Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious

“Never have I ever gone after a friend’s girl” said Beck in a serious tone. We were all silent and the way he said it made me wonder if he was talking about Andre, because he has never gone after me if that’s what he meant.

We all just seemed to wait for someone’s reaction.

After what fell like an eternity I finally spoke up and said “I think it’s getting late” it was obvious that no one would take a drink.

“Yeah I’m really sleepy” said Cat, even she felt the awkwardness I think we all felt it.

Finally Beck and Andre got up from the floor not really looking at any of us.

“Yeah we should probably go home I don’t want to get home too late” said Robbie.

He said goodbye to Tori and Cat while he just waved at me. Andre just walked towards the door and said I’ll see you guys later. Beck seemed to be the one to hesitate when leaving; I guess he didn’t know what to say.

I decided to walk with him outside. The girls started picking up our mess while I walked towards Beck. He opened the door and I got out first, I looked out and saw that Robbie and Andre were already in the car this time Andre was in the back.

I looked at Beck not really sure what I wanted to say. “Hey I’m sorry for being such a douche” said Beck before I had a chance to talk.

“Why did you ask that question?” I asked him, did he really thing there could be something between me and Andre?

“Look I know I haven’t been there for you like you deserve and I know you and Andre have been hanging out I was just a little upset” he said looking down as if he was ashamed of his actions.

“Me and him are only friends, he would never do that to you; and besides me and you did break up so if he did like me, which he doesn’t he would not be making a move on “your” girl” I said a little harsher than I intended to, but he was really pissing me off.

“I know that but… look Jade I miss you” he said grabbing my hand. I didn’t know what to say because he was being so sincere.

“I know and I miss you too” I said letting him intertwine my fingers with him. “But” I continued “I just think this break is good for us, we just seemed to fight before and we were together out of habit I think. Just give me a little time Beck I think you need it too” I said knowing that my words were right.

“I’m not going to give up Jade, I love you and I know you love me too, and your right I never did appreciate you the way you deserved but I do now, and I’m going to do everything I can to prove it” he said then quickly he kissed me lightly on my lips and walked towards his car. I stood by the porch watching the guys leave and touching my lips. He kissed me!

“So what happened?” asked Tori when I walked in.

“He said he missed me and how he knows now to appreciate me, I don’t know that to do” I said informing them of what was happening and actually admitting that I didn’t know.

“I know that you really love him but I agree with you that he needs to appreciate you more” said Tori while sitting down on the couch.

“Yeah and besides that I think you guys did need a break” said Cat yawing going towards the kitchen probably getting some milk.

“Whatever let’s just go to sleep I need some sleep” I said walking past Tori and going up towards my room.

I didn’t like for them to see me like this I didn’t like for anyone to see me like this. Beck’s the only one that has really gotten to know me and my “nicer” side. Without thinking about anything else I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. I knew Tori and Cat felt comfortable in my house so they could show themselves to where they were going to sleep, I was too tired to play hostess.

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