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"WTF??? WHAT IS RIN DOING HERE?" Vera yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Well he's here too and he knows a lot about nen and ren and gen and shit..." Killua mumbled the last part

"Also! You guys have stuff to work out so I thought it would be nice for you to talk again?" Gon smiled with his big innocent brown eyes making Vera almost cry at how she couldn't refuse the poor boy.

She let out a sigh. "Fine. But don't talk to me" she turned away from the ginger as he just groaned.

"I already apologized." He exclaimed tilting his head but she didn't answer "Vera, please" he tilted his head "I'm sorry?"

"Can we just get this thing over with, we only have till midnight you know" She sighed as she ignored Rin.

"Fine then, simply put this is nen." Wing explained as he gestured towards the now disfigured plant. "Nen refers to the ability to control your aura which as you know is also known as life energy.

Everyone in the world has a small amount but in most cases is simply leaks away." He walked over to the board as he began righting "the ability to contain this life energy is known as Ten. Using ten you can make your body tougher and slow the affects of aging.

Then comes Zetsu. Which shuts off the flow of aura. It is quite affective in concealing your presence from others and recovering from fatigue.

Which brings us to ren. It enables you to produce more aura" he said as he began to demonstrate.

"Why this sound like your giving us a class on-"

"SH" Rin yelled at her and she gave him a side glare.

Wing's aura caught her attention as they sweatdropped and looked towards him.

"You feel that?" He asked

"Yea, it's like pressure" Killua explained "but it doesn't feel weird or creepy" Gon had continued.

"It feels like a warm hug" Vera smiled as she hugged herself (me too)

"That's because I have absolutely no malice." Wing smiled but suddenly went deep into thought 'their senses are outstanding.. it must've been the environments in which they were raised.' "Aura is an energy dwelling in all humans. Which makes it very affective against others for better or worse. If you attack a helpless person with malice you can kill using aura alone."

Everyone seemed to tense at this as they remembered back to what had happened in the hallway.

"Is that what Hisoka and Daisuke tried to do?" Killua continued looking towards Vera who just whistled as she pretended to not know daisuke.

"Daisuke.. who? Sounds familiar" she mumbled as killua just growled at her.

"Yes. Only one thing can protect you from a user of nen." He walked to the other side of the room "you must learn to use it yourself. And use ten for defense. Block the other persons aura with your own. Otherwise."

He placed his hand just before the wall so he wasn't touching it and released his nen. Nothing happened for a moment as the four's eyes widened. Suddenly the wall became a huge crack where his hand was spreading all out.

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