Faith is born part 1

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"Hey Logan" Kendall says when he came home from a long day at the studio cause he was working on his next album that was going to be released that year and he wanted it to be perfect before it got released to the fans like it always does and Kendall wanted to have some videos that had the girls involved with the music

"Hey" Logan says to him when Kendall came into the room as he was in the middle of a contraction at the moment

"Are you okay Logan? Is Faith coming" Kendall asks a bit concern cause Logan has been having these false alarms lately with the baby, and he was getting close to delivering her

"I think Faith wants to be born now and wants to meet us finally" Logan says as he looks up at Kendall after he had a contraction

"How long have you been in labor?" Kendall asks him as he puts his guitar down and goes over to him to help him through the pain of the contractions

"Not long about three hours and the contractions are far apart still, so I have plenty of time before we head to the hospital to welcome Faith into the world and see what she looks like now" Logan says to him after the contraction was over and he stood upright again

"Well we ain't going nowhere tonight" Kendall says to Logan as he helps Logan to the couch, so he could help Logan with his labor a little bit and help him through the pain

"Maybe the hospital" Logan says to Kendall as they continue to head for the couch so he could sit down and take the weight off his ankles

"Yes Maybe the hospital" Kendall says as he helps Logan cause Faith was going to be born soon and they will have three kids

"Papa" Kelli says as she comes to him cause she was happy to see papa again

"Yes princess?" Logan asks her after he was on the couch relaxing

"Can you fix my owie?" she asks him with the puppy dog look

"Of course I can sweetie" he says as he takes her to the downstairs bathroom after he got off the couch to take care of her owie that she had

"Princess Uncles James or Carlos will be staying with you tonight" he says as he puts her on the counter in the bathroom

"Why papa?" Kelli asks him

"Cause Faith is going to be born soon, and papa will need to go to the hospital to have her" he says to her as he starts to take care of her owie that she had

"How you know?" Kelli asks him

"She is giving me hints that she wants to come out and meet you and Liliac" he says to her as he hides the contraction that he was having at the moment and didn't want to scare her off too much right now

Kelli was okay with Uncle James or Carlos coming to the house to stay with her and her sister while daddy was at the hospital with papa

"Daddy and me will check in on you and your sister the whole time we are at the hospital" he says as he puts a band aid on her owie to make it all better for her

Kelli was happy about that, and maybe she can go to the hospital to see papa again after he had Faith

"Kenny I think we need to get to the hospital" Logan calls to him after he came out of the bathroom after he took care of Kelli boo boo

"Okay Logie I got James coming over to watch the girls while we are at the hospital" Kendall says to him as he grabs the hospital bag for the hospital and the baby bag too

"When he comes we will head to the hospital to welcome Faith" Logan says as he rubs his stomach where she was being active right now and causing trouble

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