Chapter 6

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Sorry it took this long but hope you guys enjoy it.

Jade’s POV:

I dreaded Mondays; the weekend just never seemed to be long enough. I spent all of Saturday with Cat and Tori, and on Sunday I just did my homework because after all I had to keep up with school work.

The reason why I’m dreading this Monday more than usual is because I’ve been avoiding both Beck and Andre. I’m so confused at this point. I understand Beck trying to win me back and all, but what the hell is Andre doing? I put this in the back of my head and just got ready for school.

I wore some black jeans with combat boots along with a long sleeve T-shirt from my favorite band. My hair as always down in curls and my makeup was simple black eyeliner which seemed to be enough for me. Even though my outfit seemed simple I knew I looked good, not many girls can pull off my look.

I took my car keys from my counter and drove to school only stopping to buy some coffee at the local Starbucks.

I made it to school just in time to go to my locker and get my things before my first class. As soon as I walked in I knew today was going to be a long day. Thankfully neither Beck nor Andre where anywhere near in sight so I just walked to my locker calmly.

I was getting my things when someone comes up to me and says “Hey Jade looking good today” I look up to see who it is and see it’s Jake. He’s always tried to talk to me but I just never cared enough to notice him.

“Are you saying on a regular day I don’t look good?” I question him and go close to him so he can know I’m serious.

“No you always look good” he answers with a wink, before I can answer someone else says “am I interrupting?” Jake puts his hands up in the air and says “just saying hello to Jade” and walks off but not before giving me a huge smile.

“Hey Jade, how was your weekend?” asks Beck, no wonder Jake left without question; Beck has a lot of influence at school.

I glare at him without answering him and go back to getting my books out of my locker. “Ahh don’t be mad babe we both know you didn’t want to be bothered by him” he says leaning on the locker next to mine.

He’s right but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t piss me off, “first don’t call me babe, and second I can handle anyone who comes to me, and how do you know I didn’t want to be bothered by him?” I questioned.

His smile drops and I smile evilly I knew that would annoy him, he never really liked Jake. I start to walk away but before I can he grabs my hand and says,

“You’re not serious, are you?”

I pull my hand and simply shrug before I walk away; I am in no mood to discuss anything else with Beck today.

I walk into Sicowitz class and see that Cat and Andre are already in there. They both smile at me as I walked towards them; I decide to sit next to Cat because I don’t want to talk to Andre today.

The rest of the classes seemed to be a drag on forever I just stayed by myself today and was pretty quiet for me. Then came lunch…

“Ready to go to lunch?” Cat asked as we got out of English, not all of our classes were about the performing arts.

“Yeah whatever” I said while gathering my stuff and heading towards the door.

We reached out table which had Andre, Beck, and Tori already sitting there. I put my stuff down next to Tori’s and took out my wallet ready to go buy something. “Can I come with you Jade?” asked Andre already getting up.

“Umm sure” I said in a confused tone, he already had his food, and he’s been acting weird lately.

I also saw that Beck had a weird look on his face, one that I didn’t see too often. We walked together to the truck of food in silent. Once we got there I order a salad and some coffee, weird combination but I drank coffee with anything and everything. Before I could pay Andre paid for me.

I turned to face him and said “thanks”

“I wanted to ask you something?” he asked in a weird tone.

“What is it?” I asked curious as to what he wanted.

“Well I umm” he started as he messed with his shirt and looked down “if you wanted to maybe go see a movie with me this weekend?” he finally finished.

“Like on a date?” I asked incredulously.

“Umm yeah” he answered sheepishly.

“But you and I are friends” I said as if that was an enough explanation as why we couldn’t.

“I know but I really like spending time with you Jade, and I know you do too, so why don’t we give it a try?” he asked in a hopeful tone.

I guess we could, I mean I haven’t dated anyone but Beck in like the past three years. But Andre? I don’t want to mess my friendship with him.

When my order was ready I said to him “let me think about it for a little bit” it seemed the most reasonable thing to do.

As we were walking back I saw a sophomore girl at our table, she seemed to be talking to Beck and that’s when I noticed she was playing with his hair and he didn’t seem to do anything about it. This was one of the reasons why we couldn’t work out he never cared  how “friendly” girls were towards him.

I turned back to face Andre and said “you know what I’ll accept, we can go out this Friday but I pick the movie”

“Really?” he asked with a big grin on his face “you won’t regret it” he said as he hugged me and spin me, I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.

That’s how we got back to the table laughing, and by the look on Beck’s face in knew he saw us hug before. Well maybe than he’ll stop flirting with girls.

What to do you think? I know it was short but I really wanted to update so there you have it. Please, Please leave a review, you guys have done so before and for that I am thankful! The “date” will happen next time I update and I will try my best to make it happen soon :]

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