Liliac first night home part 2

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"Logie I'm home where are you," Kendall says as he comes into the house after he was done recording for the day in the studio that he had at Dustin's house, and he couldn't wait to see his girls and his husband who he had missed a lot these past few days when he was recording and making new music for his family

Kendall looks around to see where Logan and the girls were cause he didn't hear Kelli come running to daddy at all at full speed like she always does when she hears daddy come home from the studio, and Logan didn't greet him at the door like he normally does with a kiss and his favorite beverage that he drinks after a long day in the studio working on new music and with a new artist that is up and coming for the record label that he had at Dustin's house

"Where could they be at?" Kendall asks as he goes in search of Logan and the girls after he puts his guitar down someplace where Logan wouldn't trip on it and causing him to go into labor with Faith cause Logan and Kendall want her to stay in there for a little while longer. The longer she is in there the better that she will be when she is born, and the bigger she will be as well

Kendall finds them in the master where Logan had his arms around Kelli and Liliac was sleeping in her bassinet like a little angel that she was, and Kendall could see that Faith was kicking inside papa and he didn't even feel her kicking at all

"Hi Liliac daddy's home finally, so he can help papa take care of you sweet girl, and give you a proper welcome home. Daddy will be here all night for you baby doll" Kendall says as he picks up the baby from her bassinet and holds her cause she started to whimper in her sleep a little bit from a bad dream that she was having, and Kendall started to rock her slowly, so she wouldn't wake Logan at all since he was getting close to his due date with Faith

"Oh it's okay I got you little one daddy is right here and will always be here for you always no matter what happens in this great big world," he says as he takes Liliac out of the room since Logan and Kelli were still asleep like little lambs, and Kendall hated to wake Logan up with Liliac fussing for papa

Kendall takes her to the kitchen for a bottle, so he could get used to feeding her as well

"Okay Liliac daddy is going to feed you your bottle just in case you are hungry, and daddy doesn't know when papa fed you last and didn't know if you were fed at the hospital before you came home," he says as he puts it in the microwave to heat it up for her, so he could feed her for the first time since he came home from the studio and was going to spend time with Logan and their girls

After the bottle was warmed Kendall tested it to see if it was warm and not too hot for her to have that afternoon

"Perfect temp for you baby doll," he says as he gives her the bottle in question for her to suckle on just in case she was quite hungry and needed some refreshment

Kendall walked around the downstairs with her as he fed her in his arms

"Daddy is going to take you to your nursery to change you after he burps you, princess," he says as he takes her to her little nursery that Kendall had set up for her before she arrived, and Logan was going to bring her home from the hospital

"Daddy and papa did this for you sweet girl. I hope you like it when you get older. If you don't we can always change it to anything that your little heart wants" he says as he brings her into her room to finish feeding her, so once he burps her he could just go ahead and change her diaper, so she was all fresh and clean once again for papa

Once Lilac was finished with her bottle Kendall goes ahead and burps her on his lap cause that was a better place for her to be burped

"There we go now to change you cause I think you have a present for daddy," he says as he takes her to the changing table to change her dirty diaper, so she doesn't get a rash on her little bum

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