First night home

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"Now to get these little cuties settles since Lila is exploring her new home with Kelli" Kendall says to Logan as they started to head out

"Yes and then the one's that were on the black market will come to us soon" Logan says as they headed out of the hospital with all of the babies in the stroller sleeping like little lambs

"Their rooms are almost done, so when they come to us all we have to do is welcome them with open arms" Kendall says to Logan as they were leaving the hospital to go home with the babies

"I wonder how and when they are going to come" Logan says to Kendall

"Not for a couple of days, and when they do they will come to the house, so all we have to do is bring them in and help them get adjusted" Kendall says to him as they boarded the elevator with all of the babies asleep in the stroller

"Yeah we will" Logan says as the door closes so they could head home with all of the babies that were sound asleep in their car seats right now

Kendall and Logan talked the whole way home and checked to make sure that the babies were okay back there as well cause they were so little and Kendall took it easy cause he had precious cargo in the backseat of the van


"Welcome home girls" Kendall says as he pulls into the garage of the house with the babies 

"Let's get you girls in the house and get you settled for your first night" Logan says as he got out of the van slowly cause he was stitched from having Faith 

"Logan let me help you to the house and then I can come out to get the babies and bring them in" Kendall says as he came over to help Logan to the house cause he was stitched from having Faith  

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he walked slowly into the house

"Welcome Logie and then I can bring all of the babies in two by two and that way we can intro them to their big sisters" Kendall says to Logan

"Sounds like a plan to me cause i thin it is almost time for me to feed Faith" Logan says as he headed to the couch so he could sit down a little bit cause he was still in a bit of pain from the birth still

Kendall got Faith first cause she woke up from her slumber

"Okay Faith daddy going to take you in to see mommy" Kendall says as he was carrying the newborn to Logan, so he could feed the little one 

"Hey faith you ready to eat huh sweet girl?" Logan asks as he took Faith from Kendall and guided her up for a drink at the bar 

Faith lets out some coos as her sisters came into the room cause they heard daddy and papa come into the house and that was their cue to go and see the babies

"Hey Kelli you want to see Faith?" Logan asks as Lila waited patiently for her sisters to come into the house so she could be with them once again 

Kelli nods as she went to see Faith that was with papa 

"Faith your sister Kelli wants to see you for a little bit before you eat sweet girl" Logan says as he pulled Faith out so Kelli could see Faith since Kendall brought Lila's sisters into the house so she could be with them too and get to be with them cause she had missed them a whole lot and she was glad that they were reunited under one roof 

"Lila do you love your sisters?" Kendall asks as he brought the last one's into the house so they could be with the others as well 

Lila nods as she was still admiring the babies that were cooing up a storm as Kendall had Sophia in his arms who was sleeping at the moment 

"Logie what are we going to name Lila's sisters we need to name them" Kendall asks Logan as he looked at the babies that were laying on their blanket with their sister  

"I don't know right now let's have the names come to us" Logan says to him

"I like Whitney & Tiffany as their names cause they rhyme" Kendall says to Logan as he was looking at the babies 

"I think the babies like those names so I say they are a keeper" Logan says as he was looking at Faith who was nursing from him right now 

"Okay we have Kelli, Lila, Liliac, Faith, Whitney, Tiffany, Sophia, and the ones that are going to be coming into the picture soon" Logan says as he was thinking of all of the babies that they had as well as the little ones too

"Speaking of Liliac" Kendall says as he headed out to the van to get her cause he had forgotten about her completely 

"Kenny don't tell me you left her in the van by mistake" Logan says as he looked at Kendall

"I think i did" Kendall says as he came in with Liliac who was not very happy right now and Kelli went by Liliac to make it all better for her since she was mad at daddy and papa was busy with the new baby 

"Kelli is always going to save the day as always" Logan says as he heard Lilac coo up a storm when Kelli was by her, and was comforting her  

"Of course she is our knight in shining tiara" Kendall says to Logan as they were looking at their little family that they had right now cause it was going to get better from there 

"I think I might want to put the girls into something so they have time away from us since they will be starting school soon and I want to see what their personality is and if they blossom cause I think Kelli and Lila will be too attached to us" Logan says to Kendall as he was burping Faith after she had had her belly full and daddy was going to change her too cause Logan had to feed the other babies as well that afternoon and get the older one's down for a nap too and have something to in in the middle of it all 

"Here buddy I made you something" Carlos says as he brought Logan some food

"Thanks Carlos" Logan says as he took the plate and started to eat a little bit cause he had to feed the babies and he was going to pump some milk as the babies slept too so if Kendall wanted to feed them he could as well 

"Welcome buddy cause i know you have five girls that need their nutrients in them and you need to feed them" Carlos says as he was looking at the babies that were sleeping or were with their big sisters at the moment 

"That's true" Logan says as he was having his meal that afternoon before he fed one of the other girls  

V & C

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