First night home final part

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"Papa needs to get home cause Faith is making him uncomfortable right now, so Faith might be born tonight Kelli, so you might be a big sister tonight" Kendall says to Kelli as they leave to go to check out together with her new sippy cups that she wanted to have

"Okay daddy" she says to him as they head to the van, but first they had to check out with everything that they had bought

Kendall was glad that Kelli was back to her normal self and not a terrible two year old like she is some of the time, but he knew it was just a phase that she was going through some of the time

"That's my girl" he says to her as they head for check out to pay for their purchases, so they could go home that night and get Lilac for her first night in her new home cause it was going to be a long one if that for Kendall and Logan if Logan goes into labor that night with Faith cause it looked like Logan was having some contractions as they were in the store that night shopping for Kelli's sippy cups

After Kendall paid for the sippy cups for Kelli they headed back out to the van where Logan and Lilac was at since Logan wanted to go to the van after Kelli picked out her sippy cups cause he was feeling uncomfortable in the store cause Faith was moving around a lot inside Logan that night making him uncomfortable

"Logie are you okay?" Kendall asks him as he gets in the van to buckle Kelli in for the ride back home that night cause Kelli was getting sleepy in general and Kendall was going to give her a bath before tucking her in for the night that night and get Lilac ready for her first night in her new home as well that night

"I think we better to the hospital cause this might be it" Logan says to Kendall after he had timed his pains and did his breathing exercises that him and Kendall have learned in class a few weeks before

"Okay we better cause it looks like tonight might be the night that Faith comes into the world" Kendall says as he gets Kelli in her car seat after he put the sippy cups besides her, so she could see all of the cups that she had to use for her drinks until she had outgrew them and went to the big girl cups with a straw, so she wouldn't spill

"It looks that way" Logan says as he rubs his bump where Faith was being extremely active like she wanted out of papa right that minute

(Skip car ride)

"Okay Logan were here I'll help you out" Kendall says after he had parked in one of the spots close to the emergency room cause the front entrance was locked and they could not get in to head up to maternity to get Logan checked out to see if he was in labor or if it was a false alarm that night

"Okay thanks Kenny" Logan says as he gets out of the van and waddles to the entrance to see if Faith was going to come that night or if she was going to stay put

Kendall got the stroller out and had Kelli hang onto it as  they headed into the hospital to check on Faith and to see if she was going to be coming into the world that night or next morning

"Yes we need to go up to maternity" Kendall says to the receptionist as he helps Logan cause Logan started to get contractions a little bit as they were waiting to head up to maternity

"Okay you may go up" the nurse says to them as she leads them through the doors and up to maternity

"How are we doing mommy?" Kendall asks Logan as they head up there with the two girls either in the stroller or walking besides it

"Okay for right now" Logan says as he continues to breathe in and out to help him deal with the pain a little bit that he was having in his stomach where Faith was at

"That's good" Kendall says as he pushes the stroller still as they head up there

(Skip elevator ride)

As long as we have each other (revamped) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now