Chapter 15

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Two hours. I have been in the car for two whole hours. Normally I don’t mind road trips. I actually quite enjoy being in the car for so long, listening to music and talking to the driver. The problem with this road trip is that Beck is driving and of course Jade of course is right next to him. Holding his hand to make it worse.

We haven’t really talked much sure just a hey here and there as to not make it so awkward but we don’t say anything more than that. I know she wants for us to be like we used to but i can’t go back to that.

It’s painful enough to watch her with my best friend, i can’t go back to being there for her when Beck did something to her.

To be quite honest i don’t know how i did it before. I guess it was just that i knew i didn’t have a chance with her. But, ever since she said yes to going on a date with it gave me  hope that perhaps one day we could date. I should just move on from her because i know she loves Beck, and of course Beck is my best friend how can i even have these thoughts about my best friend’s girl.

As if she was listening to my thoughts herself Jade turns around and looks right me in the eyes. She looks beautiful with her hair shining from the sun making it look more black than usual. Her skin for once didn’t look as pale as it does everyday. As for the rest of her, well i didn’t dare look beyond her face because than i know for sure i wouldn’t be able to handle this trip.

She waves her hand in front of my face and says “Hello Earth to Andre” i guess I’ve been staring a little too long.

“Sorry what?” i ask trying to avoid looking into her eyes and at this moment i’m glad that the rest are asleep.

“Pass me some water” she says in her ever so demanding voice. I feel like a robot who only obeys because i do as she says while keeping my eyes down. I hand her the water and look out the window pretending i don’t feel anything. Feeling brave i look her way and just my luck she’s still looking my way. I look away again and this time i don’t dare turn back around.

Through our little exchange Beck is silent his eyes on the road pretending that nothing is going on. Taking out my headphones i plug them into my pear phone and close my eyes. I’ll pretend to sleep and this way i won’t be able to hear their conversation.


After two hours and thirty minutes we have finally arrived at the beach. Why did we even want to come this far for the beach?

“this beach is so much better than the one closer to home” screams Tori excitedly oh yeah that’s why. Sometimes i wonder why i’m friends with these people.

i guess normally i wouldn’t mind coming this far for the beach, because if i am being honest with myself this one is much better than the one at home.

But just thinking about that car ride with Andre made things too awkward, which is probably why I’m in such a grumpy mood. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and kiss on my head. “Smile a little, at least pretend you’re happy” Beck whispers into my ear.

“But i am happy” i say as i look up at him and give him a huge smile. I really am happy being with Beck makes me happy and surprisingly we don’t fight as much as we used to. I mean yes we still argue because that’s who we are, but we don’t get into those enormous fights we used to get into. As if to prove my point i wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply.

“Hey no PDA” screams Tori. Me and Beck break apart and we burst out laughing.

“Tori if i wanted a chaperone i would’ve asked my mom to come with us” i say in mocking voice. “Hey be nice” says Beck as he puts an arm around my shoulders.

I nod and turn around to help them bring the stuff out of the car. As i turn around i come face to face with Andre who has a pained expression on his face.

Once he realizes i’m looking his way he turns back around to the car. Why must this be so difficult.

I debate whether i should go after him or not, i decide it’s best if I don’t. I’m right in only a short amount of minutes Andre is back carrying an armful of things. This time he is wearing sunglasses so i can’t really read his expression. He heads to where Robbie and Beck are to  help them set our things up. It’s really not fair that he’s talking to Beck but not me. I can see Beck glancing my way every so often when he things i can’t see. Maybe Andre’s right maybe we should just ignore each other. I guess I’m being selfish for wanting both of them in my life.

The rest of the day went pretty uneventful we hung out at the beach for most of the day. It was pretty nice to be able to hang out like that. No more drama happened, which is basically because Andre and I ignored each other the whole time. Which seemed to be fine by everyone because nobody ever commented on anything. At night we decided to check in a hotel. We had rented a suit since we were so many and we could all be together.

Once we got settled in i took a shower and changed into some shorts and a tank top. Everyone seemed pretty tired i was tired too but not sleepy at all. i decided to sit on the couch and turn on the TV trying to find a scary movie to watch. I loved watching scary movies at night, sometimes i would even dream about them and nothing made me happier than a scary movie. Flipping through the channels all i was able to find were romantic movies which grosses me out. Turning of the TV i just decided to go lay on the bed and wait for Beck to come out the shower. There was two rooms one only had one bed and the other had two. We decided that me and Beck would share the single one and the rest were going to sleep in the other room. Everyone seemed ready to sleep so i went ahead and went to me and Becks room. Tomorrow would be a new day.

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