Chapter 17

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Waking up today feels so much different than waking up yesterday. I feel a sort of inner peace that i hadn't felt in a long time. It feels nice that me and Andre have finally found some even ground. I know he told me to give him space and i will do that. I want more than anything to be friends with him like we used to. But, now i know it's not possible. Apart from him confessing his love to me, i too am beginning to question my feelings for him. I know i love him, but as i lay here i wonder, what kind of love? At the same time i tell my mind to throw those thoughts away because i am in no position to be thinking about that. I have no idea what time it is, i know i should get up because we have to be out of the hotel by midday.

Beck's no longer in the room, he must be getting me coffee. In all honesty i don't want to see him right now. He knows i was with Andre last night and i guess he doesn't mind, but it bothers me that he doesn't mind. Yes he's gotten jealous before something that i rarely see. Now that we're together again he seems to not mind me talking to Andre.

The best way for me to avoid Beck right now is to shower. I quickly get up and grab a towel from my bag and head to the bathroom. I lock the door as soon as i get in and turn on the shower. I usually don't lock the door with i'm in the shower but i just really hope Beck doesn't want to join me.

I strip off all clothes and make sure the water's how i like it. I like the water to be warm but i never like it to be too hot. I stand under the water for a few minutes, without thinking i touch my lips remembering last night. Both guys kissed me in different ways. The worse thing is that i liked both kisses equally, is it possible to love two guys at the same time?

Beck has always been my one and only, i had never considered me with another person. If i'm being honest with myself I've never thought another person could love me like Beck. Yes i know i'm hot, but guys always seemed to be afraid of me for some reason. I don't know how long i was in the shower i did everything rhythmically without thinking. Well i was thinking but i just feel too confused right now. All i know is that i need to get ready and forget about last night. Be happy that Andre has accepted to still be my friend and give him the time and space he asked for.

Once i'm out of the shower i change quickly and put my hair up. I'm glad Beck's not back yet. He must be downstairs eating breakfast, or he must be on his way back now. I leave our room and I see no one else is in the suite. I guess i'm the only that over slept since i went to sleep so late last night. I decide to call Beck to find out where everyone's at. I go back to my room and search for my phone. Of course its at the bedside table. Looking at my phone i realize that it's 10 in the morning no wonder i'm the only one in the suite everyone else is downstairs eating breakfast.

I scroll through my contacts until i find Beck. I call him and i sit while i wait for him to answer. He finally answers on the third ring.

"Jade, you're awake" he says in a greeting voice, i know he's smiling i can hear it. I can't help but smile too as i hear his voice.

"yes why didn't you wake me?" I ask in an voice even though i'm not. He seems to know this because he says "I know you went to sleep late so i wanted to let you sleep in, but don't worry i'm taking you some coffee"

i knew he would bring me coffee it's the only thing i can have in the morning.

"Okay good, and hurry up" I respond in a taunting voice.

"Yes princess" he says and i turn around quickly because he's standing right behind me.

He has a huge grin on his face and i can't help but smile he's just perfect and he's mine. I throw my arms around him and kiss him full on the mouth, he seems to be a bit taken back at my actions but he quickly returns my kiss. I pull back and take the coffee from his hands, i take a sip and it's just how i like it.

"You seem to be in a good mood" He says while picking up our things around the room.

"Yes i have woken up with a different outlook on life" i respond with a sarcastic voice, which is true i have realized new things about me.

"Really? and what has changed?" he asks, trying not to sound too interested in what i have to say but because of his face expression i know he cares.

"Just some new things I've realized that i had never thought about before" i respond and as an after thought i say "But you don't have to worry about it"

With a huge smile on my face i say "Anyways what time are we leaving?" He seems to still be thinking about my previous response but doesn't comment any further and instead says "we're leaving in an hour, as soon as everyone is ready"

I nod my head and say "already i'm going to see the girls and see what they're up to." I leave the room before he has a chance to respond or question me about what i said earlier.

I can hear voices from the other room so i know they must all be back from breakfast. I opened their door without knocking and four heads look up to see who it is.

"Jade you're up" i hear from my right side in a singsong voice. Of course it's Cat, i look at her and she's wearing a pink dress with some white flats, she looks like the perfect princess girl that she is.

"yes i'm finally awake" i say and head to her and Tori's bed to sit on it. The boys seem to ignore our conversation but i can't help it but look at Andre. Our eyes meet for a few seconds and he simply smiles. Not like yesterday when he would ignore all my looks. I smile back but quickly look away.

I look up and see that Tori is giving me a look i simply shrug and lay down on the bed.

"How was your night?" Ask Tori in a knowing voice. She's a light sleeper she must of know Andre left the room.

"It was just peachy" i respond in a voice that says she needs to stop asking stupid questions. Before she can ask anything Beck appears at the door and says "you guys ready?"

Everyone nods and i'm glad we can finally leave this place. It sounds strange but i have never been happier about leaving the beach. I get up and head to my room to get my bag. Things will definitely get interesting once we're back in school.

AN: Thanks everyone for reading my story i love you guys so much! hope you like this chapter and don't forget to read/vote/comment

I'll try to update soon :]

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