🔆Baby Changing Room

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Hi y'all THANK U SO MUCH FOR 1K?!! Damn. Thank you for reading my work.
Follow me if you don't already and have a good day/ night!

Niall and his family were invited to a formal annual family event and  Niall decided to take you along with him. You had already met his parents thrice  before, but were quite comfortable with them. They were nice genuine people and his folks loved you.

When Niall had told you about this, he'd mentioned how his extended family members dressed up really lavishly, for this event. Since then you'd decided that you were going to wear this formal yet fun dress, that accentuated the best parts of your body, making you feel really confident of your look.

His family was seated at the end of the hall and the two of you were sitting side by side and occasionally he'd hold your hand.

Niall's parents had gotten up to go dance with the other family members who were dancing.
He blew into his hands and rubbed his palms together. "Aren't you feeling cold y/n?"

"I am. My legs are freezing." You say as you take a big gulp of the wine you were having and finished it. He casually placed his hand on knee and rubbed it.

"Heyy Nialler. Man it's  been so long." A guy hollered and walked over to your table. Another guy was coming after him who too joined you both.  He got up and gave them side hugs.

"Hey, Jace! Hey Kyle. Yes it indeed has been. How have you been.?" He said enthusiastically and sat down.

"We've been great. I've started working and Kyle has started college." Jace said and then looked at you. "Care to introduce us to this gorgeous girl with ya?" Have continued and wiggles his eyebrows. Kyle chuckled.

You smile at Jace and put your hand forward him to shake, "I'm y/n. Nice to meet you two!"

"Girlfriend meet my brothers. And brothers meet my girlfriend." Charlie says with a lot of hand gestures.
They soon get into an animated discussion about the football game that happened the night before and you were trying to keep up but were distracted with how cold you were feeling.

Some more casual conversation takes place when the waiter comes and serves some snacks. Kyle and Jace start asking questions about it and order some more drinks.

You were going through your phone and Niall looks over at you. He stares at you for a few seconds and you could feel him looking but were typing furiously on your phone.

"You know you always  look beautiful." Niall leaned in a bit and you looked up from your phone and smiled.  "But today you just look so hot. Oh god." He gets closer and whispers in your ear. You blush and your faces are inches apart. You both look into each other's eyes.

"You've got to stop doing that." You said sternly.

"Stop doing what.?" He asks with innocence laced in his voice, his face still very close to yours. He was running his palms up and down your thigh and each time they'd go higher up.

"Stop being so innocent. You know what I'm talking about." You say with a glare.

"You mean this." He said his hand went up your thigh again and this time higher than before. You gasped & quickly squeezed your thighs shut.

"Behave. We're in public. A FAMILY FUNCTION." You whisper  shouted.

"We can always leave." He said suggestively with his eyebrows raised and small smirk making its way on his face.

"No way." You say sternly, for the second time that night. Niall laughs and tries to kiss you but you scoot away. His cousins  then turn to look at you both.

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