Christmas with 20 plus kids

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Kendall and Logan had to get many trees for the kids so they each had presents under their own tree in their room so they could feel special, and they had the family tree outside since it was going to be a special Christmas for all of the kids indeed since many of them did not have a Christmas before this one, and Kendall and Logan was determined to make it a great one no matter what they had to do

"What's wrong Faith?" Logan asks as he came into the nursery to get her since all of the kids were in bed already and were waiting for Santa to come with their presents

Logan picked her up and comfort her

"Something scare you sweetie huh? You can tell mama all about it" he asks as he was holding her close and was rubbing her back to get her to settle back down

Logan decided to see if she was hungry and she was a little hungry

"Eat up baby girl" he says as he was looking at her as she was eating happily for mommy or papa in this case

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as he came up from setting up for Christmas

"Hey Kenny" Logan says as Kendall came into the room to see about Faith and why she was so upset

"Is Faith okay?" Kendall asks Logan a little concerned

"I don't know I think she might have colic right now, but i don't know since she is eating for me a little bit right now" Logan says as Faith was still crying up a storm as mommy was holding her after she broke free from nursing

"The poor thing" Kendall says as he came close to Faith to see what he could do for her and to have her stop crying

"I hate to have her sick before Christmas" Logan says as he got up to walk with her for a little bit to see if that helps to get her to settle down and go back to sleep on her own again that night with mommy and daddy being close to her

"Me either let's go to bed with her so she doesn't wake the others" Kendall says as they were going to bed that night again

"Okay I think she needs some mommy and daddy time with us" Logan says as he follows Kendall as they were checking on the other kids before going to bed themselves

"I think so too" Kendall says as he turns off her little tree before going to bed that night

Logan laid her in bed in-between them and she was still crying up a storm

"I think rocking her might help the cause" Kendall says to Logan as he was going to take the first shift with her

"You can take first shift while i do a little research before turning in" Logan says as he was going to research ways to calm her down a little better besides rocking her

Kendall got in the rocking chair and started to rock her gently

(Christmas morning)

"I think we need coffee after last night" Kendall says to Logan

"I can't believe she cried that long and she blew a hole in her lung" Logan says as he gets up so they can get started on breakfast since Faith was in the hospital recovering from her surgery since she was so fussy for no apparent reason

"Me either let's get ready for Christmas" Kendall says as he goes and gets started on breakfast while Logan was going to light the house up for the kids so it looked and felt like Christmas morning for  most of them since they had a pretty rough life so far and they needed to start over and this was perfect for them since many of them were in orphanages, and foster homes before they came to Kendall and Logan

Logan got all of the trees on and the bells were playing Christmas music and he made sure all of the toys were in the right places, and many of the kids were getting bikes or trikes that year for Christmas from Kendall and Logan since it was going to be a warm Christmas that year and they were going to have family time after all of the kids opened their gifts since many of them started the night before since they were so many they opened the little things that they wanted, and they were going to open the big things the next day 

"I called the hospital and Faith is doing good" Kendall says to Logan when Logan came into the kitchen after he had checked on the kids

"That's good to hear" Logan says as he started to get the buffet set up for the kids since they were going to be coming downstairs any minute for breakfast that morning

"I want to see hear later on in the day, so she can open her presents that she has even though she won't remember anything" Kendall says as he was continuing the breakfast that morning

"It sounds like the older one's are up" Logan says when he hears footsteps upstairs in the bedrooms where the older one's were since many of them had a tree in their room as well, and they had presents under there as well to open

"I guess they are opening and having some time for themselves" Kendall says as he was looking at the video monitors that were in the younger one's rooms since many of them slept in their cribs still and were scared of the big beds for now and they were going to help them transition to a big bed when they were ready for a big bed which won't be for a while with many of them since they were in the one year old and below category, and the next group were slowly going to the big kid bed, but they were scared of falling out of their beds still so they had the bumper up to help them from falling out of bed and onto the floor

"I guess so and I am going to leave them be for now until they come down on their own" Logan says as he was getting the sippy cups out that had the little one's names on, and was going to get the juice out from the other fridge

"Logie the little one's are up so you better go up and get them out of their cribs" Kendall says as he was looking at who was up and who was still asleep like little lambs

"Yeah i better if you get the cups down" Logan says as he headed up to get the younger one's so they could have Christmas too like the older one's were

"I will" Kendall says as he was waiting for the older one's to come down for breakfast, and he was going to let them pick their beverage

(Much later)

"Okay kids photo time" Kendall says as the kids were finishing their breakfast

A lot of the kids were happy about pictures with their new family

V & C

Little note
Wattpad decided to mix all my stories up on the website so I am on mobile right now and I will update next week if I can get it fixed in time and get all of the stories back on the right dates as well and write on the laptop or the main computer a new chapter next week for sure if I don't have to close

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