Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It’s been an hour since Andre and I started recording his song and to say the least I was bored and tired. I had to admit it was a good song about him loving someone all year around a bit romantic, too romantic for my liking. I was bored because I was sitting here just watching him play the music to it I didn’t mind it as much as I was complaining but it’s me of course I have to complain.

I was tired because I had been singing nonstop and my throat was feeling a little dry.

“Do you want some water?” asked Andre as if reading my mind.

“Yes” I said while taking a look at my phone. I was a bit tempted to text Beck and ask him to come pick me up. But, Jade West was a professional so I was stuck here until Andre decided we were done.

When he came back with my water I decided it was time we took a break after all we had been working without stopping.

“Hey come over here give me your hand” I said while taking a sip of water.

He holds back his hand and says “why?” with a cautious look.

I laugh at his reaction and say “Come don’t be a baby” in a mocking tone.

He seems to man up and unwillingly gives me hand while he sits in front of me.

I do a little trick I used to do as a child I look at his reaction as I know he’ll feel a tingling feeling on his hand. I laugh because he seemed to be lost in what I did.

“Do it again” he says and it makes me laugh harder.

“No we have to finish the song” I say with a more serious tone, he nods in agreement and we get back to work.


I was showing this weird text I got from Cat to Beck as we were walking toward class. 

He laughed along with me to Cat's sillyness. As we were getting near the lockers we saw both Andre and Tori discussing something. Well I guess this is a good opportunity to ask about our recording. 

"Hey so did you finish the song?" i asked Andre. Who looked away as soon as i talked like he forgot something. 

"Umm yeah" he mumbled than continued with "I'll send it to you via the internet" and walked away quickly.

Leaving all of us in question. That was weird of him.

Beck looked at me with a questioning look even he didn't understand what was going on. I just shook my head with confusion and we continued on to our class.

All day Andre acted weird. I mean more weird than what he usually acted like. I was thinking of talking to him and see what was going one. But, as soon as i tried to talk to him he found a way to walk away from me. He was avoiding me and i had no idea why. 

As the day was ending I knew the only way to talk to him was to wait for him at his car, he had to go home evenutally and he couldn't avoid me anymore that way.

Walking to Beck's locker I tried to make an excuse of why I couldn't go home with him. 

"Hey babe" I said while leaning on a locker next to his. He was kneeling down to reach his locker and looked up and said "Hello beautiful."

I loved it when he called me beautiful, I mean I know I am but it was still nice to hear it. 

I smiled and said "So i'm staying after school to help Cat with her project, she'll take me home."

"Okay" he said with a smile. I was feeling a little guilty for lying to him, which to be honest I don't even know why I'm lying to him. 

I simply smiled back at him so he wouldn't notice my uneasiness. He grabbed the last of his books, got up and gave me a quick kiss before he left. 

"I'll call you later" i called after him.

As soon as he was out the door I made my way to the back parking lot where I knew Andre parked his car. As I walked outside I noticed that his car was still there good. 

Of course I sat on the hood of his car and waited for him which shouldn't take long. 

I was right in what seem less than five minutes he was out the door with Tori. I know Trina's car was somewhere near by. 

Once Andre spotted me he sighed as if giving up and said his goodbyes to Tori and walked my way. I smiled at him giving him my mischivious smile. 

"Hey" he said lamely while playing with the strap of his book bag. 

"You're taking me home" I demanded and got off the car. 

He opened the car and quickly got in before he could protest, which of course wouldn't change anything. 

We drove to my house in silence becasue now I had no idea what to say. I came up with this plan on getting him to talk to me but in the end i didn't even know how to aproach the subject. 

Once we got to the house i reached over and turned off the car for him and said "come on I want to show you somehting."

With what seemed like a dread to him he got out of the car. I took him to my room and made him sit on my bed. 

"So I didn't have anything to show you, but I wanted to ask what was up" i said in a rush while sitting next to him.

"What's up with what?" he asked nervously.

"Don't play dumb, you've been acting weird today" i said looking at him.

"Umm I don't know what you're talking about" he said while playing with a loose string on my bed. Unconciously my hand reached out to stop his movements which made him look up at me. He stared at me for what seemed endlessly. Finally he looked away and got up from my bed.

"Look you know how i feel about you, and I can't do this" he blurted out.

"Do what?" i asked surprised.

"You!" he almost screamed at me.

"I can't handle being close to you like this and want to hold you when i know you're with Beck, who by the way is my best friend" He continued. 

I was a bit speechless because i didn't know how to respond to that. 

"I think it's best if you just keep your distance from" he explained when he saw i had nothing to say.

"But me and you are friends too" i added as a small protest for his request. 

"Not in the way that we should" he said, than as an after thought he added "I can't be the friend  you want me to be" as he said this he came close to me gave me a kiss on the forhead and walked out.

I stayed in a bit of a shock until realization came to me and finally i just layed back down on my bed. 

What am i going to do now?

So sorry for the long wait! but here's this part i hope you like it and of course let me know what you thing.


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