Logan is pregnant

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Okay i am going to start out with the first one and that will lead to the second part where they find a little one and they take that little one in i hope you all like it as much as i do and this will be a work in progress of course like all of my stories 

"Logie the little one's are up so you better go up and get them out of their cribs" Kendall says as he was looking at who was up and who was still asleep like little lambs

"Yeah i better if you get the cups down" Logan says as he headed up to get the younger one's so they could have Christmas too like the older one's were

"I will" Kendall says as he was waiting for the older one's to come down for breakfast, and he was going to let them pick their beverage

(Much later)

"Okay kids photo time" Kendall says as the kids were finishing their breakfast

A lot of the kids were happy about pictures with their new family cause they felt like they belonged there

(Months later)

Logan started to feel off and the sickness that he got from the kids was not going away anytime soon either so he was going to see what was going on and what was causing it to last longer then normal, so it could not hurt to take a test to see if he was pregnant again like he was with Jordan cause Jordan is a cute baby and is a handful, and Kendall and Logan will not trade her for anything at all

"Perfect all of the kids are napping or playing a game or watching a movie right now so now is the perfect time to take the test and then figure out a way to tell Kendall and the kids later on when he sees if he is pregnant and he has a good feeling he was cause he had all of the symptoms like he had last time 

Logan took the test and set the timer cause he had laundry to finish up since it was piling up from the kids getting sick and some of them were potty training as well so there was a lot of laundry 

'Thank goodness we have a lot of washers and dryers in this house" he says as he was going to finish the laundry before Kendall came back and that is when Logan was going to start on dinner while Kendall played a game with the kids to keep them busy while papa was busy with supper then at dinner the family talks about their day while the babies play with their toys cause they will get fed later on by one of the older kids since they each took turns feeding the babies too

Logan went to see the chore chart to see if any of the kids that had the laundry chore that day was helping him, and he saw who it was 

"Perfect Kelli is helping me" he says as he went to see if she was in the laundry room with the clothes and sorting them out since she was the one that did her chores when they needed to be done and the kids who did their chores got rewarded at the end of the week with something from the chest 

Logan was shocked she had everything sorted for the next load of wash so Logan could load everything up and he could go up and see the test and see if he was in fact pregnant with another child 

"Thank you Kelli" he says as she went to do her other chore since the other kids were bribing her with toys and other things so they could get out of doing their chores as well which 

Logan saw her name was on the whole chore chart so he was wondering what was going on with the kids lately and why they have not been doing their chores. Since they started the chore chart at the beginning of the year 


Logan checked on everyone before he headed up to see if he was in fact pregnant again with their third child  

"Kelli thank you for taking out the trash from the babies room" he says as he saw her with a clothespin on her nose since the diapers were stinky 

"Welcome papa" she says as she was heading out to the dumpster to dump the trash and she was going to get the other trash as well while the laundry was being done 

Logan flipped the test and he saw two lines which meant he was in fact pregnant again and he could not wait to tell Kendall and the kids when he makes an appointment later on to see how far along he was with the pregnancy and if the baby was healthy too 

"Okay got to figure out how i am going to break the news to everyone that another baby is going to join the mix" he says as he was talking to himself as he went to put the test some place just in case Kendall sees it he gets the news first that they are in fact having another baby 

Logan heard the little ones wake up from their nap and the babies as well so he was going to see whose turn it was to help with the babies and he saw it was Kelli again when it should of been one of the other kids and not her all of the time which was not right at all  

"Kelli aren't you supposed to be doing something else" he says when he sees her in the room taking care of her siblings like a good girl she was 

"Yes papa" she says as she was ready to collapse from the exhaustion since she was tired and she didn't sleep much either the past few days cause she has been constantly moving and helping to keep everything going  

As Kelli was getting one of the babies out she in fact had collapsed onto the floor 

"Kelli" Logan says as he went over to her and get the baby that was not happy at all that it was hurt 

Logan called Kendall to have him come home and stay with the kids while Logan was at the hospital with Kelli 


"I can't believe this happened while you are gone i am going to have a talk with the kids and i am going to have everyone on the same page" Kendall says to Logan 

As long as we have each other (revamped) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now