Chapter 19

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After school was over I didn't drive straight to Beck's trailer instead I went home first. The reason why I went home is because I wanted to change into something a little nicer, I wanted to make this special. It's been quite a while since we've been together like this and I think I should put a little extra effort than normal. It's interesting that even though we've been together so many times before I still felt a bit nervous and self-conscious around him.

I ran up the stairs into my room, I was the only one home right now. My parents were probably still in the office working. Once in my room I threw my bag on the floor and headed straight into my closet. I of course decided on a sexy black dress, it was pretty simple but it was tight and showed my legs in a nice way. To match it I added some jewelry and high heels. I also packed extra clothes in another bag. It seemed like I didn't take long enough but really it was already an hour since I've been in my house.

I left right away because I did not want to see my parents before I left. Luckily for me as I drove away they were still not home. I sent my mom a quick text telling her I'd be spending the night at Cat's house. I think she knew that I was at Beck's but she never really said anything so I guess that's good.

In all but fifteen minutes I was parking right outside Beck's trailer, I glanced at his parent's house and saw that they were both home. They too used to no like me around Beck, they thought I was a bad influence on him but I think by now I grew on them. My attitude was still the same towards them but for some reason it didn't bother them as it used to. After being parked there without out getting out I finally took in a deep breath and opened the door of my car.

I walked slowly up the steps of the trailer without knocking I opened the door and my mouth dropped in awe. There were candles everywhere and there was also a small table with a rose on it. By the table stood Beck who looked just like I did at the room, he seemed in awed as to how I was dressed. We looked into each other's eyes without speaking and in our gaze we said everything we needed to.

I had never been able to connect with someone the way I connected with him, he understood what I was thinking. Most importantly he accepted the way I was. I know it seems sometimes like he doesn't to other people but when it comes down to it, he loves me because I'm brutally honest.

I dropped my bag by the door and closed it. I slowly walked towards Beck and on my toes I kissed him lightly on his lips.

"You look very handsome" I whispered in his ear, he was wearing a dress shirt and tie but still looked the badass that he was.

"You look beautiful like always" he said while putting a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled at him and couldn't help but give him a hug.

"I cooked for you" he said while wrapping his arms around me. I felt guilty I hadn't given him the credit he deserved lately. It was taking me this long to realize that he was trying to make our relationship better than it ever had.

"Did you make my favorite?" I asked in a demanding voice.

"Of course, Chicken Alfredo at your service" he said while taking a bow, which caused me to laugh. He was always this playful.

He pulled the chair from the table motioning for me to sit down. I saw and watched him work around the kitchen. He brought two plates and sat them in front of me. To my surprise he pulled out a bottle of wine and brought me a glass. I usually didn't drink alcohol but this I didn't mind. Finally, he sat in front of me and we began to eat. He was great at cooking and I couldn't help but moan at how good the food was.

"You are great husband material" I said jokingly.

He smiled and said "If I get to marry you, I'll be happy to cook every day."

We hadn't ever really talked about that; we somehow knew we'd end up together but we never discussed if we would marry.

"Is that what you want marriage?" I asked curiously.

He met my gaze and said "sure someday in the future"

"Kids?" I asked curiously again.

He studied me for a minute and finally said "only if you want them."

He knew me too well, "Good answer" I said with a grin.

He shrugged his shoulders with a smirk on his face, "What's for dessert?" I asked once we were done eating and I was clearing the table.

He gave me a look of lust as he ran his eyes over my body and in that moment I knew what dessert was. After washing the dishes, I rinsed my hands and slowly walked towards him who was still sitting on a chair at the table.

Standing in front of him I unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. I heard him have an intake of breath as he studied my body. I was wearing black lingerie with lots of lace, his favorite. Slowly his hands reached for me pulling me close to him. He kissed my navel before placing me on his lap, we were now at eye level and looking into his eyes I kissed his lips. Without breaking apart he stood up and pushed me towards his room.

We ended up in his bed and around the room he also had candles. I pulled at his shirt feeling the need to touch him, he more than willingly helped me undress him. Soon we were both without clothes and as he took a hold of my hands above my head he entered me, starting a slow and burning rhythm.

When we were done we laid side by side breathing heavily at our activities. It was a pure bliss every time we were together.

"Tell me you love me" I ordered as I turned around to face him.

He placed a hand on my face and looking into my eyes he said "Jade West you are the only girl I will every love."

He said this with so much emotion that I felt tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Really?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, do you still doubt it?" he asked while caressing my face.

"No but sometimes I still can't believe it" I responded being honest and opened for the first time.

"I know, but if you could see what I see you wouldn't be lying here with me" he said this time looking away.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to read his expression.

He looked at me and said "You're a catch, you could have anyone you want."

I smirked at him and said "I know I'm a catch, but I only want you" as I said those words I realized it was true I only wanted him. It had taking me this long to realize I only wanted Beck. Andre will always be my friend but I love Beck like no one else. And, perhaps I'm being selfish in saying this but he's the person I can't live without.

I snuggled close to him and whispered "let's sleep I'm pretty tired."

He wrapped his arms around me and said "sleep princess" I wanted to laugh at his nickname but was too tired to do so. I fell asleep in his arms.

AN: Thank you guys for being so patient with me, i'm sorry for not updating sooner. But, i will commit to updating at least every two weeks from now on. 

Also please comment/favorite! Let me know what you think of this chapter. 

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