Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious!

I could feel the sun beating on my skin, slowly burning me. It was strange I was usually never out in the sun because I would hate it, but these past few days I've spent them out enjoying Earth. I'm not really sure what part of Earth we were at now; it's an island is all I know. I committed to traveling with my parents and for the past month I've spent time getting to know me.

It's probably what I needed, sometime by myself to really think about things and make a decision so I could stop with all my questioning these past few months. I'm at a point now that I know I made the right decision by coming here. It is during these times that I've finally found the answers I've been so begging for.

"Jade we should go back to the hotel now so you can make it to the airport on time" said my mother who was standing over me her shadow blocking the sun.

I opened my eyes and there she stood with a huge hat on her head. "Yeah let's go I don't want to be late for my flight" I answered while getting up and packing my things on the small beach bag I brought with me.

Once in the hotel I took a quick shower and changed into some jean shorts with a black lacy shirt, I ended up wearing my converse my hair down my back. All my clothes were already packed and I only had to put some stuff in my suitcase before being completely ready. Before leaving for the airport I ate lunch with my parents, they would continue the trip to a few more islands before going back home where I would eventually meet them.

After lunch I went back to my room to gather my things but once there I decided to make a call.

"Hey, how's it going?" said Andre I could tell from his voice that he had a smile on his face.

"I'm good and you?" I said while taking a step out into the balcony, I was looking down the beach where many where there.

"Oh you know same old same old" he said.

"I miss you" I said while taking a seat on the table outside.

"I do too, I'll see you soon right?" He asked with a curious tone in his voice.

"You will" I responded with a smile on my face.

"Fly safely" he said lovingly.

"Always" I said and then quickly added "And, Andre thank you"

I hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

I went to knock on my parent's room and knocked on their doors. My dad opened the door and said "are you ready?"

I said "Yes" while going inside their room. I gave my dad a hug than followed to give my mom a hug as well.

"Call us as soon as you land" called out my mom as I was exiting the room. They weren't coming to the airport with me a car from the hotel was taking me.

"Yes I'll send you a text" I called back before closing the door.

The ride to the airport was pretty short and once there the bellboy helped me with carrying my bag down. I only had one suitcase with a carryon bag to take with me in the airport. I made sure to have a mystery book with for the flight or else I'd get bored.

I didn't have to wait long for my plane to board and soon enough I was sitting by my window seat like it liked it, the engines of the plane running low. I ended up taking a nap at some point but after I woke up I couldn't sleep any longer. I took out my book and I was halfway through when I heard the speakers say to put on our seat belts because we were going to be landing soon. I felt both excited and anxious at the same time.

Within minutes we were landing and soon enough I found myself exciting the gates waiting for my luggage. Dragging my luggage, I exited my gate and there he stood with a bouquet of flowers all black of course. I all but ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him, "Welcome to Vancouver" whispered Beck in my ear.

I glanced into his eyes only for a second before his lips came crashing against mine, it's been a month since we last saw each other. "I missed you" I said once we pulled apart. He took my bags and gave me my flowers, we began to walk towards the exit.

"I did too, but I'm glad you're here now by the way you look really beautiful" he said while taking my hand in his.

I smiled at him in response and squeezed his hand to let him know I appreciated his words. I knew I made the right decision my coming to Canada to spent the last month of my vacation with Beck, this past month made me realize he was the one I needed in my life. I spent the past month talking to him on the phone almost like when we first started dating, I also talked a lot to Andre and with him we came to the conclusion that all we ever could be was friends.

Beck was currently staying with his grandparents and I'm guessing he was driving their small car to pick me up. Surprisingly his grandparents actually liked me, and they were glad I was going to be staying with them as well. We stayed silent the whole ride there, I was enjoying the scenery that Canada had to offer.

"When do the others come?" I asked finally as we were getting closer to the small house.

"In two weeks" responded Beck with a smile on his face. Our other friends would come join us in Canada to spend some time all of us together before we began our final year in high school.

"Ready?" asked Beck as he pulled up into the drive way of the house. "Yes" I answered and got out of the car, ready to join him for the rest of the summer.

No matter what life threw at us I knew for sure me and Beck would be together, how we belonged. He is my one and only and I know that for sure now. So without another thought we walked hand in hand into the house, ready to spend the summer together. 

AN: I want to end the story here, i hope you guys like this chapter. Perhaps in the future I'll post a story of when they're ready to go to college but as of now this story is complete. 

Thank you for those who have followed this for a long time, thank you for being so patient with me in updating. Also, thank you for voting/commenting. 

Let me know what you think and once again don't forget to vote/comment!

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