🔆Serendipity (A.U)

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This is an AU (alternate universe) one shot as Niall isn't a musician here.


"Okay but he's so cute, and you haven't been on a date in like forever. You should totally hit on him." You best friend gushed taking a sip of her cappuccino. You playfully roll your eyes at her.

The two of you were sitting outside your favourite cafe and discussing how single you were. Well she was. You had no issues  with your relationship status.

"I'm okay being single. I enjoy the freedom." You state.

"I'd agree if you were having fun and enjoying yourself. But all you do is sit in your room and watch romcoms all day." She retorts.

"Excuse me!? Romcoms are the best thing that's happened to mankind."

"Yeah but it's so annoying when you compare the guys you meet in the real world with the ones in the reel world." She scrunches her face in disapproval.

"Because I want a guy like that! I wanna meet someone the movie way. And fall in love that way. And have a happily ever after. But after looking at the guys these days... no thank you." You say with a lot of hand actions to emphasise your point.

"Boohoo. All that doesn't happen in real life." She says nonchalantly and rolls her eyes.

"It does. And it will. You'll see." You stick to your point. You pull out your phone and start replying to a message as you  started to pop salted peanuts into your  mouth.

"I always tell you not to do that, you may choke and die... and probably won't have your  fairytale romance... and  I won't have a maid of honour." She says.

"Oh sh-" you suddenly started to cough loudly.

You started to gasp for air and fanned your hand before your face as you struggled to catch your breath. She quickly got up and started to pat your  back to help you. But it didn't . Your  eyes had become red and tears brimmed in your eyes.

What your best friend always warned you about; happened.

People around  had started to stare while your friend frantically called for the waitress to get a glass of water.

"Oh my God. Wait." Someone suddenly shouted and ran up behind you.

You're a coughing mess and through your blurry vision you see an attractive stranger run up behind you, wrap his arms around your abdomen and thrust you upwards.

"Oh my God." You choke out and start breathing vigorously through your mouth.
You gasped again but could finally catch your breath again.

"Oh my god... I... thank you. Thank you so much." You said while breathing heavily, as you kept one hand on your stomach and the other on your throat. Your heart was pounding against your rib and your body had broken into a sweat.

"Are you alright?" He asks with his brows raised and concern. The first thing you noticed about this stranger were his eyes. Whoa.

People had gone back to doing what they were before and the attention wasn't on the three of you anymore.

"I umm... yes.. I  um...I was carelessly throwing peanuts into my mouth ... I mean....not like I'm careless or anything I was just... " You started to ramble and your cheeks turned red. But he was just a little too attractive to not stutter in front of.

Your face matched the shade of his sweater that he wore with black jeans and black shoes. His brown floppy hair were pushed back thanks to the Ray-Bans on his head.

"Well, she's trying to say thanks." Your best friend butts in for you.

"Yeah... that. Thank you." You say shyly and look away.

"Hahaha.... that's no biggie. I'm a doctor. It's kinda my duty, to save people from the silly things that they do that  can almost kill them." He said with chuckle.

"I... yeah... that was silly of me." You say sheepishly.

"Indeed. Be careful. Also you may feel like throwing up with the amount of coffee you've had and the way I pressed your stomach. So do be careful." He said politely.

"Yes.. thank you Doctor..." You trailed off as you didn't know his name.

Your friend had called the waitress for the bill while you and the attractive man stood in silence staring at each other.

"Niall. Niall Horan."

"Thank you Dr. Horan." You say graciously.

"Call me Niall, please. But in case you do anymore silly things;" he pauses and takes out a card from his back pocket.
"That doesn't involve you getting killed and if you don't  mind me being a part of it, then please feel free to use the number." Niall starts of confidently but becomes shy  by the end of his sentence.  

"Because I'd like to see someone so pretty do some pretty ridiculously stupid things." He says regaining his composure.

You bite your lip to stop the big smile that was forming on your face.

"Oh expect a call from her soon. She does stupid stuff everyday. And I have to save her. It'll give me a break!" Your best friend says with a playful roll of her eyes.

You glare at her but then avert your gaze towards Niall.
"Thank you, Niall." You smile at him.

"I hope I see you soon..."He trails off as he raises his hand to wave goodbye with a soft smile. You could feel your heart race a little.

"Y/n. That's her name." Your best friend says.

"See you soon y/n." He repeats as he stuffs his hands into his pockets and  walks away, but before smiling  at you once again.

Once he was out of sight your best friend speaks up.

"Okay, I think I suddenly believe in your 'fairytale romance theory'." She says with wide excited eyes.

Your head falls back in laughter.
"I told you stuff like this does happen.."

"So you're gonna call him right?" She asks with curious eyes.

"I'd be crazy not to!"

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