A Plan for Appreciation

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AN: okay so I have always shipped Beck and Jade (Bade) I simply love them. Hope you enjoy this story, and please bear with my grammar.

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious.

"What do you care? I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" I yelled I knew I was doing the right thing by breaking up with him; he had done this to me too many times. And he might not flirt with girls intentionally I'm tired of keeping up with him and all the girls that talk to him. Let's see how he deals without me. I angrily walked away but I was also sad, because I loved him with all my heart, but I'm just so tired.

What makes it even better is that he didn't even follow me, great I thought he would at least try to keep this relationship going. I made my way outside and sat on one of the benches outside Hollywood Arts. As I was sitting there I felt someone sitting next to me and say "are you okay?" all I could do was shake my head as tears were rolling down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry" was all they said and finally after a few minutes I managed to calm my tears and said "its okay Cat, thanks for being here"

"What are friends for?" she said with a sad smile as she leaned next to me. I had to admit it, she was pretty dumb but she was a great friend. "Come on let's get out of here" she said as she pulled me by the hand and lead me towards her car. "I don't really want to go home" I said, because I didn't, I didn't want to be alone.

"You can come home with me, we can have a sleepover" she said as she reached for her keys and unlocked the door. I hated Cat's car because it was a tiny white bug, such an original car for a girl. "Fine but I don't want to watch mean girls again, they're all so stupid" I said as I got in the car and put on my seatbelt. "I thought you loved mean girls, you know cause they're mean" she laughed like it was the funniest joke she had ever said. "The girls from the movie just pretend to be mean, I can be meaner than that" I said in a hard voice, "You're right, you can be meaner" she answered a little nervously. "Come on let's go home" I said, I was getting tired of this conversation. "Oh yeah" she answered as she started her car and put on some music.

"So now that you're free maybe we can go out and have some fun just us girls" Cat said excitedly. I didn't answer right away, I was thinking it over, and do I really want to go out now that I don't have Beck? Probably not going to stop him so why should I mope around for him? "Yeah let's go tomorrow, since its Friday and all" I said making up my mind. "Okay where do you wanna go?" she asked, where do I want to go? "It makes no difference to me" I said, I'll leave it to her to decide. "Oh oh! Maybe we can go dancing! I love dancing!" she said excitedly. "Yeah sure we can go dancing" I said, didn't sound like a bad idea now if only I can prepare for tomorrow to face Beck.

After a few minutes of silence we finally made to here house. She parked on the driveway and I got out of the car. She lived in a two story house. The house was bricks all the way with a nice back yard, where her little brother played at his little park he had.

I knew it was a good decision to come to her house instead of going to mine, I don't think I could stand facing my mother or father. So we watched movies all afternoon and ate ice-cream because she knew I was sad, I didn't think about the break up until the morning when we had to get ready for school. Lucky for me I had clothes at Cat's so I didn't have to wear her ridiculous clothes.

"Do you think you'll be able to face Beck today?" Cat asked, I thought it over for a bit and then said "I have to be, he has to realize he lost me and see that I can move on in order for him to actually appreciate me." "Yeah I guess you're right" she answered as she was changing clothes. She was wearing a bright pink dress with some black high heels and her red hair was up in a ponytail. As she turned around and looked at me she said "well looking like that he'll definitely see what he lost" I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed but I knew she was right. My hair was down in curls as usual but I was wearing black tights with a mini skirt and a very tight black shirt, I was also wearing my black boots. My outfit still looked me but it also made me look hot. I hope he can at least notice what I wear today.

Finally we made our way to school and as we entered I couldn't help but notice everyone staring at me. All the girls seemed to be happy to know that Beck was no longer tied to me, but the guys were looking at me differently like they wanted to say something but at the same time they looked afraid to approach me. Good I hate it when guys try to talk to me.

I was at my locker and I heard someone stand next to me, it was Andre. "Hey I heard about you and Beck" he said, of course he did they're supposed to be best friends. "Yeah and?" I said, did he want to torment me more or what. "Well I just wanted to see how you were doing" he said a little nervously. "I'm just peachy, can't you see" was all I said as I turned around to face him. I was about to say more but then I saw that he was truly concerned for me so I said "thanks for asking" and was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand and said "if you need anything you can talk to me" this is weird since when does he care what goes on in my life. "Yeah sure" I responded and walked away to class.

As I was entering class I came face to face with the person I did not want to see Beck.

AN: a little Jandre for those who like them. But again this is a Bade story. So how was the first chapter I know there wasn't much of Beck but there will be on the next chapter. Anyway let me what you thing and don't forget to follow on tumblr: igetlostinwords. Tumblr. Com no spaces.

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