Pregnancy fun for Kendall, and Kelli is sick

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Logan was getting in the homestretch of his pregnancy with little Faith. He couldn't wait to hold her again in his arms cause he missed those moments. Then he is going to miss her moving inside of him, seeing her on the screen at the appointments, kicking his rib cage every now and again cause she was bored, and mommy wasn't paying enough attention to her

"Faith I'm going to get daddy involved with this too cause I feel like he is missing out. Plus he had been treating her a little mean at times. Mommy can't help it her hormones are on a roller coaster ride" Logan says as he orders an empathy belly for Kendall, so he can experience the heart burn, mood swings, cravings, the back pain, the frequent trips to the bathroom, and more

Faith loved that idea

"You sure are one happy baby right now Faith Henderson Schmidt" Logan says to his belly where she was being very active for a moment

Logan was counting down the days until she came back into the world

"What's the matter Faith do you have the hiccups?" he asks when he felt his belly move

Logan comforts her

"Oh it's okay baby girl" he says as he rubs his belly to help her get rid of her hiccups that she had at the moment

Soon Kelli comes into the room

"Hi Kelli" he says when he sees her come into the room

Kelli laid her head on papa

"What's wrong sweetie?" he asks her as he picks her up to hold her

"My tummy hurts" she says to him

"You feel a bit warm princess" he says after he felt her forhead

Logan gets up with her and takes her to the bathroom just in case she had to empty her stomach. Which she did a few moments later

"I'm sorry papa" she says as she cries 

"It's okay princess me and you can cuddle for a little bit" he says as she goes back to emptying her stomach once 

Logan has Kelli rinse out her mouth after she was done

"We can watch something on T.V princess after I get you in your jammies" he says as he takes her to her room to get her into her jammies

Kelli loved snuggling with papa when she was sick


"What would you want to watch?" he asks as he turns on Netflix for her

"Mickey" she says sickly

"Mickey it is I'll start it after we get on the couch together" he says as he makes their bed, so they could cuddle

Once the bed was made Logan and Kelli laid on the watch and started their Disney marathon until Kendall came home from the studio

"Are you comfy princess?" Logan asks her

She nods as she snuggles closer to papa

"I love you so much Kelli" he says as he gives her a kiss on her head as they watch Mickey mouse

Kendall comes home a few minutes later to find Logan and Kelli fast asleep all snuggled together

"Hi Faith daddy home" Kebdall says to Logan's belly where Faith was still growing at

Faith gave daddy a nice kick

"Ah sweet dreams Logie, Faith and Kelli" Kendall says as he covers Logan up, so he wouldn't get cold at all, and Kelli wouldn't get more sicker

"I'm coming" he says when he hears the doorbell ring

Kendall was shocked to find a package that was delivered to the door

"I wonder what is in here?" he asks as he opens the box up to see what was inside

Kendall's eyes almost fall out of his head when he sees what was in the box

"Really Logan?" Kendall asks when he sees the empathy bally

Kendall figures Logan wants him to experience the pregnancy right along with him, and he figures he might as well go along with it for now since Logan went through all that trouble of getting it


Logan carefully gets up to use the restroom

"Hi Logie" kendall says as he makes himself something to eat cause he was hungry at the moment

"Hi Kenny i didn't know you were home" Logan says as he kisses Kendall

"I have been home for an hour now" Kendall says to him as he kisses him back

"I'm glad you're home" Logan says as they continue to kiss

"Is Kelli okay?" Kendall asks him

"She has the stomach bug that is going around" Logan says as he grabs some crackers for Kelli cause he could hear her whimper

"Papa" she calls from the room where they were laying down

"I'm coming princess" Logan says as he goes to her

"I'll wash the blanket while you change her into new jammies" Kendall says when he sees the scene before him

Logan quickly takes her jammies off, so they could be washed with her blanket

"Don't cry Kelli it's going to be okay me and daddy will take care of everything for you" Logan says as he carries her up to her bedroom to get her into new jammies

Once Kelli was in new jammies Logan brought her back downstairs, so they could snuggle with one another on the couch

"Papa I'm cold" she says as she shivers

"I'll cover you up" he says as he sits besides her

Soon Kendall comes in with the crackers that Logan was going to get for Kelli

"Here we go princess" Kendall says as he gives Kelli her crackers as Logan strokes her hair

"Thank you daddy" she says as she eats her crackers

Kendall got onto the floor to be close to Kelli as she nibbled on her crackers

"I wonder how she got sick?" Kendall asks Logan

"Probably from play group this week" Logan says as Kelli lays dowsn and snuggles back close to papa

"Papa" she says to him

"What princess?" he asks her

"My head hurts" she says to him

"My poor baby" he says as he starts to rub her forehead to make headache go away

Logan was loving treating Kelli like a little baby when she was sick or wasn't feeling too good. Kendall closed the curtains just in case she ended up falling asleep once more

"There we go Kelli and Logie" Kendall says as he tucks the both of them in for the night

"I'll be up with her later" Logan says as he gets comfortable with Kelli who didn't like the headache that was bugging her at the moment

"Are you hungry Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah me and Faith are getting a little hungry" Logan says to him

"I'll go get dinner, and me and you can eat while she sleeps" Kendall says as he leaves to go get dinner

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