The one baby comes part 1

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"Kenny can you belive it we are going to have a baby tonight" Logan says as they head to the waiting room to wait on the little one to be born that night after class was over that night

"No I can't Logie she is going to be on perfect little girl when she is born" Kendall says as he sits next to Logan while they watch Kellie play with some toys that were in the waiting room with them

"I thought we were going to wait in the practice room for our little one?" Logan asks Kendall

"I want to wait here first and if it get really late we can head down to the practice room to wait on the birth of our first little one cause I want to get some sleep before the midnight feedings start in and we will be handling two babies in the middle of the night" Kendall says with a chuckle

"Makes sense plus we can head there when my back starts to hurt from seating in the weird positions for Faith, so I don't go into labor as well" Logan says as he finds somewhere for Kelli to be cause she is asleep on him right now, and Logan doesn't want to wake her at all. She got tired of playing with the hospital toys

"I don't have your bag with me anyway, and I want Faith to stay in a little longer if I may ask" Kendall says as he heads to the vending machine in search of food for Logan cause Kendall knew it was time for his pregnancy craving, so Faith can continue to grow and develop the way she should inside papa before she makes her appearance known in a few weeks

"Come on we are going back to the room cause mommy back hurts her" Logan says to Kelli as he gets up with her to take her back down to the practice room, so the both of them could get some sleep that night since the baby was going to take her time coming into the world

"Okay papa" she says to him as they head to the practice room to get some sleep


"Kelli papa is going to put you on the bed, so you can snuggle with him while we wait for daddy to come back" Logan says as they enter the Lamaze practice room to wait on the little bundle of joy that is going to be joining the family either that night or the next day sometime

"Okay" she says he lifts her up onto the bed, so she could go back to sleep while they wait on the new baby to come into the world

Logan gets into bed with her

"Are you comfortable princess?" He asks her

She nods as she snuggles close to her papa cause she was tired

"Logan I thought you were going to be in the waiting room?" Kendall asks him

"Well my back started to hurt, so I came down here so I can get more comfortable cause Faith is moving quite a lot in there and it is hard for me to get comfortable anywhere" Logan says as he joins Kelli in the bed and sits the bed up, so he was comfortable

"Makes sense we might as well get some sleep cause apparently the mother isn't ready to deliver the new baby yet" Kendall says as he takes the chair that was by the bed

"Yeah we better cause the baby won't come until tomorrow sometime" Logan says as he covers him and Kelli up, so they could sleep together while Kendall slept in the chair

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he gets comfortable in the chair that was next to the bed

"Night Kenny, night Kelli" Logan says as he turns off the lights, so the family could get some sleep that night

"Night Kelli" Kendall says as he goes to sleep

"Night daddy, night papa love you" she says as she falls asleep next to papa

"We love you too Kelli" Kendall and Logan says as they go to sleep

(Next morning)

Logan was up before Kelli

"Ah morning Logie" Kendall says as he returns with breakfast for the family

"Morning" Logan says as he goes into the bathroom to relieve himself cause Faith on his bladder right now

Kendall goes and gets breakfast set-up for the family to have that morning 

"Morning Kelli" he says when he sees her wake up from her slumber

"Morning daddy is new baby here?" she asks as she stretches in the hospital bed

"Not yet baby we have a while to wait yet" he says as gets her out of bed and gets her dressed while Logan was in the bathroon freshening up a little  bit

"Where's papa?" she asks him

"He will be right out he is just using the potty right now, but he will be right back out soon" Kendall says as he gets Kelli out of her jammies and puts her into her outfit that he had picked out when he went home the night before

"I'm back Kelli" Logan says as he exits the bathroom

"Papa" she says as she runs to him cause she missed him

"Where are we at on the new baby?" Logan asks Kendall

"The new baby will be born this afternoon sometime when I do not know" Kendall says as he puts Kelli's bib on her

"That's good" Logan says as he helps Kelli eat her breakfast that morning

(Much later)

"Now let's head down to the waiting room to wait on the new baby" Logan says as they head down to the waiting room

"Yes let's cause the baby might be closer to coming" Kendall says as he follows behind Logan to the waiting room

Kelli wanted to go to the nursery window to see the babies just in case her sister might of come already

"Hang on there sissy didn't come yet she is still in her mommy belly yet" Kendall says as he catches up to the two year old who wanted to meet her sister

"Hey guys" Miss. Crabapple says when she saw Kendall and Logan with little Kelli

"Hey Miss. Crabapple" Logan says when he sees her

"How is the mother this morning?" Kendall asks her

"She is tired they are making her get up and walk around to get the baby into birthing position cause the baby flipped during the night" Miss. Crabapple says to the gentle men

"How how far is she?" Kendall asks her

"She is at five centimeters right now so the baby could be born this afternoon sometime" Miss. Crabapple says to the couple

"Can we talk tot he baby cause maybe she could flip once she hears her adoptive parents?" Logan asks Miss. Crabapple

"Sure it couldn't hurt and the birth mother would like to meet you guys anyway to go over what should happen after the baby is born" Miss. Crabapple says as she takes the couple to the birth mother to meet her cause they haven't met her yet

"How old is the mother?" Logan asks Miss. Crabapple

"In middle school, and she doesn't want anything to do with the baby after it is born" Miss. Crabapple says as they approach the mother's room where she was in a lot of pain from the contractions

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