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"Is it cause your brother doesn't have a soul?"



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"No it's not- HAH?"


After what had happened with wing, the three (+Zushi) ascended into wings house.

"Paying attention?" He stated as the three stood in a line in front of him.

"No shit-"

"Would you shut up!" Killua groaned and Vera got silent immediately(this bitch is butthurt 🙄)

"Nen, or flame, is the power that fires our souls. In other words it's the strength of you will, and the four exercises are a training curriculum to strengthen that will." He explained

"Strengthen your will..?" Gon repeated

"Training?" Killua continued

"Yes. Ten, focus the mind on a single point, reflect on itself and decide a goal.

Zetsu, to put into words

Ren to intensify your will

Hatsu is to release it into action" wing then began pointing at each word to review.

"Ten, Zetsu, Ren, Hatsu." Gon answered "the four exercises."

"See Zushi tempered his refusal to loose activating ren during his battle with you Killua." He said as killua began to tense

"Allow me to demonstrate, Vera." He called and her head shot up towards him "what?" she answered

"I would like to kill you now." All three of them tensed as they looked up at the man "is that alright?"

"Saves me the problem, go for it" she placed her hands behind her head

"Vera I-"

"Okay then-" Wing cut off Killua and Gon before they could object. "Let's do this in order. First Ten-" he got in some weird position.

"The fawk?😀" Vera deadpanned

"I focus my mind on a single point. Zetsu, focus your desire on a single point mentally or verbally....." he paused "I will kill you."

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