Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

AN: a surprise right? Well this is a small treat, enjoy! And read my AN at the bottom please.

This one goes out to Juliabutera for being my new follower :]

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious


Sicowitz was standing on the platform as always going on about how an actor has to be comfortable with doing anything even embarrassing things. I tried to pay attention because even though Sicowitz was crazy he knew about acting. The harder I tried the more I couldn’t pay attention. The tension was too big, we weren’t supposed to be talking but we always had comments to say, not today. Today we were all silent and we did not question anything of what Sicowitz was saying, not even Cat which was odd enough.

I glanced at the clock behind the classroom and saw we had about fifteen minutes left, good I don’t think I could last any longer in this classroom.

“Well kids I can tell that you’re not really into acting today so just… ah do whatever” said Sicowitz with a wave of his hand to dismiss us. He then went to sit on a chair on the platform while drinking some coconut juice.

It was then that Beck took hold of both of my hands his gaze not really meeting mine. Things felt so odd and it was my entire fault. I gently squeezed his hands, a small attempt at saying sorry, which I was definitely not good at.  

Without warning he put his arms around me, my head on his chest; he quietly whispered “It’s not your fault for the awkwardness”

“It’s not his either” I whispered back so only he would hear. He didn’t respond which I guess was a sign that he disagreed. I could see why he blamed Andree, but if there was someone to blame it would be all three. Andre for going after his best friends girl, me for going on a date with my ex’s best friend, and Beck for getting mad even though we were broken up. I guess most of it fell on me and Andre though.

I knew it was wrong for me to go on a date with him, but I did it out of spite to get back at Back which I now realize it was not fair to Andre. He seemed to genuinely care about me and I have just ruined our friendship.

“Can we get pizza for lunch?” asked Cat excitedly from behind where Beck and I were sitting.  

“Yeah! Man I’m starving” said Tori who was sitting next to Cat, and next to Cat was Andre who said nothing.

“It’s barely first period” I said pointing out that lunch wasn’t for more than an hour from now.

“Yeah, but Tina took forever in the shower this morning and I had to rush so I wasn’t able to get breakfast this morning” she explained in an annoying whiny voice.

“I can go get it before lunch, I get out before you guys do” announced Beck with a smile. I grunted I hated it when he did nice things for others.

“I’ll go with you” announced Andre surprising all of us.

“Yeah sure” said Beck, he couldn’t really refuse but from the tone you could tell he wasn’t very pleased with Andre volunteering. We didn’t really have much time to talk after that because the bell rang and it was time to go to change classes. Beck of course walked me to my class and then went to his own, which I knew he had with Andre.

Beck’s POV:

After walking Jade to class I walked to my own, I had art which was only a fifty minute class making it shorter than Jade’s one hour and thirty minute class. I didn’t mind are I was actually quite good at it, I wasn’t the best drawer but I had imagination to make some cool paintings. What I liked about this class was that it was just me and Andre which was cool only us two guys having a break from the girls. Robbie of course chose a class with Cat instead of taking art with us.

But, now that Andre and I weren’t really on friendly terms I didn’t know how to act towards him. I was known as the calm, and cool one but that is not how I felt right now. I was still pissed that he tried to go out with Jade knowing I still liked her, not only that but he was my best friend. Of course we shared a table and once I got to class I saw Andre already sitting there. He only nodded at me to acknowledge my presence which I was glad; I don’t think I could handle him being all friendly with me.

Class was a drag we had to create a picture of something we enjoyed doing, for me it was acting and I knew for Andre it was creating music. The entire time we worked in silence, which was odd because usually we would talk about a lot of things. Usually I would talk about Jade, he never really commented but he would talk about other girls that he was dating. Now it feels like we couldn’t talk about that because Jade was our common subject.

When class was over I picked up my things and got up I said “I’ll drive” while facing him. He too was gathering his things an only nodded.

We walked in silence to my car and we drove in silence as well. Once at the pizza place which was only about ten minutes from school I order a large pepperoni pizza and a plain cheese pizza. It was it bit odd as to who was going to pay because we both got out our wallets but in the end we ended up splitting the bill. The bad thing was that we had to wait fifteen minutes for the pizza to be ready for us.

We decided to sit at one of those small tables that the pizza place offered. As soon as we sat down Andre started with “Look I’m sorry Beck for asking Jade out, I know it was wrong because she was still your girl even though you guys had broken up.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, I couldn’t really say I was fine with it because I wasn’t. Finally I spoke and said “you’re my best friend and yes I was pissed at you for trying to go after her, but I also understand. I’ve always kind of known you liked her I think she did too but we always ignored it for the sake of our friendship, but I do understand; I love her too” I tried my best to explain what I thought of him asking her out.

“She loves you, without a doubt. And, that day after our date she told me we could never be more than friends, you’re the one” he said with a sad expression.

“Look you’re still my best friend, you will always be my best friend” I said.

He nodded and said “As long as she’s happy, but please don’t hurt her again” he asked almost in a pleading voice.

“I won’t, I love her” I said in the exact moment they called us to announce the pizza was ready.

He stood up and got both boxes while I opened the door to head outside. The drive back was a little better because the tension had decreased but it was still there.

I knew we would always be best friends. And, I guess we had made an improvement so I would try my best for things to be the way they used to be.

AN: I figured I am on spring break and my last chapter was a little short so why not update? This is a small treat to my fellow readers I hope you guys liked it! :]

Next update will be Monday. Want a shout? vote/comment/follow! Pretty please.

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