Faith is born part 4

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"Still at nine centimeters right now not much progress, so once your doctor comes in he will see what he wants us to do like start you on some medicine to get the contractions going again or if he wants to check baby to see where baby is at" the nurse tells Logan and Kendall before she leaves the room

"Is she okay though?" Kendall asks scared for Logan and Faith cause Logan hasn't gotten to ten yet and he was ready to have the baby, and he was worried that Faith is going to have health problems since she hasn't come yet  

"Yeah I think she is face up or isn't in the birth canal ready to come, so we will see when the doctor comes in to see what he wants to do" the nurse says as she leaves the room to go back to the nurses station

'Well i guess this is a long labor" Logan says he sits up a little bit cause the epidural was wearing off a little bit and he wanted to get comfortable in the bed cause Faith didn't want to be born yet 

"Yeah at least we will see her this afternoon or evening" Kendall says as he looks at the clock that was on the wall of Logan's room

"I say evening cause I think she wants to hang out right now until she is fully ready to come and meet us" Logan says as he turns on his side for a little bit to take some pain off his back 

"Hey Logan" Logan's doctor says as he comes into the room to check on Faith to see where she was at 

"Hey" Logan says as he greets his doctor as he faces his doctor that came into the room

"Let's see what is going on with Miss Faith shall we" the doctor says as he checks Logan to see if he was fully dilated 

"She is face up in the canal, and I am going to start you on some medicine and have you walk the halls a little bit to help labor get going again cause I don't know why it stalled in the first place" Logan's doctor says to him after he had checked Logan 

"Do what you have to do" Logan says to the doctor

"Okay I will get that set up for you" the doctor says before leaving the room

Soon a nurse comes in with the medicine that Logan needed to jump start his labor again 

"I am right here Logie" Kendall says as he tries to keep Logan calm as the contractions start back up again 

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he relaxes as the contractions kick back up again stronger then ever 

(Few hours later)

"Well Logan you are fully dilated and the baby is in the birth canal and ready to come now" Logan's doctor says after he had checked Logan to see if he was fully ready to deliver the baby after Logan had walked the halls, bounced on the labor ball, walked in the labor pool

"Am i delivering here or in the delivery room?" Logan asks the doctor as he got ready to have the baby 

"Delivering right here in your room, so we need to start to get ready cause baby is not waiting around now she is ready to come and meet her parents" the doctor says as he motions to the nurses start to get Logan ready to deliver the baby cause she was ready to come now 

"This is it Logan ready to be a mom?" Kendall asks him as he got ready to help Logan with the hard part of the labor process as the nurses continued to get everything set up for the birth 

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Logan says as he lower half was covered for the birth after his legs were placed in the stir-ups for the delivery, and he got into position that he felt was comfortable to be in for the birth   

"Okay Logan the head is literally right there so push" the doctor says as he takes his place for the birth once he was fully gowned for the birth, and the door was closed  

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