Part 2

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Going to be working on this story as needed with my schedule being crazy here and there as well cause we barely have much help still and we lost the one we ended up gaining from the front end to the liquor store sadly, and not the co-manager is out with is back, but he is back now 

Kendall signed Logan up for Lamaze cause Logan was going to need it this time around cause the baby is going to be different, and Logan did not want to have a c-section at all he was fighting to give birth naturally cause if they had kids he wanted to experience the pain and everything that was associated with giving birth as well cause it was an experience he wanted to remember

"Well, when do I go to Lamaze?" Logan asks Kendall

"In a few weeks their last session is finishing up so we got in on the next session," Kendall says as he was looking at Logan right now cause he wanted to be with Logan as he continues this journey right now

"That's good I can't wait to meet this little angel," Logan says as he was rubbing his bump right now

"Me either she is fully loved already cause she is going to be different" Kendall says as he kisses Logan's bump

"We still have that test coming up to see what is going on with her I hope whatever might be wrong clears itself up before I have her," Logan says as he was looking at the calendar right now

(Weeks later)

Kendall and Logan were going to be going to the hospital early for the testing that needed to be done for the baby and for Lamaze as well, and Kelli needed to go as well for a check-up to see if she is getting better and she has been getting better slowly and she is not letting anything take her down right now cause she was quite the fighter

"Kelli come on sweetie" Logan calls to her

Kelli came with her oxygen on her and her heart monitor around her neck to monitor her as well and she has not had an episode quite yet

"Go see daddy and he will buckle you in" Logan calls to her

Kelli did what she was told and went out to the van so she could get buckled in and Logan was going to be in the back with her


Kendall helped Logan out and then he got Kelli out and the three of them headed in for Lamaze, the test and check-up

"Kelli stay close to us okay" Kendall says as they entered the hospital

"Okay daddy" she says as she was walking next to them

Kendall got Logan and Kelli registered and he took Kelli to her testing location cause they were going to see about her heart and see if it had recovered from her episode she had

"Okay now we see about baby girl" Kendall says as they head to ultrasound right now

"Yup then come down and get Kelli" Logan says to him as they headed to ultrasound right now then when they were done they were going to pick up Kelli and they were going to go to Lamaze

Kendall sat with Logan and they talked to the baby as well as they waited to go back to go check on the baby

"Logan" the nurse says as she calls him back to the ultrasound room

Kendall helps Logan up and they headed back to check on their baby girl cause she is going to be on her merry way in a few weeks

"Ow" Logan says as he was walking

"You okay Logan?' Kendall asks him

"I just got a pain where she is all" Logan says as they continued to head back to check on the baby

"I hope she is okay in there" Kendall says as they entered the ultrasound room

"I hope so too I am scared right now" Logan says as they were walking back to the room where he was going to have his check-up at

"Logie I am going to be here with you" Kendall says as Logan got on the scale to check his weight right now with the baby

Logan went to the room and got in the hospital gown to wait for the doctor to come in

"Your bump looks cute" Kendall says as he saw the baby bump that Logan had

"Thanks I am still having these pains" Logan says as he felt another one go across his stomach

"Hopefully you ain't going into labor" Kendall says as he looks at Logan right now

"I hope not either Kenny cause she will be too early" Logan says cause they were only going to be checking on her right now and seeing how she was doing inside her mommy or her papa right now

Logan was breathing through the pains that he was having right now and he was hoping the doctor sees if he was okay as well as their new little girl. The doctor came into the room and he did the exam to see about Logan cause he saw that Logan was having pains right now, and he was going to see about the baby right now as well and see if she was going to be ready to be born and Logan was hoping that she doesn't end up being born cause she was too early

"Logan I am going to admit you cause I am not liking these pains that you are having" the doctor tells Logan cause he wanted to monitor the baby right now cause he was worried about the baby right now

"Kenny I'm scared" Logan says as he was looking at him right now cause Logan was going to be in the hospital alone cause of the virus that is going around cause the kids could not see him and he could not see the kids the only time he could maybe see them if his room had a view of a patch of grass where Kendall could have all of the kids be together and looking up at him, or if Kendall could go in and get Logan and Logan could come out to be with the kids cause they had a lot of kids enough for a small gathering and that was a big no right now so Kendall was going to have to get the kids out in small groups so Logan could see all of them and be with all of them as well

"Logie I am going to be right here the whole time maybe if I am allowed cause I won't leave your side and the guys can step in and watch the others as I am here with you and with our baby girl" Kendall says as he was looking down at the bump that Logan had right now cause it was really cute

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he looks at him

"I'm always here for you Logie" Kendall says as they kissed before Logan was going to be moved to a room

Logan was going to be moved to a room to rest and check on the baby as well

"We need to talk names for her" Logan says once they were in the room

"Yeah we do don't we" Kendall says as he was feeling the baby move

"She will be here before we know it" Logan says with a chuckle right now cause he was going to be going through delivery before he knew it

"Or she might be in there for a while until she is fully ready to come" Kendall says as they kissed that night

"Kenny you better get Kelli cause she is probably done" Logan says cause he remember that their little girl was there with them that night

"Yeah I will be right back and I can see if my brothers can take her home cause I'm staying here with you" Kendall says to him

"Take her home and get a bag packed for the hospital with games and everything we might be here a while" Logan says to him

Kendall was going to do just that for Logan

More is coming like checking on the baby, and naming her as well 

As long as we have each other (revamped) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now