Coming home

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"Kendall do you think Kelli and Lila will be judged cause they don't have a mommy like some of the other kids do?" Logan asks him as they were bonding with Sophia a little bit since she wanted to be held

"Why do you say that Logie?" Kendall asks him as he strokes Sophia's cheek

"Cause of all of the killings that are happening around the world with gays" Logan says as he was looking at Sophia who was sleeping in mommy's arms right now

"I know and when they start school I will ask about that so our kids ain't judged on their family life and if they are going to a school where they will be judged they won't go to that school at all" Kendall says to him as he holds Logan close for a little bit longer cause everyone was happy as could be right now

Logan felt better about that

"Maybe they will have classmates that have two mommies or two daddies like they do" Kendall says to Logan

"Maybe and maybe their friends parents will be okay with that too" Logan says as he pictures what life is going to be like for the kids when they start school and they have to deal with people who won't accept that they have two daddies and no mommy

"Kelli might be tortured cause she was in an orphanage for a while though before we adopted her as our own" Kendall says before one of the twins started to get fussy so Kendall decided he was going to get Lila ready for bed first since Kelli was with Faith and Lilac too spending time with them

"I hope not" Logan says as he was going to get out of bed to see what was going on with one of the twins

Kendall was quick to get Lila ready for bed that night, and Lila decided to know Kelli a little bit just in case they wanted to share a room which was okay with Lila and the babies will be together as they got older in life. Then if she did not want to share a room that's fine too cause they had plenty of rooms that the girls can have a room and have their own space that way they weren't in each others hair when they were teens and they hate their sister or they go goth

(Few days later)

"Hey Logan you ready to come home?" Kendall asks Logan when he came into the room with one of the strollers for the babies since Logan couldn't hold all of the babies in his arms as he was leaving the hospital with the babies

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Logan says as he was taking care of Faith a little bit since she was all done eating for mommy

Logan and Faith had to be in the hospital for a couple of days before they were release to go home, and during that time the girls stayed with Logan and Logan was okay with that, but when the babies and him were going to come home the girls had to go back home and that was going to be a huge adjustment for Lila and her sisters as well as the other, but Kendall and Logan were going to help them get through it together and help get use to her new life with her parents and then it will be time for the one's that were on the black market to come home to their lives as well

"Logie you going to change?" Kendall asks as he came into the room with the other stroller that they were going to use for the rest of the babies

"Yeah I want to make sure that they are going to sleep before i change caus ethey are all fed and burped and changed" Logan says as he looks at all five of the babies that were sleeping peacefully in the bassinets right now since they all checked out just fine in the nursery  

"Logan they are going to be okay go change and then we got to get the girls ready to come home" Kendall says to Logan

As Logan was in the bathroom Faith woke up from her short slumber

"Oh Faith it's okay mommy will be right back love" Kendall says as he went over to the baby that was not very happy right now

Logan came right out to comfort Faith cause if one baby cries that will cause the others to wake up from their slumber as well, and that will not be good at all

"Faith it's okay mommy is right here" Logan says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms once more

Faith settled down and went back to sleep on her own

"I think she wanted mommy" Kendall says to Logan once Faith was fast asleep

"I think so too" Logan says as he started to get Faith ready to go home

Kendall did Sophia cause they were going to work on the twins together before getting released to go home from the hospital


"Okay I think we are all ready to go home" Logan says as he looks at all of the babies that were sleeping peacefully right now in their car seats on the hospital bed

"I think so too" Kendall says as they kiss before the babies woke up from their slumber

"Kenny give me a couple of weeks" Logan says as he looked at Kenny

"Sorry" Kendall says as he looks at Logan

Logan knew that Kendall was only messing with him

"Now we wait to go home" Logan says to Kendall as they started to get the car seats on the stroller so they could head home

"Yeah we do until then we can get all of the babies secured on the strollers so when we get the all clear all we have to do is go home" Kendall says to Logan

"I think they might want me to do some testing to make sure I can come home" Logan says as the nurse comes into the room to see Logan and the babies to make sure that all of them are ready to go to their new homes as well

Logan checked out a okay and was ready to go home

"I think once the papers come in we can head out of here" Logan says as he looks at Kendall

"I think so too" Kendall says as he kisses Logan on the lips

The papers came quickly and Logan was ready to leave with all of the babies secured and ready to go home

"Now to get these little cuties settles since Lila is exploring her new home with Kelli" Kendall says to Logan as they started to head out

"Yes and then the one's that were on the black market will come to us soon" Logan says as they headed out of the hospital with all of the babies in the stroller sleeping like little lambs

"Their rooms are almost done, so when they come to us all we have to do is welcome them with open arms" Kendall says to Logan as they were leaving the hospital to go home with the babies

"I wonder how and when they are going to come" Logan says to Kendall

"Not for a couple of days, and when they do they will come to the house, so all we have to do is bring them in and help them get adjusted" Kendall says to him as they boarded the elevator with all of the babies asleep in the stroller

"Yeah we will" Logan says as the door closes so they could head home

V & C

As long as we have each other (revamped) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now