forever. The nurse walked over and talked to Betty and she listened carefully. 

N-"okay Betty I need to take him for a moment, finding what his weight is and how tall the little man is, okay?" the nurse tells her to make sure she's on bread for the plan. Betty nods and kisses his forehead as the nurse takes him and away from her chest.

I follow the nurse to the other end of the room, watching her do what she needs to do. She's done shortly and turns to me and smiles. N-"can you pick him up Jughead, sit with him, get skin to skin contact with him. I'll be back soon, just need to fill out the paper about him." J-"yes, yes of course." she nods and walks out the door.

I pill my t-shirt off my body and throw it over my shoulder. J-"hey dude" I grin and pick him up as carefully as possible. I walk over to the chair beside Betty's bed again. She's sitting up now, pillows  stacked behind her back. J-"oh love," I say as I see her crying again.

She gives me the brightest smile and leans closer to take the shirt from shoulder placing it on the hospital bed. B-"You're doing amazing with him jug, I love you, so much." She smiled, J-"I love you too baby," I kissed her cheek as she leaned over to lay her head on shoulder.

B-"and we love you too," she says and holds his little hand. B-" I think he'll get your black hair." she speaks up, J-"oh boy, you're in for a wild ride with the ladies then." Betty laughs out loud but lower it as we see him slowly open his eyes. Bright blue is the first thing I see.

J-"He got your eyes" I whispered and sigh of joy. B-"he's perfect isn't he... Have you spoken to your parents?" J-"yes they'll be here later, I tried to convince them to come tomorrow morning or when we are home before noon, but you know them, they've been too excited to meet him as well. They couldn't even get jelly to go to bed because she knew you were in labor." I told her.

B-"That sounds like her, I can't wait for them to see him." She says, J-"me neither," The nurse walks back in, N-"everything looks great and under control." she starts and turns to Betty again. Betty sat up straight. N-"and you Betty, everything okay, you got the breastfeeding under control?" Betty nods, I sit while they continue to talk, catching his eyes flicking up to mine. I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. B-"juggie," my head snapped up to look at Betty as I continued to stare at our newborn.

J-"hm?" she giggled lighetly, B-"you're cute, but can I steal him from for a while." She asks like i wouldn't, J-"is it really necessary?" I ask, just to hold onto him a little while longer. B-"well yeah, someone gotta fed him." J-"oh right, I don't have boobs, almost forgot." She rolls her eyes at me and smiles at my goofy comment.

I hand him over to her and she takes him into her arms again. J-"what did the nurse say before she walked out again." I ask, not remembering since I was busy adoring our son. B-"just that she'll back to cheek on us later and if I can't get him to hatch, I should call for her." I give a questioned look, and she raises her eyebrows. B-"do you really not know what I'm talking about right now?" she asks and looks down at herself and at him.

J-" Oh right! Well that makes sense, looks like he's doing just fine." I said watching him, B-"he is, she just said it could be hard at first," J-"well love, hate to break it to you, but you're amazing at everything you do." She shakes her head and laughs at me.

She continues to feed him for a while and he ends up falling asleep. I got a text saying my parents were on their way a few minutes ago. I'm currently walking around with him to my chest still shirtless and Betty got dressed in some other clothes.

She also called Veronica just to tell everything went okay and that he is as healthy as he can be. Betty walked over to us slowly, still being sour I would bet. She brought her arms around me and looked down at him in my arms.  J-"we need to get him a name soon."  B-"yeah we do,"

We hear a soft knock on the door before the opens to reveal my family and basically Betty's too. G-"let me see him," my mother says, talking straight up to us. She signed and her eyes tear up, G-"hello little guy." My dad walked in too with jellybean beside him. F-"congratulation you two," he says and stands next to my mother. Jelly walks to the other side, where Betty is standing and hugs her from the side, all of us looking down at him, this is great.

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