Chapter 3

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AN: okay so I’m soooo sorry for not updating any sooner, but all I have for you is excuses. To make it up I made this chapter a little longer than the last two. I hope you guys are still with me and thanks for those who comment! 

As soon as I opened the door I noticed that my mom was already home. “Hi Jade how was school?” she asked. “Like school always is” I replied, my cold response made her be quiet for the remaining of my time in the kitchen as I made myself a sandwich.

Once I was done eating I got my bag and went upstairs. My room was of course very dark, the walls weren’t black as most people would expect but they were a very dark red almost like wine. But all the other furniture was black. I opened my underwear drawer and took out a black lacy bra with matching panties, ugh I hate that word. I took my underwear grabbed a towel and went to take a shower.

I took a good twenty minutes on the shower usually I take longer because I always enjoy my showers but I didn’t have to shave my legs so it took shorter than usual. Once I got out I noticed I had a missed call from Cat, I ignored it and put on some shorts and a tank top. I didn’t know what I was going to wear yet so I decided to start on my makeup and hair, the clothes could wait.

My phone once again started ringing this time I knew I couldn’t ignore Cat so I answered and said “What do you want Cat” in a mean voice.

“Hey it’s me” I didn’t know what to say at first, I really missed hearing his voice. “Ohh I thought you were Cat” I said, a bit of a lame response.

“Look I’m just calling” he seemed to think about why he was calling his voice sounded a little nervous but he continued saying “because I don’t know if you’re okay with me going today” was he asking me this?

“Why would I not be okay?” I asked, I’m glad my voice didn’t come out shaky like I felt. “You know it’s just… I don’t know it might be weird” he struggle for a bit in saying that.

“Look Beck you and I broke up, but it doesn’t mean we can’t hang out, besides we have the same friends it’d be impossible to avoid each other” I said, I hope the real reason he called me is because he misses me and not because he’s worried we’ll be awkward around each other.

“I never said I wanted to avoid you” he answered quickly. “Than what are you saying?” I asked. “Look I really don’t know, I just wanted to talk to you; I guess I’ll see you tonight bye Jade” he said, so maybe he does miss me. “Bye” I answered and the line went dead.

I continued on doing my makeup before my mom called from downstairs and said “Jade your friends are here” I went to open the door to my room and went back to my makeup I knew they would come upstairs they all knew the way.

“Hey” both Cat and Tori said as they came in, they were both caring duffer bags I guess they’re sleeping over as well.

It’s weird that these girls were my friends, I sort of tolerated Tori she seems to grow on me and well I’ve known Cat forever so of course she would be my best friend. We always met at my house because it was the biggest one. People think I’m some sort of abuse child or something because of the way I dress and act, but in all truth my life is just as normal as anyone’s. My dad makes some good money being an accounted and my mom’s a doctor so I guess our lifestyle is a good one. The only bad thing is that my dad wants me to get a “meaningful” career like he says; they don’t really support my acting. The funny thing is that I know in the end they’ll just go along with whatever I want, though they prefer a different thing for my life. I stopped thinking about my parents and made my guest feel welcome.

“So what are you guys wearing?” I asked.

“Well I’m going to wear this purple dress and some black high heels” said Tori.

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