Short one shots/headcannons as special

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I literally love u all<3


UH SO I HAVE SOME HEADCANNONS (which some I will make into short scenarios) with Vera x some of the ships we have like





I don't rly ship Veorio or Hera because of the age gaps so KDJAKD but I mean if your into that you do u 😀

So I mean we can start now ig😀

How they would confess to her

Killua- as we all know is our adorable little Tsuntsun who gets flustered really easily, he wouldn't be the one to ask Vera out she would probably do it first.

Kurapika would probably do the cheesy thing where he would make a scavenger hunt and hold up a sign at the end that says "WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME"

Rin would probably be flustered and stutter through the whole thing, she would turn him down at least 3 times before giving in and they would actually have a pretty heathy relationship, never minding their competitiveness and playful arguments.

Gon would be so fucking wholesome like he would run up to her after a dire situation and literally confess his love to her out of worry and rambling OMG LEMME JUST-

Pretend it's after the chimera ants

Vera slowly tried to limped her way towards the familiarity of a town.Her body battered and bruised from her own fight with the chimera's.

Gon and Killua had been worried sick about the girl, having them not seen her for a few days from being separated during battle.

Killua could see the intense worry and pure pain in Gon's large brown eyes as the boy stared out the window.

"Do you think she's okay? What if she's hurt? We should go and look for her, right Killua?" Killua's blue eyes landed onto Gon's with sorrow, this had been the about the 100th time Gon has asked if they could look for her.

Having enough of this Biscuit looked towards the two teenagers "Gon, you can't just mope around. For all we know she could be dead, we took that risk splitting up. We can't wait around forever."

Killua could sense Gon tense up at the accusation. "Hey! Don't say that! It's not just him who's worried, we all are old hag!"

Gon abruptly stood up, catching the two of them off gaurd. The room's silence became louder as he clenched his fists in either annoyance or reluctance to what Bisky had just brought to light.

"I'm going." He stated, Killua placed a hand on his shoulder but he quickly shook it off. Gon walked past biscuit without sparing her a glance, exiting the room into the brisk cold of the night.

Gon could hear Killua begin an argument with the elder woman inside of the house but he ignored it as he started walking through the empty town.

His mind was clouded with different types of scenes, thinking the worst could've happened. It felt like his world was falling apart, his chest felt as if it was ripping just at the upsetting thoughts.

Before he could even feel them, tears started to fall down his face. His cheeks growing rosy and his eyes became glossy.

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