First night with Kelli and adjusting

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"Look Kelli papa got you all of these jammies for you to wear at night" Logan says as he shows Kelli around her new room

"Na-na" she says to him

"What's a na-na?" Kendall asks Logan

"It's probably her comfort item that she had in the orphanage" Logan says to Kendall

Kendall and Logan started to see what na-na could be, so Logan decided to go out to see if there was any stores open that could sell na-na

"Papa will be right back with your na-na" Kendall says as he takes Kelli to the master, so he could give her a bath, and get her ready for her first night in her new home

After Kendall gave Kelli a little bit of a bath he took her to the living room, and played his guitar for her

"Daddy thought you might want a little music while we wait on papa to come back from the store with your na-na" he says as he gets his guitar and brings it to where Kelli was

Kendall started to play a soft lullaby for Kelli to help her calm down, and that started to work somewhat until Kelli started to have a bit of a meltdown cause she didn't have her na-na

"I hope papa returns soon with na-na" Kendall says as he rocks Kelli in his arms

"Papa is back and he think he got na-na" Logan says as he comes to where Kendall and Kelli was

Logan got na-na out of the bag, and Kelli was immediately happy at the moment

"Logan how did you know that na-na meant pacifier?" Kendall asks him

"I stopped at the orphanage, and one of the workers told me what it was, so i went out to get a few to hold off for a bit until we can break her from it. Plus i had to pick up a few items like pull-ups, bottles and sippy cups" Logan says as he goes to the kitchen

"This place didn't start her on solids foods" Kendall asks Logan in shock

"No she has a bit of digestive issues, so she had to have formula until we can take her to be checked out cause we can do that when we go see the mother" Logan says as he starts making some bottles for Kelli

Kendall looks at the cute little girl once more

"She needs us Logan and we need her" Kendall tells Logan

After Logan finished up some bottles he gets a call from Miss Crabtree, and the birth mother was going to be going to jail cause she was caught with drugs, and they will get to see the baby in the hospital when the mother goes into labor

"It looks like our little one might be messed up a little bit" Logan says as he follows behind Kendall

"At least she will have a better life with us as her parents" Kendall says as he goes into the bathroom to get a shower

"Yeah she will" Logan says as he comes in his jammies

Logan holds Kelli in his arms until Kendall came out of the bathroom ready for bed, so they could go to bed together as a family that night

"Night Kelli sweet dream baby girl we love you" Kendall and Logan say as they give Kelli a kiss good night before going to bed themselves

"Night daddy night papa" she says as she goes to sleep between her new daddy's

"Night sweetheart we love you forever and for always" they say to her as they go to sleep too cause it was a very long day for all three of them, and they were exhausted from it all

(Later on that night)

Kelli started to whimper for no good reason

"Logie stop shaking the bed" Kendall says in his sleep

'I'm not shaking the bed" Logan says to Kendall

Logan wakes up and turns on his light to see who is shaking the bed, and to his surprise it's Kelli

"Kelli sweetie wake-up you are having a bad dream" Logan says as he sits up in bed with the little girl that he got from the middle of the bed

Kelli continues to whimper as she slept

"Sweetie it's okay you're with papa everything is okay" he says in her ear to see if that calms her down

Kendall wakes up a short time later, and gets his guitar and plays soft music for Kelli

"Papa is going to get you a bottle baby girl" Logan says as he heads for the kitchen to get one of the bottles

Logan returns a short time later with a new bottle for her

"Here we go Kelli drink up sweetie" he says as he holds her in his arms , and begins to feed her

Kelli starts suckling the bottle in her sleep, but she wakes up a short time later

"Hey sweetie" Logan says when he looks down at her suckling the bottle

"She seems contented at the moment" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah she does" Logan says as Kelli continues to suckle the formula

Once Kelli finished Logan burped her while Kendall took care of the bottle

"It's okay big girl" Logan says as he lays Kelli down in the bed once more

Kendall plays a soft lullaby for her, and she was out like a light

"She's asleep" Logan says in a whisper to Kendall

Kendall stops playing and goes back to bed hopefully for the second time that night

"I think she is meant to be ours" Logan says to him

Kendall moans in his sleep

Logan stood awake cause he could picture not having Kelli in his and Kendall's life he wonders what life would of been like if him and Kendall had her when she was a baby, or one of them got pregnant with her cause she is one great kid

(Next day)

Kelli started to cry at five in the morning, so Kendall and Logan took this as her wake-up call and got up with her

"Okay princess we're up" Kendall says as he takes Kelli to get her dressed while Logan made the bed

Kendall had Kelli on the floor playing with her toys when Logan came into the kitchen

"Hey princess" Logan says as he gives her a kiss

"Hi papa" she says as she drinks her formula again

"What are we going to do with her today?" Logan asks Kendall

"I don't know right now we will play it out for a while, so we are staying off our phones, and everything and spending it with her" Kendall says as he serves Logan breakfast

"That sounds like a good plan to me" Logan says to Kendall as he holds little Kelli Schmidt in his arms

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