Kelli and Lila sees Faith

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"Well this little lady is 9 pounds and 5 ounces" the nurse says when she put the baby on the scale to see how much she weighed

"She is a big baby" Kendall says to Logan

"She is healthy though, and that is all that matters" Logan says as he admires Faith who was cooing up a storm for the nurses as she was measured to see how long she was

"Yeah" Kendall says as he kisses Logan

"She is 20 inches long" the nurse says when she had measure how long Faith was

"She has your height Kenny" Logan says to him

"She does doesn't she" Kendall says as they take Faith to the warmer to check her over a little more

Faith was returned with her bow still on her head and wrapped in a blanket

"She is adorable" Kendall says as he admires Faith who was cooing up at her daddy as mommy held her  

"Kenny is Kelli here, and where is Lila?" Logan asks him cause he didn't see Lila anywhere 

"Yes she is in the waiting room waiting to hear about her sister, and Lilia is here as well I took her out while you were delivering Faith" Kendall says to Logan 

"I want to see her" Logan says as the nurses come in to take Logan and Faith to the recovery room to recover from the birth 

"Okay I'll tell Kelli that Faith is here and she can come to see you as well as the other one that is in the waiting room probably getting to know Kelli" Kendall says as he leaves cause he was happy to be a daddy again to little Faith who was an angel 

(Waiting room)

"Kelli" Kendall says as he approaches the waiting room where Kelli and Lilia was 

Kelli was glad to see daddy again and Lila was glad to see daddy again 

"Daddy" Kelli says as she runs to daddy cause she was glad to see daddy again 

"Well Kelli you are officially a big sister cause papa had the baby already, so Faith is here" Kendall says as he tells her 

Kelli was happy that Faith was her and she couldn't wait to see papa again 

"First you have two more baby sisters that are in the nursery so once we see papa and Faith we will take you to see your new sisters who are in the nursery waiting for you" Kendall says as he takes the three girls to go and see Logan and Faith who was in recovery right now 

Kelli looks at him like what are you talking about daddy 

"Lilia has two sisters that are in the nursery, so you have four baby sisters Kelli, so let's go see them just in case papa is nursing little Faith right now" Kendall says cause Logan was being moved from the room to the recovery room where he was going to be until he was released from the hospital  

That made Kelli really happy 

"Lila is going to be your sister so you are going to have a play mate to play with while me and papa are busy with the babies" Kendall says as he takes Kelli to the nursery to see her sister and Lila could see her sisters again 

Lila was glad to see daddy again cause she had to be taken to the waiting room when papa was having the baby cause Logan didn't want her to see him having the baby 

"I know sweetie" Kendall says as he carries Lila and Kelli walks with him while they head to the room to see Logan and little Faith 

(Logan's room)

"Okay Faith I'll feed you" he says as he brings her up to his chest and eat 

"Logan can I bring the girls in?" Kendall asks from outside the room 

As long as we have each other (revamped) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now