Chapter 11

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AN: words cannot explain how sorry I am. I have no excuses none that count anyways all I can say is that life happened and I found myself without inspiration. For those who will still read this I have to say is thanks! You guys are the best! And to those who stopped looking I say that I understand and again I apologize for the long wait, but here I am. I won’t promise to update on a certain day as I will be afraid to let you guys down, however I do promise to keep this story going and I will try my best to update soon and to keep on updating. It’s summer so I really have no excuse, this story is still not over so to make this note over ENJOY!

“You are so beautiful” said Beck while trailing kisses down my neck. He had a tendency to give me compliments whenever we did something intimate. I didn’t care for compliments sure they were nice but I didn’t need them. I only mumbled and put my hands under his shirt to feel his chest and abs.

He growled in response to my actions and I laughed a little. I loved having these moments with him because in these moments I could control him more than any other time. He usually always made things my way but it was during this time that he didn’t deny me anything. After all Becks’ still a guy.

With my hands still under his shirt I now moved them to his back and dug my nails in it, not too hard but enough so he could feel a little pain. This caused him to kiss me deeply on the mouth, I smiled against his lips.

It has been exactly a week since we got back together and things have been great so far. His parents weren’t home not that it mattered much but it meant we could do things more freely. Mine were at home not really caring that I was at Beck’s, they were used to it.

Deciding to change things a bit I pushed Beck onto his back and straddled him making me be on top. His eyes looked up to meet mine, questioning my actions. I grinned back at him and reached for the hem of my shirt, I was wearing a black lacy bra underneath so without making him wait any longer I pulled it up and threw it on the ground. With my shirt off I leaned down to give him a slow kiss, I could feel his hands on my stomach and on my back, this felt great.

We were currently on Beck’s bed which was pretty small but big enough for both of us, of course it forced us to be close but neither of us was complaining. We haven’t really done anything other than make out now and then since the Saturday in my house, this is quite a while for me and Beck but I guessed neither of us has felt like it’s the right time yet.

Today though I know it will happen it’s been too long.

Beck sat up making me wrap my legs around him; this also made it easier for me to take of his shirt which he easily obliged. I could feel his hands slowly feeling my back until he found the clasp of my bra which he undid. Shrugging it off it also ended next to my shirt; again he pushed me down the bed as he climbed on top of me. He looked down at me and smiled as if saying he liked what he saw. I only smirked back at him and undid the zipper of the skirt I was wearing.

Knowing what was coming Beck reached down to a drawer to pull out a condom. He too took of the remainder of his clothes. I pulled him down towards me and kissed him as we became whole.

Becks POV:

We were both sweating and breathing hard by the time we were done. We were tired but it was the best feeling in the world. I love Jade she’s so good at this well not that I have much to compare I can’t even begin a thought of doing this with someone else. Most people would think that I’ve had sex with many girls but truly Jade has been the only girl for me. I know it’s the same for her because we both lost our virginity with each other, we did begin to date at an early age.

Even in our worst of times I never resorted to begin with another girl, I’ve never wanted to. We were laying down on my bed only covered by a sheet, her head laying on my chest.

Playing with her hair I said “Do you think when we’re old we’ll get tired of this?” I truly was curious.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired” she said in a slow voice, I knew she was falling asleep so I didn’t say anything letting her sleep.

When I knew for sure she was asleep I got out of the bed and went to take a shower. I know she wouldn’t mind if I got up we were too sure of each other to have any doubts as to why I didn’t stay in bed with her.

It only took me about ten minutes for me to shower and I put on a long sleeve grey shirt with some black baggy shorts this was my laying around the house clothes. Trying not to make any noise I went to make some coffee I knew she would want some when she woke up.

Some would say I’m crazy for being with Jade but they just don’t understand it, our relationship. She was tough, a challenge, she wasn’t easy; and I loved challenges. Just getting her to date me was hard enough and now that I had her I simply couldn’t just let it go. I didn’t see others anymore, I only had eyes for her and it sucked that she didn’t see it.

I admit that I was flirty with other girls and at times I even gave them the preference but I really didn’t care about them like I care about Jade. Life without her just isn’t one that I want and I will do everything in my power to keep her happy and on my side, because I know that me and her are forever not just for now.

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