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"How about a game?"

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"Shut up old hag!"


As the three musketeers conversed they suddenly felt a harsh pair of eyes on them.

They snapped their head towards the area but saw no one there.

"Did you-" Killua trailed off as they all stood up knowing someone had to be there.

"Something wrong?" A voice came from the opposite direction. Their eyes widened as they looked towards the person.

"Chairman." Vera stated crossing her arms. Netero started walking forewords the sound of his shoes clacking echoing through the hall.

"Netero-San, you didn't see someone come from that side did you?" Gon asked pointing in the direction they felt the eyes on.

"No I didn't" he said as Vera narrowed her eyes as well as killua.

"How'd you do that?" Vera questioned.

"Do what?" He asked as if he were clueless.

"Just now, you were on the complete other side? Howd u move so fast?" Killua explained

"I have no idea what you mean." Netero said as if he didn't do anything.

The tension between the three grew as Gon looked inbetween them. Killua and Vera Vs Netero it seems.

"What is it you want? You don't have anything to do till the last phase" Killua said rudely

"Now, now, no need to be so unkind. I just got a bit bored so I'm looking for some company." He said as a smile appeared on his features.

"Look elsewhere" Vera turned her back and walked next to Gon. "Let's go guys." She narrowed her eyes at him once more before Gon put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. She only groaned internally and crossed her arms.

"I've been meaning to ask, any thoughts at your first attempt at the hunter exam?" He asked and Gon beamed. "Totally! It's a lot of fun! I'm glad there aren't any written tests.."

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