Liliac Eva Henderson-Schmidt & Sophia

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"Hello little one" Kendall says to the baby when he sees her open her small eyes to see where she was at the moment

"She looks so cute" Logan says as he holds the little baby in his arms

"Yeah she does look so cute" Kendall says as he continues to admire the baby that Logan had in his arms

Soon the newest bundle of joy started to cry

"She must be hungry Kenny can you get her a bottle?" Logan asks Kendall

"Sure I will be right back" Kendall says as he leaves to go get a bottle for the bbay, so she could be fed

"You look like a Liliac to me and I don't think no one has ever heard of that name before" Logan says to the baby that he had in his arms and was trying to calm down since Kendall left to go get a bottle for the baby

"Here we go Logie" Kendall says as he brings the bottle for Logan to give to the baby that he had in his arms

"Kenny I was thinking of calling the baby Liliac" Logan says as he feeds the baby the bottle

"She seesm to like that name what do you have in mind for her middle name?" Kendall asks Logan

"I thought Eva could be her middle name" Logan says as he continues to feed the baby that he had in his arms that was nursing happily

"She seems to like it" Kendall says as he picks up little Kelli, so she could see baby sister for the first time with her new family

"Baby" Kelli says when she sees the baby that was in papa arms

'Yes Kelli this is your baby sister Liliac" Kendall says to her as he holds her in his arms

Kendall takes her to see the plastic baby that him and papa were using for practice for when Liliac came

"This is your other baby sister she is a real plastic baby" Kendall says as he picks up the other baby, so Kelli could hold her in her arms at the moment since papa had the other baby

Sophia cooed up her sister

"Hi Sophia" Kelli says to the baby the was looking at her

"Kelli can i have the baby please?" Kendall asks her

"Sure daddy" Kelli says as she hands daddy the baby that she was holding

"Thank you princess go see papa" Kendall tells her

Kelli does what she is told and goes sees papa while Kendall checked out Sophia to see what kind of baby she was

"Let's see if you have batteries there baby girl" he says as he lifts up her hospital gown to look at her back to see what she really is

Kendall was blown away when he didn't see no batteries

"Are you a real baby?" he asks Sophia as he looks at her

Sophia coos up at him

"You must be a real baby that looks plastic come on baby girl let's go see papa" he says as he takes her to go see Logan, so he could get acquainted with him

(Other room)

"Logan we have another girl and that is the baby that we have been practicing on" Kendall says to him

"Give her here, so I can practice holding two babies at once cause Liliac is done eating" Logan says to Kendall

"Kelli get close to papa, so I can take your picture with your sisters" Kendall says to her

Kelli gets close to papa cause she loves her papa with all of her heart

"Come here our first princess" Logan says as the nurse comes in to take  the babies down to the nursery, so they could have their foot pricked and a full check-up since Liliac hasn't had much of a check-up since she had come into the world

"Sorry to interupt I need to take the two cuties down to the nursery" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan as she sees how many babies that Logan had in his arms

"That's okay we need to go home anyway, so we can tell everyone about the babies" Kendall says as he helps Logan up, so they could leave with little Kelli

The nurse goes and gets two bassinets for the babies cause they needed to be separated as they were in the nursery

"No" Kelli says as she fights the nurse for her sister that she fell in love with

"Kelli we can see your sister later" Logan says to her as Kendall places the two babies on the bed, so the nurse could come and take them back down to the nursery

"Yeah the nurses are going to take them to the nursery, so everyone else can see them" Kendall says to the two year old who was not very happy about that at all

"No my sisters" Kelli says to her papa and her daddy as she protects them

"The mommy part in her is coming out" Logan says to Kendall

"I think so too and we got to do something about this cause Kelli is going to fight the nurses when they come back for the babies to take them down to the nursery" Kendall says to Logan

Soon as soon as two nurses come in to take Liliac and Sophia down to the nursery, so they could have a full check up by the nurses Kelli put up quite a fight to protect her sisters from going with the nurses to the nursery

"Kelli we need to let the nurses do their jobs" Kendall says to the two year old who was protecting her sisters by covering them with a tent that she made with the cover that was on the bed

"No" she says to him

"It begins" Logan says as he excuses the nurses, but none of them were wanting to leave to go to another mother they were determined to get this babies down to the nursery, so they could be attended to

"Yeah I do not know what to do now" Kendall says to Logan as he thinks of a plan to get Kelli away from the babies

Soon one of the nurses was able to get Liliac, but Kelli was able to get her sister back into her care

"This ought to be fun" Kendall says to Logan

"yes it should" Logan says as he rubs his belly at the moment

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